Credit & millenials

why is my generation (millennials) so fucking shitty when it comes to having a credit history? i always see the "muh debit card" arguments, but are you really going to buy a car/home on a debit card? Why are the people in my generation so short-sighted? One guy from high school was swearing up and down that he will never have credit cards and will always buy things with cash. this is until he got kicked out of his parents house, could barely find a place to live in some shit neighborhood, and got a car loan with a 14% APR. all because he had no credit.

but yeah goys... aaahrmmm, guys (sorry), just use debit cards.

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You don't have to pay interest on debit card. That's why.

You don't have interest on a credit card if you pay your bill to zero every month you poor nigger.

You don't have to pay any interest on a credit card either you retarded fucking nigger.

Don't know why people don't understand this shit. My credit is as immaculate as it could be at my age and it was all from paying off small sums

having a good credit rating really just means that you are a good goy.

No, the true good goys are the idiots who use their debit cards and leave their money in a 0.00001% interest checking account and pay full price for their purchases.

Hah, yeah, they all say that. Enjoy living beyond your means and buying stuff that you otherwise would not if you had to pay cash. Meanwhile, I'll continue to use cash and my local Credit Union debit card.

>I can't imagine myself having any self control so no one else has it either

I tell everyone to at least apply for a credit card, and when they get it, if they truly don't want to use it, then cut it up immediately.

My credit isn't the best at the moment but wills shoot back up after i get back from vegas next month and pay shit off.

Fuckin right!? I pay that shit to zero every month. Why? Cause I was gonna buy that stuff anyways and I never over extend my financial situation. Oh and BTW, if you get your debit card stolen and purchases are made on it you gotta fight the bank to get your money back. On a credit card you dispute it and don't have to pay for it. The risks for using a debit card are substantially higher than a credit card.

Is there a nice way for someone with only a small bit of credit history (around 7-8 months on a small subsidized federal loan in deferment) to build up their score without using one of those babbies-first-credit-cards that are secured with a cash deposit?

Or, you know, treat the credit card as a debit card. Don't spend money you don't have you cuck.

What do I risk if I only have very little money in my checking and most is in savings? Very little. Meanwhile, you can make large purchases on money that is not yours and it will go through. If you try to swipe my debit card for anything over $100, it will be DECLINED.

heheheh.. yea i wonder (((why)))

>use a credit card
>don't spend money that you don't have
Are you for real? You are spending some goldbergs money and paying him a ton of interest. Wake up.

Good thing I'm not an idiot with no self control.

I don't even care about my credit score and checked it for this thread and it's 762. Fight me tryhard faggots.

I like the situation to be honest.

I want the millenials to try their hardest to check-out on credit so that it forces the interest down on everything as everyone tries to convince them into debt.

Good deals all around

>Not being smart enough to set credit limits, get free credit score checking, get free alerts when a new line of credit is opened, set purchase size limits, or knowing how credit card companies handle stolen cards and fraud.

Go back to enjoying your debit card you underage b&

Fuck this I'm going to sleep. Enjoy the rude awaking of high interest rates when you go to get student loans, car loans, home loans, or personal loans.

Jesus people. Learn how credit cards work. Pay the bill you get and there's no fucking interest. Interest only accrues if you have a balance you didn't pay. Fucking retards.

Millenials saw what debt did to their parents. It contributed in a huge way to the massive divorce rate.

So some of them at least resolved never to get into debt if they could avoid it.

Furthermore finance is the ultimate parasitical middleman on the global economy. "But muh liquidity!" they cry, as if that is worth getting a cut of every financial transaction ever made.

Use cash. Live within your means.

>free free free free free
Really, so how do credit card compaies even make money to stay alive if everything is free? Have fun paying interest.

Why the fuck do you have such a fucked up system for determining the credit worthiness of someone? You gotta be good goy and build credit by buying using the credit card and then pay it off, preferably with two different cards.

Why not just have a simple and sensible system where your credit score is just "bad" or "good", with "good" being default. If you neglect to make payments on time repeatedly it will instead change to "bad".

Other people pay interest you idiot.

My parents stole my identity when I was 17, and I don't make enough money as a student with unstable work hours to open a line of credit.

Sup Forums ... what happened to you. CTR I want my board back.

>relying on the plastic jew

It's like your first day on Sup Forums

Because we have niggers. You can't just trust people to pay things off.

Because they feast on the poor niggers and cucks that can't pay their bill and get hit at 20% when they leave a balance on their card.

Fucking Google how credit cards work. If you don't don't over spend and can pay it to $0 every month you will never get hit with interest.

if you pay the balance to 0 every month then the jew is only making the transaction fee of 3-5% off the merchant. which really just raises merchandise prices for everybody. but if you get good 3% cashback card you're coming out ahead kinda

>everyone pays interest but meeee!!!
I always get these offers in the mail that promise you 0% interest for a period of time. That is until you charge the card up, the offer ends, and you get railed with interest. Enjoy having your possessions confiscated.

I really don't want to have a fucking credit card. I hate the idea that "credit history" has to be built up by forcing people to take on debt.

>buying shit you can't afford with money you don't have
What the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

Do you even know how credit cards work you mongoloid?

Has anybody considered the possibility of getting credit cards in countries they don't live in? Like Sweden's system is begging to be abused.

Who cares if my credit is fucked in other countryies' scoring systems I live in murka.

Since none of you tards know how to take advantage of the system/know how credit cards work... Take a look. See the part where it says 0 fees and 0 interest? That's cause I fucking pay my bills and dont leave a rolling balance.

>previous balance: 347
>payments and credits: 747
The fuck are you doing? $400 in fees and interest?

>Can't fucking read

I place an additional payment in halfway through the month. Look at purchases amount.

and this is why ill stick with cash and debit.

Why the fuck would you want to have a credit card? Are you too poor to buy things outright?

Buying a house on credit cards is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Just go to the bank and get a proper loan without 16% interest

I pay off my credit card in full every month and have great credit. Saved me thousands when renting my apartment

Have a (You).

>tfw 21
>still no credit card

i want to get one soon and start building credit, seems easy as long as you have the money to pay at the end of each month. self control isn't a problem for me. i wonder why i don't have one yet?

it just seems like a common oversight with people my age

You are 100% certifiably retarded, can't grasp the basic mathematics behind addition and subtraction, and don't know how to read a fucking monthly statement.

How is it begging to be abused? If you don't pay off your debts or fail to make payments you will quite quickly get a "non-payment record" that stays with you for 3 years, and there's nothing you can do to have it removed until those 3 years have passed, unless it was erronously added. During that time you WILL have a HARD time getting any sort of credit/loan/etc.

>people are proud of being slaves to kikes

You think it's bad for them now? Wait until our peers hit "retirement age".

Shit's going to go down.

It's gonna happen sooner than that. They're going to default on their student loans causing the next "bubble pop" like the 2008 housing crash.

Credit is a Jew tax.

Pay cash, don't fund the kikes.

I think he meant that it might be easily-abused by non-Swedes.

Not talking about tanned Swedes, either. I'm completely clueless on how you'd go about this, but I'm thinking that this guy is under the impression that a US citizen could open up a Swedish line of credit on a card, spend a few grand on shit to be shipped back to the US, and lol all the way to the bank without repercussions.

I don't know if that could work, and I'd have to imagine that safeguards to prevent action like this are in place.

23, have 800+ credit score
I use a credit card for the security and pay it off before interest is accrued

All I gathered is that you paid more than you spent. Might want to go over that statement to see where exactly you are getting Jewed.

I work as a applicant processor (though recently got promoted to the fraud prevention department) for a somewhat large financial company and the major thing I've noticed about millennials is that they don't plan ahead and many of them are not really aware of alternatives to credit cards when it comes to building credit history. Most of them don't know about thing like credit building services that most credit unions offer, or even things like Secured Credit Cards, and instead just apply for a credit card at a institution that they have little chance of actually being accepted at unless they're currently a student. Seriously, get a fucking credit card, preferably with cash back benefits and use it as a debit card, keep it at maybe 10-20% credit utilization and pay it completely off every month, that's the way to go.

Thank fuck. Someone else here knows how to properly use it.

Anyone not using a credit card is retarded. Everything I purchase in life has a 5% discount since I get 5% cash back. I always pay it off before interest accumulates.

>But muh debit card

Cool enjoy paying 5% more than I do for everything you purchase.

America is basically a suburb of Israel. All of you faggots are addicted to the kike cards.

America is basically a suburb of Israel. All of you faggots are addicted to the kike cards.

Why do think they're giving you 5% cashback?

Yeah, you need the Swedish equivalent of a social security number to even open a bank account, let alone get a credit card, and for that you need Swedish citizenship or permanent residence.

You'd need a credit history in Sweden.

>Get bill from last month
>Made payment for last month's balance
>Bought stuff
>Halfway through the month I deposited money to pay for that stuff (cause payday)
>Bought stuff
>Get month end bill

How is any of that hard to understand.

I'm curious as to what card you're using that has 5% cash back on everything. The card that I'm intimately familiar with only has 5% cash back on Gas and Restaurant purchases which is limited to quarterly cap and haven't seen anything with that kind of cash back system on the market.

Why haven't you paid it off in full?

Oh and again, 0 interest cause I pay my bill.

I do.
Every month back to 0

>wants to gas the kikes, race war now
>constantly complains about Jewish control in media, entertainment, education, finance, banking, et al
>berates people for not giving free money to Jews because muh credit score

>gambles his life away in Vegas.
>is giving financial advice

>hurr durr what is 0 balance at the end of the month thus no Jewtrest

That statement is from January you evil kike

That statement is from January you fucking kike

Actually no
I'm not a fucking poor nigger.

fucking retards in this thread who think because they don't understand something it's automatically bad.

If you're so stupid you cant figure out how a credit card works do the human race a favour and kill yourself.

You act like using a credit card is some life lesson handed down by parents.

easy credit is thrown at anyone and everyone so that consumption will continue to 'grow', since this is the only benchmark the West has left for economic health

it's incredibly predatory, and is mostly used to grease a standard a living since wages flatlined decades ago. It's not 'people are just stupid or nigger rich', this is the system that's been foisted on many countries by (((international finance))): gut their ability to materially produce enough to live on, then offer them indebtedness in order to maintain their former quality of life.

that certain people, some apparently in this thread, are able to pay it off just fine means nothing except that they have enough cash to do so, in other words they have a standard of living they could largely afford without credit. Most people do not, yet free '''''money''''' is thrown at them nonetheless by hooked nosed usurers.

I applied for about 5 credit cards last year. Had great credit so they all got accepted. I did this because I had lost my job a couple months before, and needed some money to live on until I got a new one.

Kind of regret not attempting to just get a personal loan, but not sure I could have gotten one without a paystub. Big mistake. Defaulted on all of them since I was barely making enough from side gigs to pay rent and utilities. Still working on paying off those cards.

Two lessons I learned from this:
1) Credit cards are way too easy to get. No wonder the economy is in the shitter.
2) Savings >>>> Credit

>buying shit with other people's money

Blue pill detected.