You know how in the movie The Fourth Kind the aliens were owls? Guys, what if Moloch is aliens?
>If I'm right and I'm found dead with three bullet holes in the back of the head, it wasn't a suicide
You know how in the movie The Fourth Kind the aliens were owls? Guys, what if Moloch is aliens?
Bump for spookiness
What about two bullet holes? Is that suicide?
>inb4 this thread auto sages
Moloch isn't the owl. Minerva is the owl. Moloch is the man with a bull head
They are both in on it.
So if OP spontaneously (((suicides))) he was murdered
That movie spooked me the fuck out.
This is what I think.. Minerva must be codeword for aliens.
thats spooky
tired of seeing owls everywhere
I wish they didn't have to symbolize owls. Those are awesome animals that (((they))) ruined for me.
Why couldn't they, I don't know, have used niggers instead?
>spoiler alert
Thanks a lot asshole. I was just about to watch that movie.
moloch > kek.
digits confirm.
I thought about that when all this Moloch stuff came to light. Honestly, nothing would surprise me anymore. The shit I've witnessed on this board with KEK and Moloch and everything else that goes on has convinced me, without a doubt, that egregores, thoughtforms, meme magic, etc. are all real.
On Assassin's Creed, Minerva is an alien that enslaves mankind. Coincidence?!
Minerva grant me repeating digits, show these non believers the true power of globalism.
Your kike god is not with you now, globalist! Praise KEK!
KEK has blessed me
cheerish your victory while you can, I shall be back in the next thread and steadly wait for at laest five repeating ones.
What we see as aliens today were the demons of yesterday.
So are demons really aliens, or are aliens really demons? Or are they both just figments of the imagination?
Fuck off with this shit, not even political.
/x/ is perfect for you autistic fucks
Praise Kek! globalist scum can burn...
Yeah it's interesting, perhaps someone at Ubisoft is in on it. Something else I found interesting is there are different hierarchies of the old Bavarian Illuminati. Novice --> Minerval --> Illuminated Minerval
Makes me almost wonder if the illuminati is actually real, and Hillary and Jake Sullivan are both members?
I've also been doing some investigating myself and came across some interesting papers on globalism.
One of them mentions Minervian powers, essentially countries tied closely with the globalist agenda. Apparantly the US is not considered one yet, but Bill Clinton and Obama has been pushing us closer to it.
The way I see it it's either referring to a shadow government (ie the Illuminati). Or possibly some multilateral treaty between nations/ possibly even nations and different species of ETs. Or possibly both.
>not political
so you arent aware of the emails?
Feel the bern globalists
Kek be praised
Tell me again how this isn't political...
I'm positive that there's super secret esoteric shit going on behind the scenes of our governments, whatever the name may be. The evidence just keeps piling up.
Yes I am aware.
I mean come on, alien owls? you know the quality of this board is utter trash. Read the sticky please and then kill yourself.
no space gooks are real. little slanted eyes not sure how you didnt notice it before
Great grandparents were part of the original los illuminados in Spain. I'll tell you what I've been told.
What we're seeing now as the "minervian illuminati" are an offshoot branch after the original organization broke up due to economic or ideological differences. However separate branches exist and they struggle for power even today.
please contribute to the discussion or find your favorite shill bread please
Which movie is the one where the alien screams at Julianne Moore and it breaks all the glass?
Cool, my grandparents worked for the original Nintendo in Japan
Not political.
Take it to /x/ fags, roleplay elsewhere
Interesting, do you think the elite republicans and democrats are in different branches, or the same?
Found it
Take it to /x/ fag
so your going to deny that email that the other user was kind enough to post?
k thanks. i wish you luck friend.
What if Moloch is an owl?
We must be on the right track, don't let the thread get derailed off topic.
IF the illuminati is real, they sure as hell wouldn't want the board who helped DJT win the primaries to believe in them.
take it to /x/
Cool, did they tell you how to get mew from under the truck? I'd really like to know.
Both are infiltrated by each. Minervians seem to dominate both american parties, but their stronghold is in Democrats. Honestly seems like Minervians hold much of the power in the western world but the fact that they have significant opposition they can't get rid of shows that they aren't truly in control yet.
There's another branch I've identified that is allied with
>IRA (inb4 LOOL THEY DO NUFFIN THEYRE IRRELEVANT. They have players in america and canada, I don't think they do nothing.)
>Select latin american nations
People who think the NWO is coming, and that the illuminati has total control are retarded. Multiple shadow governments exist, and they are still fighting for power.
This makes a lot of sense..
But why is Hillary's campaign so incredibly incompetent? I mean they obviously have a lot of control, but they seriously need a metric shitton of propaganda just to keep her relevant. I would expect better out of the shadow puppets.
Her campaign is being hamstringed by [[[Untitled]]]. She's not wrong that Russia is part of the group looking to fuck her over.
Keep in mind though that she's got the minervians in her corner. What her campaign lacks in political effectiveness, they make up for in media control.
Minerva is Moloch's bottom bitch.
Yes. This pleases me. Say hello to your ultimate match, Kek.
Where does the CIA fit in all this? Do you think they are on her side? Will they try to hit Trump?
shills you are paying with your souls
the Cult of Minverva/Nephys and their equivalents seek the black wooden statue of Pallas carved by Pallas Athene, believed to now be somewhere in Eastern Europe
Also what do you think this is all about?
Look at her body language. It's very spooky.
I used to dream about moving to Alaska and homesteading. This movie and Dark Skies made me paranoid to live in rural Texas.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Moloch manifests in the form of Ayy's or owls. Satan has many tricks. The good Lord didn't say anything about existing being easy, his son even preached about how hard it would be. I don't ever want to use my guns on anything but targets and wild game but if push comes to shove I'd prefer shooting Ayy's over humans.
I swear some of the illuminati architecture is so ugly.
I hope whichever branch is actually good at architecture take over.
I believe the CIA is on her side, with some moles who are pretty high up on the other side. Similar situation with the FBI but with lower minervian influence.
I do think they'll try to hit trump, through slander and trying to dig dirt on him. And perhaps an assassination attempt by an (((unstable individual))). I believe they'll be mildly successful in the former and likely unsuccessful in the latter.
What's the context of this?
I subscribe to the theory that hillary is unstable medically, and mentally. She's not fit to be a presidential puppet of this magnitude (Obama was better trained for this), but she's the best one they have at the moment. Her medical condition is hampering her ability to perform in public events, and her mental state isn't functional either.
If you study her ability to perform publicly from her early days to now, you can see a sharp decline in the past decade and a slow decline before then despite her growing influence.
I'd put the chances of her having a significant episode on live TV at about 10%. Which is still significant odds. Likely why she hasn't been hosting much.
Seriously why? They need to go back to the classics and cut out this postmodern horseshit
Here's a pic of a bronze medallion we inherited from the [[[other branch]]]. Not entirely relevant, but you can see how different this kind is when contrasted to Minervian artifacts.
The other branch is more rooted in renaissance architecture from what I've noticed. And their offspring are interested in either minimalism, or revival of such architecture.
This makes me wonder if they already tried.
Someone was protesting and she just froze up, then her security/handlers had to calm her down.
Eerie how she repeated exactly what they said.
That's pretty cool
I like the Palladian style.. I feel like that must have been linked to some type of branch.
jesus thats bad, how will she handle trump?
Why wouldn't Moloch or God or whoever be aliens? Were they created on Earth or in a cosmic time before time?
She's used to being able to kill dissenters, I imagine she's preoccupied with desire to kill that particular person. The way she becomes transfixed on someone who dares break her echo chamber is quite unnerving, not someone who I'd trust with a gun let alone a federal department. The way her handlers have to literally give her her "line" is really telling of how hard it is for her to improvise a response or even face this situation.
Her debates with trump will be quite thrilling.
That's worth looking into.
I really think she's going to do everything she can to dodge them..
image related
Seems like Palladio was big with the freemasons
Op why did you name that movie, i wanted to fucking forget it....
I've seen minervian influence in freemasons. I wonder what branches they've infiltrated.
The english seem like an odd bunch. Can't quite tell what side the crown leans to.
I can tell you though that Canada is a lapdog for its highest bidder, currently the minervians.
You think Trudeau is into the occult?
Or is he just a useful idiot for them?
From what I've read the Minervian powers are centralized in the EU, and play big roles in Canada and Japan.
Seeing as how many of his campaign staffers are pedophiles, I can see him being into occult orgies. Little boy fucking is up on the list of minervian occultism.
I imagine he's a relatively new inductee. Probably doesn't know much and is just enjoying his rise in power and hedonism. He strikes me as having been a polyamorous hipster swinger. Likely has more than a few concubines and enjoy some of that not-so-legal pussy.
He used to be your typical liberal douchebag born with a silver spoon, and an expedited education on the wonders of communism. Someone picked him up, shaved that dirty mustache off his face, cut his hair, and gave him a new script. This would be Obama's old campaign managers and those who inducted him into the cult of minerva. He didn't know how to do real politik until recently. He has embodied the definition of political puppet to its fullest, at least Hillary seems to have some agency of her own but he is truly impotent and without free will.
Crazy, I definitely believe it.
And I've looked into the whole billionaire Jeffrey Epstein thing too, probably small marbles.. but something struck me about Ghislaine Maxwell (a sex recruiter for Epstein).
She looks like she gets off on blood/torture. I can see it in her face.
Also something happened to Bernie after his speech at the dnc endorsing Hillary. He seemed pretty happy that day, and the next day looked like he realized he sold his soul to the devil.
I wonder if he's ever going to say anything, or try to stay out of the spotlight from now on?
Definitely a dom. I can imagine she likes the occult twist on blood and torture.
He was a rogue element from the start but the DNC did a good job of eliminating him from becoming a threat. However he has chipped away at their progress by shining a liberal spotlight on hillary's corruption that even some democrats won't ignore now.
He's fallen in line, but not without a struggle. I have a feeling he knows more than he lets on, probably has a lot on the corruption within the left. At the same time his would-be presidency wouldn't be without it's own corruption. Strikes me as an idealist, but is available to bending his own ideals if the ends justify the means.
What about two bullet holes?