So, what happens in Civil War II #3, any guesses?

So, what happens in Civil War II #3, any guesses?

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Hawkeye kills Bruce Banner because of a vision, Amadeus is displeased about this

So it's more like what Tony actually warned about in #1 and not what he got mad at Carol about in that same issue.


Civil War II #3?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say "something stupid happens".

Two dead Hulks in one event. Is that a record? Yes, I know Banner is supposed to be cured, but he still counts as a Hulk to me, dammit.

My dick falls off from sheer ennui at this trash event.

Civil War II #3. By Bendis.

I thought Shulk somehow survived the Thanos missile

>any guesses?

I think she's in a coma or something

That's more retarted

Until they point that out, 'dead' is the most likely conclusion.

Just by looking at the red x's this sounds like a hot mess.

Her pulse went flat?

It will go from a good to an amazing event and haters will still deny it.

Banner had previously given Clint a special arrow and Clint uses it because Banner gets mad

I don't think anyone, even Bendis, actually thinks this

Bruce ask clint to kill him.

>Asks Clint to kill him
>Clint does
>everyone hates him

>It will go from a good to an amazing event

I don't think so, ex-Jinxworld poster

Makes sense. Kinda like Superman giving Batman krytonte. Still kinda dumb

shitty writing

By Bendis?

Scanbro confirmed what we already knew: Clint kills Banner.

What was the MCU reference?
Did I miss something?

Was it Nick Fury Jr.?

By Bendis.

War Machine getting killed is a result of Bendis watching the trailer and assuming MCU War Machine would be killed.

How can it be number 2 if it's number 3?

Are Marvel trying to be meta or something?

Brian Michael Bendis?
The writer?

Banner has been dead ever since 2004

What exactly happened in 2004?

This is getting a midnight release alongside the Marvel Now magazine, right?

that machine has nothing to do with your pulse, even though yes that is the general assumption when it happens.

Continuity errors: the event

>The problem with the "death" in Civil War 2 #3 is that they've explained so many times why what happens can't happen.

>Oh well, I'm sure this character will stay dead until November 3, 2017.

>>Oh well, I'm sure this character will stay dead until November 3, 2017.

>Thor: Ragnarok
>US Release Date: November 3, 2017

PAD run number two where he throws all his toys out of the pram and retcons everything that has happened in the few years since PAD run number one just because and decided Banner almost blowing up his school is appropriate.

banner tells clint to shoot him when he ever suspected him hulking out and gives him an arrow for it
banner gets upset and clint takes the shot

Scanbro confirmed. Clint kills Bruce.

Bruce gives Clint an Anti-Hulk Arrow (really) and asks Clint to kill him so he will never turn into that horrible monster. Clint does so. Everyone else is pissed.


So, it's not Carol or Ulysses' fault then?

>"Copy and pasted panels" still not checked

>Anti-Thanos missiles
>Anti-Hulk arrow
what's next, anti-Galactus boomerangs?

This won't make any sense since Banner is now Hulk free thanks to Amadeus

>Anti-Hulk arrows
>Anti-Thanos missiles
Anti-Galactus rock when?

Bruce Jones's run was trash and deserved to be retconned out.

It's almost as if Bendis doesn't care

So Bruce Banner wants to die and Clint kills him on his own because of his instructions.
So Carol still hasn't done anything morally wrong, I still haven't seen any of that Minority Report crap we were told would happen.

He kills him because Ulysses has a vision of Hulk going on a rampage and killing a bunch of heroes

They can't be anti-Thanos missiles if they didn't kill Thanos. If anything, they're anti-She Hulk missiles. Or anti-breast.

The downs were towards the end with all the secret agents and Blonksy's wife and the Hulk clone but it largely got back to the basics of 'Bruce Banner on the run with the Hulk and dudes chasing him' with a thriller style pacing. Bruce Jones wasn't even a Hulk guy but there was no betrayal of the character, Banner or Hulk

Silent Hulk is much better than grunting gorilla Hulk or Super Saiyan Banner.

I bet Hawkeye doesn't know he's cured and it's a big misunderstanding. Would be funny

So? That's not my point. Carol still hasn't done anything wrong.

>Anti-Hulk Arrow

What the FUCK

I think the Kingpin tie-in book had the heroes going full minority report.

This is like Mags smashing Red Skull.


Here we go

I'm thinking that maybe Bruce has been theorizing of a chance for him to turn back to the Hulk again. Remember anti-venom? Like, maybe something like that could happen, all the cells within him with the memory of the Hulk, could suddenly regain hulk powers somehow, if they were exposed to gamma radiation again or something.

So Hulk 100% confirmed

No they didn't, they only arrested criminals that already had a criminal record and were wanted fugitives like Owl and Madame Masque. Jigsaw himself points this out in the issue.
All the visions do is let the heroes know where the villains are gonna be, just like with Thanos.

>Anti-Hulk Arrow

>an actual, honest to goodness hulk killing arrow

so why even be scared of hulks if Clint and Rhodey could kill them like this

Because of the anti-arrow helm of disintegration +3

Depends on execution (pun not intended), but it can still be her fault if she and her team force the scenario where Clint thinks he now needs to murder Banner.

This was what Tony and others have directly warned about and why Bendis and co. have been hyping this issue for months as being some huge deal beyond just the death itself. It gets right into the heart of the morality issue of the entire debate about pre-cog visions.

So is marvel just banking on outrage pr?

there was Ms. Marvel arresting a dude because he was thinking about robbing a convenience store

She didn't arrest him, she warned him not to do it and then went off to stop an actual crime in progress that she was too late to stop.

she was trying to arrest him before getting called away by the Kamala Korps

Carol will technically be right, just kills the wrong Hulk

>Cho has cured Banner from ever turning into the Hulk again
>Tony already knows, as seen in Totally Awesome Hulk
>Carol is gonna be dead set Banner is gonna hulk out because of Ulysses vision
>Clint kills Bruce on accident
>Cho Hulks out and everyone gets Rekt

>It gets right into the heart of the morality issue of the entire debate about pre-cog visions.
Yeah, the stupid thing about Tony getting pissed about the Thanos vision is that it has nothing to do with the morality debate, since it's a black and white scenario.
This one not so much.
I still think heroes should act on Ulysses' intel though, but be cautious in certain situations like this one.
But if he says an alien armada is gonna attack, it's better to be prepared.

>Cho Hulks out and everyone gets Rekt
Not gonna happen, solicits make that clear.
The visions showed Hulk killing a bunch of characters that are clearly alive after the event.
As I've mentioned several times, Ulysses' visions can't cause self-fulfilling prophecies.

people can get rekt without dying, user

Ulysses' visions showed them DEAD. Not rekt, dead. Hawkeye had a huge spike through his body.
The whole point of Ulysses' visions is that they don't always come true. If the vision actually came true, it would ironically prove Tony wrong.

Jicksaw should be fucking dead yo

>bendis kills off a character that has to be around Thor 3 anyways

>Ulysses' visions can't cause self-fulfilling prophecies.
Says who?

Ulysses' visions show a possible future, but it doesn't take Ulysses having said vision into consideration.
Therefore, whenever Ulysses has a vision, he often tells people, thus changing events in a way that make said vision impossible.
That's why Tony finds his visions unreliable, because they're possibilities that might not happen.
We haven't seen a single self-fulfilling prophecy so far, it wouldn't make sense for there to be one. And like I said, if Ulysses had a self-fulfilling prophecy vision, it would actually prove Tony wrong.

>Hawkeye dies
>Iron Man's suit turns out was being remote controlled by Tony, explaining the ripped suit
>Spider Man is actually the guy Peter hired to replace him or a clone due to clone conspiracy
>Bruce Banner killed off in the end to make room for Adamus Cho
>Carol kills Bruce Banner to make her look like the hero
>She-Hulk recovers and announces her support for Carol
>Adamus is pissed that Carol killed his closest friend and joins Iron Man
>Everyone on Carol's team forgets that Carol has caused 2 massive mistakes which has resulted in the deaths of several heros

Iron Man's a retarded emotional train wreck that is more villian than hero and Carol's mistakes will probably end up with you in a casket.

What a great event.

Hawkeye doesn't die

Probably more stuff that will make the first civil war look like a masterpiece in comparison.

He wont die

>Carol kills Bruce Banner to make her look like the hero
>She-Hulk recovers and announces her support for Carol
You really think she'd join Carol if she killed her de-powered cousin?

what's that black hole in that kid's neck

Don't worry guys, a better writer will come and explain in his Ultimates comic why such a ridiculous weapon like an Anti-hulk arrow exists, and it will make sense. So glad Ewing is there to explain Bendis fuck ups.

hey good for Bruce finding a way to kill Hulk finally

he'll be back in less than a year

>She-Hulk recovers and announces her support for Carol
>Still believing that She-Hulk was talking about Tony when she said "Don't let him steal our future" or something

She was talking about Ulysses from the start. Carol will have a breakdown when she realises she was misguided all along

link to Scanbro post?

Did Ewing explain the anti-Thanos missiles?

This is beyond ridiculous. How the hell this stuff got pass the retreats. How absolutely NOBODY, not even Sup Forums's darling Al Ewing or celebrated writer Te-Nehesi or famous editor Sana Amanat, stood up and said, "We can't simply say an anti-Thanos missile exists, we can't just make an anti-Hulk appear out of nowhere, it goes against much of the continuity we and the people before us created, let's find a better way to kill these two characters."

Just how?

Secret Wars mini doesn't count because it's Secret Wars: Civil War not Civil War II.

They could always use Cho instead. A hulk's a hulk.

No but he did explain just about everything else from that FCBD issue that made no sense in-continuity.

I'm sure some people did. Apperently Coates, after the marvel retreat, wrote an extremely long letter to Bendis, Brevoort and Alonso detailing why killing Rhodey was a bad idea and would be looked at as racist and in poor taste for a whole list of reasons.

They went "you raise a lot of good points, Mr. Famous Black Man. We will be sure to take them into consideration aaaaaaand Rhodey's dead."

It's funny how much your statement of newfaggotry makes you look like a newfag

I generally don't care about arguments over newfags but I really do have to call out the irony here

Brevoort was the one who talked about that email and Coates is still there and happy so clearly they addressed his concerns.

I just don't get it. Marvel just lets Bendis kill off 2 iconic characters in the same event simply for the sake of conflict. It's not even someone obscure either like when Goliath died, people know exactly who Hulk and War Machine are and Bedis just threw them away like they were nothing. Marvel gives him far too much power for a writer without reigning him in.


Bendis resurrected Doc Samson in the 0 issue like it was nothing, death is easily negated.

It doesn't matter because anybody can bring them back at any time

Some people stand up.

Bendis really REALLY wanted to kill off Peter Parker for Civil War 2. Dan Slott had to stand his ground and tell him No.