Whats that phrase that you hear from someone and instantly trash their opinion?
>i believe in free speech but
Whats that phrase that you hear from someone and instantly trash their opinion?
>i believe in free speech but
>I'm not a racist, but
>"Well, we may have some differences, but can't we just agree that-"
No. NO we can't agree on that. Stop trying to trick me into agreeing with your bullshit through a civility bait and switch!
>I mean, cmon it's 2016
What pisses me off is they say it like mindless drones, it doesn't add any validity to their argument
>Shooting in Sydney
>comments on news article saying how we need to a total ban on guns
>comment has heaps of likes
I really wonder what people think making something doubly illegal will do, make those already getting it illegally stop?
>cmon its 2016 why arent you blowing your dog
its amazing how this can be used to justify almost anything, its amazing ability to make you feel outdated and behind the times making you want to conform or forever be a weirdo even if it is for something ridiculous.
Fuck off cunt, it's 2016
It's time to meme humanity to death.
"this thought process deconstructs when..."
Who says that? I've never heard this one.
This is actually the biggest thing that makes me disregard somebodies opinion.
First, I'm a Sup Forums poster, and you're walking on eggshells trying not to offend me. You have alterady fucked up, know your audience.
Second, this is a guarantee you aren't going to say what you actually believe but a watered down version.
Third, starting off what you say with a disclaimer makes you a giant faggot.
I do this occasionally. What exactly is your problem with it?
Usually I use this technique when it's clear I have irreconcilable differences with somebody, but also agree with them on other points. I tend to use it often in arguments where both sides have their viewpoints heavily shaped by life experiences.
It's less about trying to trick somebody into agreeing with me, and more about trying to find some common ground and respect for each-other, and acknowledging that further arguing is pointless because we're at an impasse. I'm trying to say when I say this, lets not focus on the fact be have differences of opinion, lets treat each-other as friends that agree about most things but have a few differences of opinion.
Like I'm legitimately surprised somebody hates this so much, I genuinely thought saying something like this WAS trying to be civil. I'm a naturally argumentative perso, that's why I'm on Sup Forums, and saying we SHOULDN'T argue is an exceptional effort for me.
"That's not who we are."
anything containing the words tolerant, progressive, enrichment, diverse, or acceptance.
"This is *country*" is another variation of this that has seemed to fall out of style.
As in "X? Fuck that, this is America!"
"Not helping the poor? Fuck that, this is America!"
"Socialism? Fuck that, this is America!"
"Being against immigrants? Fuck that, this is America!"
"Giving our jobs to foreigners? Fuck that, this is America!"
Literally can be used to argue anything.
Whenever someone cites logical fallacies.
Yeah, they've stickied on Sup Forums for a long time now, but this isn't some well-structured debating ground. This is a fucking imageboard full of memes so I won't subscribe to your Ivy league bullshit rules.
This. And "rhetoric".
And when someone starts a sentence with "Indeed, blah blah blah..."
"If you've got nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"
"You're either with us, or against us"
I hate them so much I've memorized responses.
"If I've got nothing to hide, you have no reason to search. If you're paranoid enough that you don't trust me, why should I trust you to look through my stuff?"
"That's what bush said before we started a war in Iraq"
>lets not focus on the fact be have differences of opinion, lets treat each-other as friends that agree about most things but have a few differences of opinion.
That's why. Its an attempt to frame the debate as us having minor disagreements but otherwise share similiar worldviews. And yet almost every time someone uses this statement, its when we're discussing a matter of great divergence.
If you and I are fundamentally in disagreement, then I am not going to pretend like we're discussing our favorite choices in restaurant or some other trivial horseshit. I am going to act like we are in fundamental disagreement, even if I have no intention of acting like an asshole.
>Yeah, I'm from Australia, but hear me out
way to make my opinion never matter again moot you fuck
>"If you've got nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"
has there ever a quote that is more bitch made than this? it amazes me the shit people will put up with
>institutionalized X
Everything has to be one massive conspiracy to these faggots. There has to be some plot all of society is in on when a woman gets raped or a le gets bashed.
Is it really so hard to accept that some people are just cunts? And thats all there is to it?
*leb gets bashed
We shouldn't have bombed Japan
Anything with the words "racist" or "privilege" in it.
>flags are boring
"I support the second amendment, BUT..."
"As a mother..."
>Consider the following
"People who are called racist are slandered, and privilege is made up."
>Glass ceiling
>institutional racism
>class struggle
>star wars
Especially the last one its like people have a physical malady keeping them from writing or pronouncing"truth" or "fact"
>I'm not a racist but
>*offensive racial remark*
I ignore most Sup Forums faggots. Throw yourselves off a building
I'm not racist but you're a fucking leaf.
>only Sup Forums has racists
Insta-trashed. To me it's my least favorite buzzword the left uses because it's the most general and the most overused. It applies to everything they don't like
>"You don't like same-sex marriage? Homophobic bigot!"
>"You don't support Black Lives Matter? Racist bigot!"
>"You don't support bringing in refugees? Islamophobic bigot!"
>"You don't like the new Ghostbusters? Misogynist bigot!"
>"You don't support transgender bathrooms? Transphobic bigot!"
Any word ending in "-ist" or "phobic".
>Make America great again
>It's about time we had a woman president
And Allahu Ackbar to you too, fellow Muslim.
>And Allahu Ackbar to you too, fellow Muslim.
See you at the Capitol :^)
I can see that, but I haven't met anybody with a radically different worldview from me.
I think at heart I'm really a very very strong nihilist. I don't really believe there are one set of beliefs that are just the best, and if society followed them, society would just be fantastic. I believe that people choose their worldviews mostly based on convenience, whatever worldview works best for them, and if their life changes in a way that makes their worldview not work anymore, they'll change their worldview. I believe beliefs should mostly be judged on their ability to help people accomplish what they want to accomplish in a given situation. I don't really fuss much about what goals and accomplishments are worth striving for.
Like I legitimately don't understand people are are all serious, "look, I may not be an asshole to you, but we are in fundamental disagreement". Like what the hell is a matter of great divergence? I've never really fucking understood this identity politics shit. I say this shit because people get mad as hell when I have a different opinion and I'm trying to soothe them because they're acting like babies.
>almost every time someone uses this statement, its when we're discussing a matter of great divergence.
Last time this statement came up, to give you an example of what I'm thinking, is when I was arguing about Canadas military intervention against ISIS, and somebody I was arguing with argued in favor of training moderate beheaders, and I argued in favor of bombing ISIS alone. Their argument was that direct military intervention lead to Iraq/Afghanistan, I said an attempt to overthrow governments led to Iraq/Afghanistan. I pointed out after the argument became endless that we both ultimately were trying to prevent the mistakes in iraq/afghanistan, and both of us shared the same concern about intervention making things worse, but disagreed on what the best option was.
why am i so damn scared
>Anything that's Nazi
>Any positive mention of DRUMPF, eww
>Anything that's racist
>Any phrase that hurts my feelings
>Any phrase that tries to refute the ultimate proof that Whites are born as nigger babies, but bleached at birth and that WE WUZ KANGZ
>Thank you good sir/kind sir/gentle sir.
I'm so thankful that this is almost dead, but I occasionally hear/read younger people say it.
or, more politically,
>Let's agree to disagree
No. You just lost the argument. You don't get to end it that way.
we didn't need to at all, they literally already surrendered