Does Sup Forums take issue with legal immigrants?

Does Sup Forums take issue with legal immigrants?

somalians yes.

"jewish anti white agenda" whatever. How do you put people in the hot ass desert in minnesota and idaho? why not florida? Are you trying to create eskimo somalis? It just doesn't register with me.

Only white immigrants allowed

No one likes shit skins or blacks from some hell hole leaching off the government. No one likes visa employees taking American jobs. Everything else is fine whatever

Also pol/ is one person

If they integrate and contribute to society no.

No, provided they and native born citizens are given the same opportunities and fair treatment by the law and if they fuck up and commit a major crime they get sent back to serve their sentence in their home country instead of over here.

Is it fair to say the majority of Sup Forums shares 90%+ of it's views with stormfront or the kkk?

Yes. Immigrants will keep their original nationality forever. For example, I could go to Iceland hoping to have a better life, but I would still consider my birthplace to be my homeland no matter what. To that extent, I would favor my homeland before my new country. In that sense, no immigrant can truly be patriotic towards their new country and seek to help it acheive greater glory.

The best they will do will always be for personal benefits, as they left their original country for thay specific reason.

Immigrants can make a country greater, but not willingly, or at least if they don't benefit directly from it.

Therefore, fuck immigrants.

If the legality is legit, i.e. not "economic refugees", then no. Why would anyone hate a citizen who broke no laws coming into your country?

Yes if they are too many. The ideal immigrant percentage in a nation is around 2% imo

That is what America is about. If you legally migrate and integrate you are as good as everyone else with the only exception that you can't be president. Lots of legal immigrants have more respect for america than people born into it since they know what life not being an american is like.

In general it makes sense to for some free movement of peoples. That said, the U.S. has a horrific infrastructure situation. Most of our cities look like bombed out Bosnian shitholes (pic related, New Jersey) with terrible traffic, and shit water (Flint). We need to have like a 25-40 year moratorium on immigration to build new infrastructure. Maybe even a "green economy" the libs have such a hard on for. This was already done once from 1924-1965.

Asians wiafus can stay the rest can gtfo

depends if the government listens to people in terms of the quotas. If they consistently let in more people than natives are comforable with it's also a problem.

Not necessarily, however there is a glut of them at the moment

Fuck no.

They are alright, they did the paperwork

Ideally there should be none. But its not realistic, regular nationalism is fine. White nationalism can come later.

More like 50%, less during summer. Most here are occasional visitors and freuent other boards

that's just a meme. also we're going with "triple k" to attract a younger demo.

If they assimilate and are productive they're cool in my view.


Yes. They all need to go back

It's not fair to say that.
You'd need some rather tight proof.

Pretty much. get out nigger

Is their skin some shade of brown or black?

If yes, then yes I do.

Everyone is so focused on illegal vs native vs legal.

I don't care.

No brown people.

Holy reddit

As long as they aren't being lazy fucks and actually contributing to society no.

It depends on where these immigrants are coming from. Are they coming from..

Africa? Anywhere in Africa? Yes, problem.
The Middle East? Yes, problem.
Europe? No, no problems.
Northeast Asia? No, no problems.
India? Maybe.. I never lived near Indians

>India? Maybe.. I never lived near Indians

Only the best ones make it to the US so they seem okay here.

Then you travel to Europe (where they get the worse ones) and you realize they're bad.

Then you read about India and realize they're really bad.

i live in new jersey, i believe indians are the biggest migrant group here. i've never had any problems with them, they're alright.

You need to return your immigration policy to the way it was before.

The US is biased against white Europeans moving there, you let in much more spics and niggers now.