What was his fucking problem?
13 Reasons Why
Zack and Justin did nothing wrong
>you will never be chad
why bother
>"And remember kids, the best way to get back at those who have wronged you and leave a lasting impact on them is to kill yourself"
Do you think they went too far with this line?
Zack literally did nothing wrong, he shouldn't have even been on the tapes. Justin was an asshole though
hm, seems like you missed that one of Hannah's character flaws was the inability to come clean about her problems and feelings in person
Why was he on the tapes
I know people throw around the "did nothing wrong" meme, but it's literally true for him
>"If I kill myself, everyone will finally take me seriously"
A little heavy handed on that line, I think.
Yeah, it made her completely unsympathetic. Half of her problems could have been solved if she had just fucking communicated and made smarter choices. Fucking stupid bitch, I was actively waiting for her suicide scene three episodes in.
Everybody has flaws. Sorry she isn't a Mary Sue.
ow the edge!
Sure, but her flaws made her totally unlikeable, and that's terrible for a protagonist. And yes, Hannah is the main character, the whole story revolves around her. Clay is just the audience insert, point of view character.
>if I call him edgy it'll invalidate what he's saying!
It's past your bed time
ouch, 2edgy4me
I don't think likeabity is the point of her character. This is not an action-adventure movie.
This is about empathy for Hannah's struggles. Empathy for her parents as well, which was done well.
>her parents reaction during her suicide scene
jesus christ I still get chills thinking about it
He published her gay little poem and that gave her the fantods
>be an attractive chad
>have to rape girls to get laid like some nerd loser
what did they mean by this?
It wasn't an issue of being able to get laid. He just fucked whoever he wanted.
Dumb sluts getting in his jacuzzi in a bikini asking to be dicked
Cock too big
cause he's a faggot, duh
You really watched that show? The jews really did a trick on you.
He never got the tapes
It's called "filler."
>Everybody in this town is an asshole
The school counselor was right btw. She makes him to be some pro-rape jerk, but if she or the other girl didn't want to press charges. There is nothing he can do.
Gay budget Bruno Mars was one of the best characters in that series.
My boy Alex too