You rage, you lose.
Post examples of Western Society failing from lack of adherence to traditional values.
You rage, you lose.
Post examples of Western Society failing from lack of adherence to traditional values.
thanks for the thread. this one's for you
(from the proudtobe bullshit)
Are you the same Japanese user who's dumped a lot of images (like 30-40 at a time) on threads like this before?
probably. i have a large collection. i'm from the thread right before this one, anyway. you enjoy?
I enjoy it! I've always noticed a Japanese user posting in YRYL threads with Tumblr stuff.
This one can't be real.
At least the Wife's Son part.
a classic
glad to hear it :)
yeah that part looks shopped; but the rest looks real (unfortunately)
Oh come on this is almost certainly ironic
Even if it isn't, he has a valid point.
I wouldn't doubt it's real
Jesus Christ
wife's son is shopped, I've seen a few shops
>quadruple amputee
>shoots himself
What are the logistics of that?
wow, that was super gay and this is coming from a man who fucks dudes
yeah i included that one just for laughs. i /hope/ no one is that un-self-aware anyway
>tfw they all got btfo later
>now they will get btfo again after they settled for clinton
I'm not even mad anymore. Just sad.
>you were born just in time to witness the collapse of western culture
congrats Canada!
Amputees get pretty dexterous with their prothetics.
>you will never be able to vacation in a safe, SJW free Canada again
Come on, that's hilarious. How is that rage-inducing at all?
some of these are prolly Sup Forums plants unfortunately...
Fuck you m8 I lost hard
I really dislike when they try to throw around "sophisticated" vocabulary that doesn't actually have any meaning to try and sound more intelligent. This guy sounds like a pretentious asshat, and that's before you even analyze the actual substance of what he's babbling about.
>fuck I'm triggered
i fucking hate reading "debates" and "arguments" like these fucking ones...they just ignore actual facts and stick with their own opinion...
feels bad man
That kid never had a chance.
>tfw you want to say you don't understand.
>tfw you do.
this kills my heart
Delete this
yeah that's one of the biggest reasons i can't stand reddit...they have that kind of psuedointellectual feel whenever you read their shitty jokes and explanations and shit
ya man...all in kindergarten. i'm calling future school shooter :(
>I don't know. I've never done this before
perfect summary of the bernie campaign
>the burdened
Man, niggers are the worst but they can be fucking hilarious.
The whole paragraph he put in at the end had no final statement just random shit wtf.
I realize a lot of these people become reporters and just use vocab like that to sound condescending
manly,fucking tears. Of rage!
at least there's that one guy in the comments "you better spend it on your kids"
that guy gives me hope
Jesus Christ. What a terrifying progressive dictatorship that would. And people are worried about Trump as president?
I hope the current generation grows up before our elders die. Otherwise I hold no hope for the future of America
delete this
>girls aren't playing with legos!
>boys shouldn't play with legos then!
>this should fix the problem
She's limiting the growth of the boys because the girls aren't doing as well?
What the fuck, that's the opposite of the approach you should take holy shit.
This is crabs in a barrel tier.
yeah. they never take a step back and actually think...
That's some serious double think going on there
Also, nice trips
>when its better to be an immigrant than a citizen
cute doggo; thanks. i needed that.
>I'm being a retard and I'm going to try to disguise the fact by throwing out big, made-up words
lol isn't equality supposed to be the point of feminism??
Haha. Fuck.
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
>i had to go take a walk outside
i had to go take a walk outside
the comments on his page are pretty funny.
fucking "activists"
Kindergarteners cannot read yet. You could give a 5-6 year old a sign saying "I'm a turd" and they would display it proudly.
Also, if a 2nd grader influences you politically, don't vote. 2nd grade is about 8, that's still early childhood. Kids don't even play games with rules until about 9.
I'm an early childhood educator.
I actually met someone like that IRL. My home city has a very ancient cathedral as it's centre piece and some student once unironically called for it to be demolished and replaced with a "multicultural education centre". The local university isn't a exactly an easy one to get into either, he was supposed to be clever.
I lost
they can't read? what age to kids start to read? i read my first book when i was 3..i thought it was around then; 3 or 4...
>go to the video
>still more dislikes than likes
>look for comments
>comments disabled
>my hands started shaking
I do t get how seeing dislikes on a YouTube video could effect someone that much.
Wow that girl was never European in the first place
>mfw the 'served' in 'well served' looks almost exactly like 'jewed'
"multicultural education center"
fuck that shit
yeah god forbid people express dissent...
yeah i'm not sure why all these leftists' hands always start shaking at the littlest shit
>infiltrate my gender
why is she denying trannies?
Can these dumb longass facebook or whatever posts stop? They're not entertaining and not remotely rage inducing.
The sad thing is scientists and psychologists have all agreed that on average about 90% of homos are pederasts as well. And yet they still let them near kids.
don't read em then
more degeneracy
War. We need war.
Best thing they are suited for is entertainment.