Sup Forumss perfect government

What is you're idea of a perfect government Sup Forums??.

Memetic fascito-nationalism

kill everyone. no gov needed anymore.


I like this idea.

One where I have complete authority over everything.

Like the brits but better and american

get killed if you arent on the right

perfect coutnry
also give gun 2 everyone so we can kill ourselves

One with no kikes it it. From there we can sort out the rest of the details easily.

There is no such thing as a perfect government.
All systems of power can be usurped, misused, and corrupted.
The "perfect" government is one that gets demolished and rebuilt every 100 years or so in order to clean out the trash that builds up.

What did he mean by this?

Ethnic citizenship.
When non-nationals become criminal, the whole familiy gets deported .... or executed.

Everyone should stop caring, literally, and do whatever comes to their mind first.

1 Prime Minister/President
8 Premiers (6 states, 2 territories) (reports direct to the top leader)
States are broken up into local council areas (reports to the Premier)

That's it.

Fallout Tier Tribalism/Psuedo-Religious Society

Constitutional Militaristic Federal Republic

Every government not this is no worth considering.

Anarcho-Tribalist Nationalist Capitalism.
Sounds like all the shit on Sup Forums smashed into one pile of dysfunctional diarrhea.

None at all

Islamic Authoritarian Communist Empire of Planet Earth


Yerp. Nobody can decide what's best for me better than I can.

Nat Soc

Roman Republic

Anarchy is best.

One person gets a stick. That is all.

Why user??.

fascistic Militant Platonism
or something like it

minimum government control
free market
no welfare
muh guns
muh weed
muh steroids
islam banned
gommunism too

nationalist with strong authority
has to eliminate the degenerates



A government where im in charge.
It wouldnt be perfect for everyone, just me

Business owners
Army chiefs

Unlike our set of corrupted politicians.

A democratic Republic.

it would be better if women were slaves desu

This but without a party system, just a single state with internal elections based on merit and reputation.

Roach out

Enlightened despotism and I'm not joking. Even proponents for democracy think so. It's the only way to get shit done without retards dragging things down because you need to convince them first.

The problem is that enlightened despotism or technocracy is only as good as the people you put in charge. History has examples of amazing leaders, but obviously the better part are stupid or can't handle absolute power, or are just meandering do-nothing hedonists.

I guess it's a good argument for putting a sufficiently advanced AI in charge.

>Democratic Republic
I owe you a kek.


National Capitalism