Truly the greatest businessman of our time

Truly the greatest businessman of our time.

>businessman loses money in a high risk enterprise

wow what a shock

Slide thread, do not reply after this post, do not bump it, let it die

Truly the most fit candidate to fix our economy

QUICK! You have 20 minutes to find me a billionaire who hasn't had a single failed venture!

>yfw Trumpfags fall for and believe the bait yet STILL defend Trump.

shills could literally make up anything about Trump and it wouldn't matter because he speaks common sense about the border and Islam.


The initial start up money is a barrier and if a casino were to shutter almost immediately it would be a loss but casinos also bring in money very quickly, your really only expenses initial seed money which trump has in spades, constuction, maintenance, paying salaries, and taxes. As high as casinos profit margins are they are rarely a net loss. This particular casino has been in decline for ages as is the whole of Atlantic city and its gambling industry and its tourism along with it but it's been in operation for over 25 years so Trump spent at least a decade and a half raking in profits hand over fist from it. Despite it going bust now it is was still a successful venture and a net gain rather than a loss for trump, it hardly qualifies as a failure.

Finally on a lightly related note even if you do count all of his businesses which have ended in bankruptcy as outright failures you need to consider the sheer size of the Trump family of businesses, the number of ventures which he has undertaken means that even of you count every bankruptcy regardless of it was profitable in the end means he still has a less than 1% rate of failure.

>Trump's casino goes out of business
>"It was successful!"
>Trumptards in a nutshell

The confirmation bias is so strong.

don't reply he makes money if you do

>all these drumpflets defending drumpf itt don't even realize drumpf doesn't even own that casino and sold it in 2009
Jesus not only are you pathetic drumpf supporters you don't even know how to fact check

Drumpf is worth less than $100 million he's a total fraud who lived making fraudulent yet still terrible deals with daddy's money. He's so poor he forced his children to marry into Jewish families to appease his debts to them.

Do you not understand what a net profit is? It's shitty for Atlantic City, as gambling has been recently as a whole now that tourism is drying up, and bad for the employees but in regards to Trump as an individual it was a successful veture because he made a profit from it.

If a person opens an ethnic Hibachi grill which is successful for decades and the profit stream allows that individual to franchise and open up 6 new locations all of which are just as, if not more, successful than the first but eventually the frist restaurant closes due to shfiting in the demographics and a downturn in the local economy through not fault of their own which drives people away their high priced niche market. Is that a failed venture of a successful one?

Sure, maybe they when it was in decline they could have change their menu and their prices in order to cater to a new crowd but all their cook ware, equipment, and decor is tailored to a specific theme making such a radical change costly, with no guarantee of success, and a lower profit margin to boot. The wise move is to shutter that location and focus on expansion in more favorable markets while mantaining the 6 other still successful franchise locations.

He doesn't own it, he sold it to uber-kike Carl Ichan (pic related).

Don't forget to sage.

I thought the House always wins?

I guess House of Trump is the first casino to always lose.

>successful businessman loses money and still comes back on top and remains rich
thanks for the insight, friend

>opens up lots of businesses
>"look one of them failed!"
>it was the poo themed one

He sold Taj Mahal to Icahn years ago. Sure he took a bath for $100 million, but it was never his money, it was the money of investors. It also allowed him to shift priorities to more profitable ventures.

Holy shit liberals really are out of touch.

That makes it even better for Trump because as it still bore his name he would have been receiving royalties while taking no risk upon himself.

The truth is I don't even particularly like trump, I just happen to like dislike him less than Hillary and find myself defending him because his success means her failure. Also, people not understanding bankruptcy as a sound business tactic when losses or potential losses need to be cut and bringing up this same old talking point over and over in defiance of all reason bothers me, not to say both sides aren't plenty guilty of that on many different counts.

This is in Atlantic City, right?
Atlantic City is shutting down anyway plus it's a gigantic shithole.

The left really doesn't get it. We don't want a puppet president whodamcws for us then cuts the strings as soon as they're elected.

That's weaker than my immaculate flag.
Why is ctr full of women? No male is that bad at arguing.
With you on this, any politician even slightly agaisnt globalists are a tool I can use and enjoy.

>taj mahal
>no bathrooms
found the problem

Atlantic city is a shithole in an already shitty state. The only reason people built Casinos was because it was one of the only places that the law allowed. Now that many more states legalized gambling there is no reason to go there. Trumps luxury tower makes nice money here in Vegas

That's right faggot, huge success, unlike your liberal arts degree.