That sad feeling when the entire west thinks my country is just a soviet invention

that sad feeling when the entire west thinks my country is just a soviet invention.

fucking romanians and their moldovophobic propaganda

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I hate moldova because of a simple reason:
Whenever I see your flag I think it's based Andorra but it's Moldova.
Fuck you moldova.



Moldova = Romania

We wish

So your still rocking with the soviets?

Moldova is the poorest country in Europe.

fuck off belgium

Your country is so cucked that your borders don't even extend to the Black Sea

moldavian nationalism ahahahaha

Even Russian probably don't want to annex this shithole. Moldova is literally Africa tier.

I like the fact you keep sending sexy blondes to study arts in my country, none of them plan to return into the shithole they crawled out of


Hello rare friend.

>the entire west thinks my country is just a soviet invention.
Um, no. 99% of the West doesn't even know your country exists.

>Calling any country Africa tier

Strap in m8, this is an /irrelevant european countries/ general, you might see a few more rares.

And the 1 per cent that do know it exists thinks it exists because of the soviets

>Swemalia calling others Africa tier.

Moldova makes wine, which only Russia bothers to buy. They have nothing else to export.

accurate. What's a moldva?

You are not moldovans, you faggots. You are shit eating bessarabians.

You are literally clinging to moldovan heritage and traditions because you have none of your own.

This is why literally every important king was moldovan, and not bessarabian, and all the capitals were in the Romanian part of Moldova.

You aren't even worth the trouble of annexing your country.

>Implying that's not true

Both our countries are socialist inventions, bud.

Poor baby

wtf is the point of having all those pointless little countries. someone needs to start annexing these useless fucks.

Human trafficking and illegal vodka.

It always cracks me up when you ask Moldovans which language do they speak and they say: we speak Moldovan.

But their language is basically Romanian with an archaic vocabulary and some regionalisms.

Personally Idgaf, they can stay out of Romania, they are a bunch of profiteering cunts anyway. When you hear a Moldovan asking for Romanian citizenship, you know he actually wants to use it to go to a EU Western country.

Bunch of Russophile reptiles.

what the fuck does "bessarabian" even mean you dumb gyppo

>Socialist invention

Nice projecting son

Inseamna ca ma-ta e curva, basarabean prost.

>Implying you would exist as a country if it wasn't for the Soviets

Here's a walk in Moldova.

sictir tigane

And what is the 1917 revolution according to you?


Haida jet, șoldovean coclit!

>Soviets cucked your acess to the sea

Ukrainians did actually

The moldovan cleaner at my work is a top lad, the romanians are all a bunch of cunts though, i thought you guys would be similar.

Are you Slavic or Latin?

What is the difference between Romania and Moldova? You both speak romanian

I know a moldavian waitress. she's so fucking cute and hot.

I love you, moldavia, but just because of her.

Most romanians would want moldova to rejoin us, despite the fact that it would probably fuck up the economy. Many moldovans prefer to suck russian dicks however, and im guessing you are one of them.


I seriously hate people like you

>implying I'd actually base my opinions of a country on one fucking person

jesus, user, you must be the cunt among your friends. where's your sense of humor?

So why do Moldavians in Romania speak Romanian and list their nationality as Romanian?

Our Town rapist is Moldovan - best we ever had!

The countries got separated during the ww2.
We are basically the same shit, only that Moldova is literally african tier poor.

We are like South and North Korea,.only that Romania is poor, and Moldova is hopeless and lazy as fuck.

It's somewhat similar to the difference between West Germany and East Germany.

They speak an archaic form of Romanian and many if not most of them are actually Russophiles. They all hope to get Romanian citizenship and flee to Western Europe.

They are really a bunch of profiteering cunts. Their country is backwards, they have a very small population and part of their territory (Transnistria) was occupied by a Russian army.

So they're not really worth much annexing, they are more trouble than Romania needs right now.


Romanians are cultureless balkan gypsies that stole much of their nation-building process and cultural baggage from the moldovans.

>You both speak romanian



So comfy, I miss those days when there were marketplaces and a lot of people in there shopping or simply walking like in that movie. EU destroyed it all. Fml

Moldova is just a land inhabited by Romanians that the Russians are trying to steal since the middle ages

So it keeps being annexed by Russia and recovered by Romania in every conflict between west x east

The next escalation between West and Russia the US/EU will probably force us to annex them quickly, since now we are the US front line against Russia

A satanic flag with moloch in the middle

>Romanians are cultureless balkan gypsies that stole much of their nation-building process and cultural baggage from the moldovans.


Why are you a country again. Since childhood I never understood why you get to exist other than some arbitrary bullshit. When are you going to genocides each other again and become interesting? Do your women like big white dick or money?


Btw, Moldovan's "culture" is mostly about worshipping a Romanian poet, called Mihai Eminescu.

They couldn't even come up with their own national hero, they had to borrow one from our culture.

I mean, look at their flag, which is a copy of the Romanian flag, on which they slapped a moloch, to make it look somewhat original.

>Moldova is just a land inhabited by Romanians

top lel

let's see

Romanian nation-building process - made by moldovans

Romanian alphabet and vocabulary - made by moldovan transitional script

Romanian history - moldovan history repainted as "romanian" for nationalistic purposes

Just face you, everything you had you stole from either us or the austrians.


Born in Moldova

top kek

and why does the US exist? what a retarded question

Why are you guys landlocked? Does it ever bother you? I'm pretty sure you weren't historically, what's the deal?

Well yeah it is yours after all.

What's a nice place to visit and throw my overrepresented currency. I want a vacation. Not even nice just want to go some place no one else does.

Eminescu was born in Ipotești, a small town close to Botoșani, a Romanian city.
He lived most of his life in Romania, not sure what you're trying to imply.

Just google Eminescu and see what his nationality is.

My friendo, you confuse Moldovans with shit eating bessarabians. We , the moldavians who are now a part of Romania, are not the same with you russian cum rags.

And literally every famous ''moldovan'' you consider your countryman , was acctually born in today's moldovan part of Romania, and not in you shithole.

For Example Stephen the Great, Eminescu, and Sadoveanu.

Well I can tell you because I know the rich history of my nation of 200 years.

So I just figured you could tell me of the story of how Lenin rose out of the turnip patch, declared Romania the shitty part of Moldovan empire, and then slapped your babushkas tits and goosed her caboose turning her into a blonde bimbo trophy wife where she then married a stern but hardworking mafia man and saved everyone from the Nazi's.

>That cucked coastline by the Ukraine

Except that Romania did not exist when Eminescu was born.

>get cucked by romanians
>have capital in the south

>still think you have the right to call yourselves moldovans

top kek m8t

>tfw Moldova is older than your shitty non-country filled with niggers and queers

Swedes just got cucked


Ya boyyyy, you got cucked by the soviet union you fucking sub-human

>tfw Moldova is older than your shitty non-country filled with niggers and queers

Not something to brag about, lad. How old is your country again?

I honestly don't care because I've never heard of you before.

What does all of your history matter if no one gives a fuck?

But my country is well established, the most well established in history and isn't known to be anywhere near as poor as yours even with niggers spics and homeless running about. The fags are OK if you ignore them and don't take it the wrong way when they hit on you. I'm just trying to get to know a nation with a rich history that I seem to know nothing about. I know more about Thailand or Estonia for keks sake.

You are nothing more than a blob on a map. Can I throw my meager wage around and buy a house whore or what?

>live and work in the capital in the south
> I still have a home in the north of the country , which I visit every major holiday
>make more than 5 shit eating bessarabians
>once a couple of years I afford to travel to a western country and enjoy a nice vacantion
>i can visit Bukovina, Transilvania, Muntenia and Dobrogea
>meanwhile moldovans can't even get in Romania without begging or paying with their life savings
> life is good

Fuck I didn't know you guys were so stupid
why don't you hand over Istria while you're at it

They were invented after ww2 by the soviets so they can separate them from the rest of moldova that's in romania.
Tl;dr: a bunch of guys indoctrinated by soviets

Well desu Romania, Moldova, Solvakia did not exist until the last century or so.

Yeah, but your territory was part of our region, Moldavia. So Eminescu was born in a principate which became part of united Romania.

Your territory was part of Romania until the Soviets took it away from us. Following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, parts of Romania (Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina, and the Hertza region) were annexed by fucking Soviet Russia.

So you are a territory we lost to the Russians, as a result of a Nazi-Soviet pact. I don't really care about you, I'd rather prefer we recovered Bukovina from Ukraine, but it's not possible anymore after we joined NATO and made the committment to refrain from territorial claims.

You have no future alone, except as a buffer zone between EU-NATO and Russia's sphere of influence. Basically like Ukraine.

Thank you Romania. When I visit your country we should go find OP and start a border war so you can get your land back from him.

I see the brainwash is working in some of you there

keep believing in the moldovans aren't romanian meme created by the commies

next you'll be saying the native language of moldavia was always russian and you'll try to change it

Kek it will be another Crimea again.

why the fuck dont you just give transnistria its full independence already? i reeeeealy want to collect transnistrias flag but i cant because of you gypsy niggers

So did you, mister gypsy tsiganoescu

650 years old.

>Be the laughing sub human stock of the EU
>A hungarian millionaire basically cucked you into calling gypsies romanians

>life is good

comedy gold

>mfw romanian used to mean a serf without land and bound to a master, before the 19th century
so much projeeeecctiinngg

>let me tell you about your country

except that the native language of Moldova was the moldovan language.

whats with the fucking cow on the fucking coat of shield?

if you added an oil well and a hammer and sickle to that shield yould have a contender for Albertastan's new flag

Man Europe is such a cluster fuck of malice and grudges. Sometimes I think it would be best to glass it along with the Middle East to give you all a fresh start.

what is moldovan history my friend
green text pls
when did you become a different nation from the vlachs?

You can't even imagine how low are you in our eyes.

It is Soviet invention. Rightful Romanian clay.

Shut up and join the great gypsy country, Moldava is shitty

Is Moldova one of those places you can fuck an elementary schooler if you pay her dad $5?

It's bullshit, they were part of our region called Moldavia until 1939. They were never an independent country before that. They were part of the Moldavian principate, which today is a region of united Romania.

They got stolen from us by a Nazi-Russian pact in 1939. Since then they have been a Soviet republic until 1992, I think, when they declared independence. But in the meantime, they got brainwashed so hard by the Russians that they are a "separate" country with a separate language and culture, that they still believe it until today. Kek.

But no linguist ever accepted that their language is anything but a regionalistic form of Romanian.

They actually declared independence from Soviet Russia in 1991, it seems.

Pretty funny coming from country that is predicted to start declining in human development index.

>They were never an independent country before that. They were part of the Moldavian principate, which today is a region of united Romania.
Bullshit, they were part of Russian Empire that you stole during Russian Civil War, you gypsy thief

I'm asking for a friend of course.


You fucking idiot, there weren't part of Soviet RUSSIA, they were one of republic of USSR.

Then why do they speak Romanian?


Founded in 1359

Struggle to get away from ottoman empire for most of it's history

In 1812 Russia steals half of it's territory

People got so desperate living in a small state with no future that they decide forming a confederation with Wallachia is a solution

Romania was born

the eastern side of moldova still kept it's moldovan identity intact.

1917 the Moldovan Republic was born

2 months later annexed by Romania

1991 it redeclared independence again

>gypsy historians

now ive seen it all.

Read where I wrote:
>they have been a Soviet republic until 1992

You speak romanian with alot of russian words.If you speak this "moldovan" then kindly point me to the language urheimat zone or even better, show me what is teh official language of the state :)

and to answer OP question, R.Moldova is a buffer state made by soviets.its basically Romania but with more than 1/4 russians/hohols.

Share some beers and cigars after user

ROFLMAO, that fictional history.

What happened between 1359 and 1939? Who were your rulers?

Why do you speak the Romanian language?