Colbert is doing a week of shows in Russia. Will it be cringekino?
Colbert is doing a week of shows in Russia. Will it be cringekino?
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Damage Kinotrol
Seven shows!
he might get killed
How many is that?
Six too much! Maybe enough for a faggot
I hope Colbert gets killed or he assassinates Edward Snowden.
Drumpf is going to get BTFO so hard that he will literally never recover
>Russia narrative gets BTFO
>Colbert still tries to capitalize on it
WTF I agree with Anita Sarkeesian?
(She calls Colbert's joke homophobic)
He already filmed all the episodes in Russia and has returned. They are now going to air.
Do you people not know how television works? This is the Sup Forums board?
hi anita
don't shill your dying, irrelevant trash here, thanks
thanks for the harrassment, bigot.
is this the new /dhg/
Well, late show talk shows used to be filmed only 1-2 days in advance so they can still be topical in the monologue. I guess they don't have to do that anymore since they've been talking about the same shit for the last couple of months anyway.
I never understood the whole BLOMPF meme. I mean, Colbert is clearly butthurt over Trump, but he never even says Drumpf or yells. He and liberals like him act smug when they are talking about Trump, so this meme always seemed like the collective butthurt of the kekistan right trying to force a narrative of impotent rage that they themselves most likely feel.
Maybe I'm too old for this shit.
He filmed remote bits in Russia, he's still doing the regular show otherwise in NYC
Or may you're just a redditor with that spacing.
in the postmodern age there is no absolute truth, only memes
Maybe you just can't deal with so many people shitting on something you used to feel cool for liking.
>ruined everything
I for the life of me can't imagine what Colbert is like doing remotes. He's not funny or charismatic like Conan and he has a very clear contempt for the unwashed masses, he has no interest in different cultures or doing funny local activities either. Is he just going to walk around the millionaire area of Moscow with a translator and ask people on the streets what they think of Trump and Putin?
>he doesn't know what reddit spacing is
reddit spacing is when you put a needless space between each sentence or every few sentences.
Kind of like this.
So now you know, redditor.
>assuming I like Colbert
My entire exposure to him since the colbert show have been Sup Forums memes. Do you actually have cable user?
if Russia was 1/2 as bad and evil as Colbert says it is, he would have never been allowed to live it alive
>let's check out what the alt right pussies on Sup Forums are crying about tonight
>same thing they cry about every night
>I'm too old for this shit
>Man I'm so withered and hardened to the pains of life all because of this weeb image board
It's just a dumb joke, there's no need to be so melodramatic about it. I think the butthurt ones are the Sup Forumstards and Redditors who spam these threads with statistics. The BLUUMFK posters are just having nonsensical fun.
>Do you actually have cable user?
I haven't watched cable for years. He was pretty popular here before the last election cycle though, while the Colbert Report was still running.
I've never liked him so I enjoy seeing him lampooned now.
theres never been absolute truth, always only memes
the meme wars just made this more accepted. no longer is the truth king. persuasion is king.
the only person I see crying ITT is you though. Everyone else is just laughing at Colbert.
All cringe will be edited out
I'll lay it out for you gramps
>Colbert focuses on Trump
>Ratings go up
>His show gets pushed around
>The only clips that go viral are his Trump bits
>People joke hes going crazy
>He does a couple segments about non newsworthy content
>Two scoops being the most meme worthy
>The denizens of Sup Forums make fun of him because its funny, and Sup Forumstards from each side if the spectrum come into these threads to yell at each other while everyone else gets a gigle by posting ZLOOMPH MUST PAY FOR THIS
One 'running gag' throughout the whole russia week will be Colbert asking his different hosts what they think about Trump and them giving awkward funny answers, to which Colbert will follow up with a version of 'yeah he's your own president after all'
and lots of wodka jokes
>alt right pussies
yes because the only way to not be a pussy is to be a literal diaper wearing cuckold
Kek he looks so uneasy.
He probably hates niggers more than Sup Forums.
>2 scoops
this was after the grompf meme though m8
Hopefully he gets shot.
his body language reveals utter disgust in that pic....
upper body directed away from the nig, while the nig is facing towards him with a genuine happy smile exposing the teeth.....
Colberts smile is forced and closed (corner of mouth having the disgusted wrinkle)....
Left arm positioned between him and the darkie savage like a shield to protect him....
Legs crossed in closed and defensive position (fear of sexual abusal from the BBC)...
'Brofist' barely even extending toward the nignog, fearing the subhuman could bite his arm off, Colbert would rather just give him a finger to touch to minimize the risk (resembling Michelangelo's touch of God).....
His eyes being glazy and looking into the camera like a silent scream for help, refusing to lay his eyes upon the happy descendant of west indian slaves.....
>Legs crossed in closed and defensive position
imagine if your mom read this
>persuasion is king.
That's called propaganda in real world
>persuasion isnt a word in the real world
Imagine if your Great-Grandmother read this
Confirming that the country isn't really dangerous. Great idea, dipshit.
war with russia when?
holy fuck they escorted him to make sure nothing happened to him its like fucking some sort of dystopia
picrelated, Colbert on russian late night program, checking nervously for russian snipers on the balcony.
It would have been funny though if they arrested him ans extradited him to north korea, warmbier style
>22 years old
get ready for the reveal, colbert was the russian hacker this whole time.