How do we save white women?

How do we save white women?

Fix white men. Women will follow.



porn when?

Yeah but you still have the kike media to contend with

>The problem is with white males, not white females!
>Y-you just need to look inside yourself and we'll follow, guys!

Its her new account, she got banned on some other site and migrated to twitter to spam her plastic self


USA girls are fine.

you find one with a father and let the rest live their wretched lives until they die, they don't want kids so all is well.

Get the new ones

>being this much of a white knight bitch

Everyone go gay and ignore women until they became desperate slaves

You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved

Mmmmm mmm those digits are fine.

Snowbunny? Is that like redneck for white whores?

Why is it my job to save anyone? If these people want to destroy themselves why should I care?

I don't fucking know man. In this day "empowering women" is a thing. But instead of these women acting like stronger feminine WOMEN they try to act like a man in many ways. I cannot stand this and it is such a turn off. Masculinity and femininity are both sacred and both have their uses. Crossing the threshold just makes them weaker and have less use, for both sides.

Become a chad -> manipulate a woman to your will (they are malleable, it's not sinister to literally forcefeed them their fucking opinions because they don't have any)

The question is why


He's right though. Women always follow men's examples. If men weren't idiotic numale cucks, neither would women

Well, if Kek says so....




Why does all her pictures looked like they've been photos hopped.

Is this a troll account?

t. not a fag

Pic related is a scum degenerate she can die out and so can others like her if we truly want to fix white women

Can't argue with those digits

Nah their real unfortunately she's just a degenerate plastic surgery addict

>the ones having the most sex will die out

Stop glorifying sluts and stop degrading feminine strengths.

come home, white man

Is this woman a case of toxic femininity?

I'm on my way

Didn't mean to tag you mobile posting is shit enjoy the you though I guess

If you make them die out sure

What's the problem of letting her get BLACKED?

It's not like she has any value left.

Stop encouraging parasitic behavior.

Really?!? I don't know man. This shit looks fake as fuck.

Because some white guys want to stick their little white peepees between her big bimbo boobies too

Snowbunnies are skiing/snowboarding sluts


Yup really, those hearts are tattoos

It means she's a nigger lover exclusively

The offspring wouldn't be white anyway so what does it matter

stop providing for them
stop coddling them
make them learn on their own

basically the way you deal with misbehaving children

literally looks like a shop or CGI or something.

This account is probably either run by some white cuck who gets off to this shit, or she's photoshopping herself like this for some sort of project.

Either way she's a literal who and this isn't Sup Forums related in the least.

Still looks fake

derailing shill detected

I guess it's x-fold

>Make Femininity Great Again
>Ignore those who insult Femininity (radfems, left wingers, andro-niggas, feminine body shamers)
>Get women to get in shape by having men quit picking low hanging fruit, driving up the value of slobbish, undesirable women
>Have them pull their own weight, in some way by teaching them self reliance at a young age
>quit treating them like children when they are dealing with adult issues
>treat them like children when they act like children(ignore tantrums, cold shoulder when they're being ungrateful/petty/childish/argumentative)

anything else I missed?


Go back to r9k


>those teeth
>That pale translucent skin
>bags under the eyes
>cold unwavering stare
>Lack of breasts
>slouched posture

Yeah, grade A breeding material right there. America has the purest genes. U-S-A U-S-A U-S-A

Agreed. The lighting is off and shopped in a way that looks cartoonish.

Probably is a silicon surgery addict but she's shopping herself to ridiculous proportions.

We don't. We let them then themselves out on their own. Once you go black we don't want you back.

is this week 3 of your directive to avoid fapping

Holy shit, are you guys retarded, this is clearly shopped as fuck. Those lips and tits, and shading, look like emojis for fucks sake.

She thinks she would be some white African queen if she went to africa

This bitch is a coal burner that hates whites. I've been to her page before. Fake tits, fake lips, fake hair. This bitch is nasty

seriously it's not hard to be a chad. start paying attention to people. many people, especially females, are so predictable. meme magic is real. be a man. be conscious of your actions and thoughts

Upload her porn videos already, you fucko.

I still want to use her big bimbo boobs to fap

Is that Oxford sub-fusc?

Stop giving them attention for doing stupid bullshit.

yeah m8 i sware on me mum

Everyone looks fabulous in sub-fusc; it helped me get through my finals back in the day. Excellent taste, sire.

We don't save white women. Maybe just the redpilled nordic ones from northern scandinavian peninsula and iceland.

Fuck the rest they can just die.

Men should just take black women and have kids with them, just imagine superior white intelligence coupled with good black athletic bodies. The jews don't stand a chance.


Only thing niggers are good at is running.

Look at who holds all the swimming and weight lifting records for one.

You don't. Time to move on.

>tfw she is a literal no joke no games 100/10 in africa
>tfw she would be treated as a straight up white fertility godess by the majority of african tribes
>tfw ceremonial titfucks and gang bangs to bring the rains or good fortune(aka lots of cum)
>tfw all those massive pitch black cocks bouncing against big silicone filled white tits

You let western civilization collapse which will make them dependent on men and generally speaking African Americans are not reliable

Are you cut all welfare benefits for single mothers which will almost never happen due to the fact that most people do politics with their feelings not their brains so we are doomed

>romania complaining about white women

Not going to lie pretty hot

99.9% of these types of accounts are bots run by niggers or cucks.

They use these bots to try to promote BMWW, and make it appear lots of white women are into niggers.

There are tumblr accounts which are made to identify very attractive white women, these Tumblr accounts have all the womens contact information on them. Their twitter, facebook, youtube account, work email, home email, etc. sometimes even phone number.

They then get niggers and cucks to flood these women with IR porn for weeks/months/years to try to implant the idea of niggers as sexual superior & white men as inferior.

I kid you not, there are a ton of tumblrs like this. They are all linked to each other, and run by the same people, presumably.

This ones real, but your right about those "fake accounts" their not really bots just cucks

This. I'm a man and looking at the poor leadership of western men (whore mongers, dense, unable to communicate, withdrawn from society) I can't blame lost and coal burning women.


It's too late

Were you friends with Fraser?

>How do we save white women?

You dont save them. You let them rot which in turn redpills the younger generation

don't save them

they don't want to be saved

>their not really bots just cucks

There are plenty of bots, they all retweet each other, tweet exactly the same things, and many of them have thousands of fake followers.

>their not really bots just cucks

There are plenty of bots, they all retweet each other, tweet exactly the same things, and many of them have thousands of fake followers.

I look at it like eugenics and the white race going through evolution. We have been too cucky and trusting of other races, and now all of the race traitors and hardcore lefties will either mix race or not breed.

Meanwhile conservatives with a respect for their history and heritage will have lots of kids.

There are plenty of bots, they all retweet each other, tweet exactly the same things, and many of them have thousands of fake followers.

This particular account is run by OP, he has been shilling on Sup Forums for quite awhile.

Become cuckolds and let them have all the bbc on the side they want.

White adult male here.
Own my own successful business
Qualified tradesman
Want to start a family
Own 3 homes in Australia- 1 outright
29 years old

If I am out for dinner with a woman, what possible reasoning is there to bring up the struggle of women against the patriarchy on a dinner date AFTER being quizzed on how much I earn a year?
Don't bother answering it's a rhetorical question.
Your post gets the same reaction from me, I just roll my eyes.

There may be fucked men out there but there's just as many fucked women, who can't follow because they have zero idea of what is good for them.

>There may be fucked men out there but there's just as many fucked women
It's multigenerational though. First wave in early 1900s showed chicks smoking. In second wave in early 60s whores were used to turn baby boomer men into pussy crazed underdeveloped children. They started knocking chicks up and bailing setting up families like franchises. That hurt women and now their daughters are the gen x/millenial angry whores.

just when I thought Poland couldn't get any better.

Drumpf supporters BTFO! How will they ever recover?!

jfc nigga you must really want some revenge against this chick you post it all the fuckin time