Based Aussie calls chink swimmer a 'drug cheat'

>The rivalry between Australian distance star Mack Horton and China's defending gold medallist Sun Yang just went to the next level, with Horton saying he has no 'time or respect for drug cheats' in the wake of a training run-in between the pair earlier in the week.
>Yang had been taunting and splashing Horton, who ignored the gestures and continued with his training.
>"It kind of got played up in the media. He just kind of splashed me but I ignored him because I don't have time or respect for drug cheats. He wasn't too happy about that so he kept splashing me. I just got in and did my thing," Horton said.

Will this be the straw that breaks the camel's back? Will China now declare war on Australia because they can't handle the bants.

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>More than 800,000 comments below Sun's weibo post

He riled them up good

source s m

>Footage of a devastated Sun bursting into tears while attempting to give an interview in the media mixed zone immediately after the race went swiftly viral on Chinese social media. The top-trending hashtag "Sun Yang Don't Cry" amassed more than 47 million views on China's Twitter-like Weibo within hours.

Why are chinks so thin-skinned?

daily reminder chinks are subhuman scum

Don't they have dentists in China?

How many layers of teeth does he have?


rude af
but what do you expect from "civilized" white scums

Literally everyone cheats at the olympic level. He's mad the chink kept cheating during the comp and the week prior rather than getting off cycle.

Australian assault bantz banned when?!

china be creating human shark hyrbids

I'm old enough to remember the cold war drug programs you yanks were using against the Russians and the East Germans, civilised nations might as well not have bothered.

>China tells swimmer to taunt australia so they can staunch our waters more
>Based Beady eyed Anglo ignores
>Wins gold
>Goes back to the village and shitposts after impregnating a chink with his big white cock
>Shit posts on Sup Forums for the banter

You need to go back, Ming.

You'd cry too if you swam in a pool infested with rectal bacteria.

Legit lol'd, because I saw a decent sized dust devil on my way to the shops earlier today.

Absolutely unsportsmanlike behavior from the Australian. no surprise coming from that nation of bottom-feeding criminals though

Time for another lambing flats

is china making artificial islands in the swimming pool too?

I genuinely can't believe how low and pathetic Horton is to say something like this lol

you do you we have ID's right?

This. I'm ashamed to share a region with these primitive thugs.

>numale face
>problem glasses
Is this guy a leftist who shits on about muh abos etc?

Yeah, I'm saying that after thinking baout it a little bit I'm even more shocked lol

A guy can't even say hi anymore? What the fuck is our society coming to?

what's the problem? are you scared that some aussie will call out your cheating nigs too?

The last word is that this reflects poorly on the character of all Australians. See ya.

>australia has more gold than china

lmao sore losers


Is that you Chong

I'm having a panic attack from that fringe and I'm not even a poofter hairdresser


i don't see the problem

someone point it out to me?

Bye bye zing zang chong lee

ching chong wing wong

>Asian Americans.

Get off the juice, ding-dong. Maybe then the world will take your swimming team seriously.

>Australian intellectuals


You have it backwards. Go back and look at e German ladies swim team from 80

i want to say that pic is in baltimore or chicago or something in the north east of america. not in south america



He isn't doping. Nowhere in the rules does it say using jutsus is illegal, OP is a faggot.

he made a different face three days ago

>Zhang said, before settling down to a lovely meal Of mans best friend.

Teaching chinks English was an unforgivable mistake

Australians are fucken gay.

Up(you) if you agree.

Who is worse? Chinks or Jews?

Pic related is the Chinese swim team from a decade ago.

Also check out:

The chinks are notorious drug cheats. I would be surprised if there was a single non-doped athlete in all of china.

Chinese being fucking crybabies as per usual.

One child policy made a nation of spoiled brats who can't handle reality.


Yeah yeah yeah we get it, you're JAFFA

>Chinese can't even cheat right

Pretty much all Olympic athletes are "drug cheats" though.

its cause their drugs are made in china

okay xiao tang wang

Actually we say "sweet as mate". Sounds way better than that cringy shit Aussies call an accent.

Vid very much related, average Aussie poster.


>crying after losing
Such unsportsmanlike behaviour. Faggot.

I just saw Mack beat Yang.
Chink cheats BTFO by natty aussies

>He just kind of splashed me but I ignored him because I don't have time or respect for drug cheats. He wasn't too happy about that so he kept splashing me.
What the fuck, is this dude in elementary school? Is this how world level athletes act?

I thought all the Jewish sportsmen they ever had were killed in Munich?


The Olympics would be worth watching if only white people we're allowed to participate.

At this rate it will eventually be like watching our shit-can garbage sports here.

Just a bunch of ape niggers and the occasional deformed chinese person.

Fucking lame and boring.

What a retard. Calling someone cheater when every olympic athlete, including HIM, cheats. You can't win a dope without cheating too

Swimming is still white. Niggers can't swim.


chinks get executed upon returning home if they fail to defend their gold medals.

The majority of sports aren't nigger dominated.


So in a month from now there will be some extra salty dumplings on the streets of Beijing

Basket would be worth watching if only white people played, instead of the jumping gorillas that can only dunk by travelling

A shark lost a swimming race?

Got outdoped by the kangaroo

But seriously, chink training is brutal.
He may be doped up, but he also trains 150% as hard as Mack


Couldn't beat the AUSSIE DOLPHIN

that comment was really quite uncalled for and reeks of insecurity. If I were Mack I would take a long hard introspective look at myself and apologize.

But only 50% as effectively.

and still fucking loses. the white man proves superiority once again

Meanwhile in reality white australians are kicking ass.

t. wang chink lee

ping pong wing wong

>Problem glasses
Nah mate, they're prescription. He can't see for shit without them.

calling Mr. Rumbold...

The guy did test positive in 2014.

shouldn;t have said anything on day 1. if he is a one hit wonder he is going to his shit pushed in.

>they're prescription
He still chose the frames though m80.

Can you honestly not tell he is a hipster SJW piece of shit just by looking at him?

It is all in the face.

>still loses

wasn't the chinese guy banned for 3 months already or something? I don't see how it's controversial to call him a cheater

Well referenced m8.

Chang and Zhang, at it again.

Are you saying that the white male has a stronger body in swimming naturally over Asian men?
Wow Mrchong, you did it this time


Those are the same glasses that Rumbold, the squarest square on Are You Being Served? wore back in the 70s

now they're supposed to be hip?

maybe he's not a member of the fashion queens' police like you and doesn't care what they look like

The Chinese, especially older generations and even some older youths, still don't place focus on dentistry. They don't see it as ugly--it's natural to them.

Dude i just watched him beat the chink in the 400m hes fine. He got a gold medal.

He beat the cheater. I don't think he's clean

I can see this olympics not going well at all for China. They cheated like mad cunts in 2008 to win, especially in boxing.

In 2012 they had a huge fucking tantrum and said the 2012 olympics was the WORST EVAAAH because they lost to the US

Of course they will blame Rio/Brazillians when they once again finish 2nd, they would have been 3rd if the Russians were allowed to turn up normally in full strength

I'm starting to get tired of winning fellow Ausbros.

We have 1/30 the population of the US, and even more less than China.
Yet we beat them all with our top quality athlete genes.
We truly are the master race.