I don't want a race war, Muslims are so much better at being brutal subhumans than Europeans, we would loose.
Germany and Sweden are beyond salvation, of course, but you could wall them off.
Is it still probable that the Kebap question in Europe can be solved politically?
>Muslims are so much better at being brutal subhumans than Europeans
Wait until our murder genes get reactivated, we are going to go full Serbia on those sandniggers
>Wait until our murder genes get reactivated
is this the hot new meme?
Didn't belgians eat niggers during their colonialism? I mean slaughtering some dumb Herero nig nogs is fun, but eating them?
That's messed up man
no, I fear we have reached a point of no return (aahyeaaah Kansas).
I don't fear muslims to take over Europe but we embrace the fact that we will see shootings on the streets and possibly trains filled with muslims deporting them
No. You'd have to change the laws because not every muslim is recent migrant. Countries like France or Germany were taking turks and north africans for decades now and lot of them have citizenship already, or even been born there. Only some extreme event could lead to that.
If you'd get politicians with enough balls, you could deport all recent shitskins though, because there're in Europe basically illegaly since they lose refugee status the moment they leave first country that is not torn by war they move to from their flaming shithole, and most of them aren't even from countries which has real, recognized war.
Europe has physical and technological ability to get rid of even all muslims because civilized world has resources, technology, established police and intelligence services, army and other stuff, but there is no political will for that. If we had extreme politicians, we could pack equivalent of dozens, if not hundreds of those shitty boats they come to Europe on, on our supertankers and drop them somewhere in the middle east or africa. Maybe even on ISIS territory or no man's land somewhere near the front to avoid direct political pressure, at least partially.
Also don't be afraid of war. Firstly, shitskins are numerous mainly in capitals and other big cities. Most of Europe is still white. Secondly, muslims are absolutely shit at warfare and cowards in general. Fucking Israel surrounded by goatfuckers easily pushes them like they want alone, and remember interviews or posts of syrian posters: many syrians fleed to Turkey to avoid draft or whatever. We've already seen vids of syrian women complaining that these rats are running away, leaving women and childreen behind. The moment race war would start, which I doubt it will, mudshits will start running away to european countries not being at war and maybe somehow try to get "asylum" in USA or Canada. Sand niggers can be easily beaten, but you have to scratch some of rules in our own rulebook.
>Secondly, muslims are absolutely shit at warfare and cowards in general
Yes, pretty much this. Without showing in Hordes of 10 vs 1 they never fight, not to mention that those Shitskins never receive any backlash for their actions, they will be in for a rude awakening
>Didn't belgians eat niggers during their colonialism?
Who the fuck told you that Hans?
> solved politically?
Remove gibs me dats, stricter laws like in switzerland. Probably 10% of the muslim immigrants will stay, the rest will fuck off to where they came from.
You just have to find someone that has the balls....
Problem is not only the Muslims but also the enablers, i.e. leftist judges in court who grant Rassenbonus and German "rapefugees welcome"-yellers who could have some sense knocked into them (with a bat and imprisonment).
Problem here is Hofer will eventually make Austria great again, but your country, consisting only of leftards, Muslims and massive cuckolds, is part of the problem.
Here is proof. Bottom right it says: The Belgian colonizes like this.
Shit you are right. Ok purging everything it is. Hopefully civil war after I finished my PhD. Interestingly enough, that will be directly after our next elextions in 2017.
Getting hard even thinking about it.
When you're making Austria great again annex Steiermark please, thanks.
you are still my exit plan for when things continue going to shit here.
How easy would it be to settle in Maribor area, given some funds and decent education?
The problem is they will fuck off to another EU country, not to where they came from.
> tfw after years of police turning a blind eye on testosterone driven BMW Turks making commute insanely dangerous for anyone, drug dealers operating in broad daylight, aggressive Muslim beggars and of course anarchists defacing the city we now have Turk riots because Kern said REEEEEEEE when asked about the Turkey-Visa-Deal
No matter how bad it is at your place, there is always Vienna.
Very easy. What kind of education?
>Muslims are so much better at being brutal subhumans than Europeans
That's only because we haven't stooped to their level yet.
If there actually ever is a race war and all sandniggers are fair game, it would be over pretty quickly.
Is a state-sponsored genocide considered political?
Probable, no.
Possible, yes.
No it can only be solved with garlic suace
No. Coordinates are set for civil war
>Muslims are so much better at being brutal subhumans than Europeans, we would loose.
Don't know if you trying to be edgy, if you are a loser, or just stupid.
We are for more capable of rivers of blood than those stupid fucking sandnigger goatfucking pedos could ever dream about.
There are reasons those subhuman shits were booted out of Europe, several times.
And annex us too please. I'd rather have Germany ruled from Vienna than by Merkel.
I just can't see myself burning people alive, savagely raping women and cutting people's balls of and making them eat them. Don't know what's edgy about that.
No. But you don't need this for victory. You have to be good at killing people not at being a savage. There are clean ways that still are effective.
>I don't want a race war
What are you, a girl from tumblr?
Glad I am Italian.
We aren't defeatist faggots. Every pale skin person I meet is a huge cuck faggot.
Us naturally tan people are savage enough to save you though. If you ask..
I just want them out of here, IF a race war is the only way to do it so be it, but I don't want one.
Notice the lack of negros in the first panel.
That's how it's done.
>burning people alive, savagely raping women and cutting people's balls of
You do that in their countries, not yours.
Here it is just eliminating them.
als ob bei euch weniger sind.
For starters they don't get citizenship just by breeding here.
I used to think like that, but the longer this goes on the more I'd like to see some eye for an eye. Or more like eye for a head so that they learn their lesson.
Think of it long term: the more scared these people are the less likely they are to try to come back in the future. After all, would you consider moving to the Middle East?
Just remove social transfers. Limit them to 3 months after losing a job and to a couple of hundred € MAX. That's the easiest way yo get rid of them. Look at us. 200€ gibs. No shitskins.
You don't have to do all that, you just put them into a shower. I'm sure you Austrians are experts at this
Muslims are like rats. If they think they have the upper hand, they get brutal and vicious. If you stomp on them, they immediately fold and flee like the rats they are
You are not talking to a Fritz, you are talking to an antifa!
Europeans united to a common goal can never be defeated. The reason why the 1,5 billion Muslims in this world are trying to sneak in as rapefugees instead of going straight to war is because they know 500 million Europeans can slaughter them at will.
>The reason why the 1,5 billion Muslims in this world are trying to sneak in as rapefugees instead of going straight to war is because they know 500 million Europeans can slaughter them at will.
no, it's because they can get free housing, money, bitches and can act as they please with next to no repercussions