Is anyone else really suspicious about this stuff?
Is anyone else really suspicious about this stuff?
Yes, also chemtrails
Yes, there are plenty of retards out there. Also, fluorine != fluoride, which I assume is what you're actually "suspicious" of.
>oh no, not CHEMICALS!
Yes. We was forced to rinse regularly in primary school. Supposed to be good for teeth. Half my teeth are implants now and around that time I experienced a sharp decline in concentration.
Yes government just found the magical substance which cures all of your tooth problems! Still remember to go to the dentist though and pay into socialised dentistry programs!
>Sure government! You can come into my blood stream!
Hmmmmmmm I wonder why that was
>"I, Oliver Kenneth Goff, was a member of the Communist Party and the Young Communist League, from May 2, 1936, to October 9, 1939. During this period of time, I operated under the alias of John Keats and the number 18-B2. My testimony before the Government is incorporated in Volume 9 of the Un-American Activities Report for the year 1939."
>"While a member of the Communist Party I attended Communist underground training schools outside the city of New York; in the Bues Hall, and 113 East Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The East Wells Street School operated under the name of Eugene Debs School, here, under the tutoring of Eugene Dennis, M. Sparks, Morris Childs, Jack King and others, we were schooled in the art of revolutionary overthrow of the established Government."
>"We were trained on how to dismantle and assemble mimeographic machines, to use for propaganda purposes during the revolution; how to work on guide wires and fuel lines of airplanes so that they would either burst into flames or crash to the ground because of lack of control; how to work on ties and rails to wreck trains; and also the art of poisoning water supplies."
>"We discussed quite thoroughly the fluoridation of water supplies and how we were using it in Russia as a tranquilizer in the prison camps. The leaders of our school felt that if it could be induced (introduced) into the American water supply, it would bring about a spirit of lethargy in the nation; where it would keep the general public docile during a steady encroachment of Communism. We also discussed the fact that keeping a store of deadly fluoride near the water reservoir would be advantageous during the time of the revolution, as it would give us an opportunity to dump this poison into the water supply and either kill off the populace or threaten them with liquidation, so they would surrender to obtain fresh water."
Or, it could be nothing...
Grab a can of beans, notice they all contain calcium chloride...
Google calcium chloride, get angry.
.gif not related, I just really like this .gif
Half your teeth implants? I think your bad habit of not brushing regularly, along with consuming sugary shit food, contributed to that. The neuro changes are possible...
Was discussing this with my friends
'You know, the amount of fluoride in toothpaste is more than enough for anyone to prevent cavities'
>'Yeah, but I guess it's just easier to keep putting it in the water rather than taking it out'
'Don't you feel at all uneasy about what is basically forced medication?'
What's the problem with calcium chloride?
salt peter, ruins your pecker.
ITT: Chemistry Flunkers Anonymous
god you ozzies are shilling hard. objective scientic evidence show's how flourine interects chemically with the body and is redundent when used with teeth. you sound like a butthurt dentist.
>yfw commies are trying to infiltrate our Bodily Fluids
>really suspicious
>paranoid to the point of seeing govt conspiracies in household appliances
Pick one
just sodium flouride
Originally flouridation in America was to get rid of the by products of atomic weapons manufacture. Basically they had a shit ton of this stuff kicking around, they needed rid of and noticed a research paper saying kids in areas with natural flouridation had less cavities. Problem soled, dump the shit in water. Check who wrote the studies and recommendations, cross reference with atomic scientists.
I assure you very much that "flourine" is a deadly gas that will kill you.
Well I'm sure just brushing your teeth regularly probably is the most important....
And no I'm not really worried about fluoride they don't put that stuff in the water here.
I think genes, diet, and brushing probably matter most. My father never had a single hole in his life, neither have I. He barely brushed his teeth in young days, however I have (mid 20's now).
*as in one of those holes where the rest of the teeth is in perfect shape
I bought a bottle of Ramlösa (sparkling spring water) and it had a warning label on it saying something like 'don't drink more than 1L regularly or give children below 7'.
Yeah some springs/wells have high concentrations of fluoride and other stuff. That's natural tho. The regular water supply in most places has really tiny amounts I believe and nothing added.
Even if NaF is safe in small quantities I don't see a reason to consume much of it, which is why I don't drink Ramlösa anymore.
in Sweden
We must protect our purity of essence Mandrake...
I only drink distilled /reverse osmosis
yes I can taste the difference
yes I've done doubleblind tests
yes American tap tastes like pool water
yes I can taste it in the fountain drinks
no I'm never drinking it again
>have a deep well at my house
>avoid all the chemicals being pumped into city water
feels good man
does it taste weird?
I once drank some water from a well at my cousins place. It tasted like shit. Who knows what kind of metals and other things was in it.
>still using fluorine instead of ozonation and IR sterilization
>calling yourself first world
I do wonder how it would feel to breathe in a bag full of Fluorine.
>drinking distilled/reverse osmosis
Enjoy your mind control and decreased fertility. I only drink nanopure water used in semiconductor manufacturing.
>knew someone who had a well
>entire bathroom smelt like sulfur
I'd rather drink the fluoride desu
There's nothing wrong with sharing your electrons user. It's the way of the future and they weren't designed to stay with one atom forever. You're just angry that Flourine is so much more attractive to them than you are.
>not knowing what fluoride does and why its added to water
Incredible pain as it completely destroyed your lungs binding to the permeable membrane, and you'd cough up enough blood to make people wonder if a Brown German cut your throat for the sake of peace
Funny people think just because it's from a well it's good. That shit could be full of sulfur or iron.
Enjoy leeching all the minerals from your body. R.O. Water can be so devoid of minerals that it will disolve cupro-nickel piping and that shit is resistant as fuck to sea/salt water.
>a ship engineer fag
Can we go a week without someone being a total fucking retard when it comes to scientific matters on this board? This is a politics board, debate about which candidate is the bigger scumbag, not try to show everyone how badly you failed science class.
Go to /sci/ or better yet, /x/ for this shit.
>tfw when fluorose
>dentistry thread
man i just want people to brush twice a day and floss every night. the amount of flouride in your water that you drink is nowhere near the amount of flouride in your toothpaste.
there's a reason they say don't eat your toothpaste.
Honestly, blame toothpaste companies. Fluoridation of water correlates with how likely a people are to brush their teeth, no necessarily a malevolent country. In fact, Australian water companies take steps to remove fluoride from water.
The real danger is the birth control pill. Oestrogen in the water, yikes.
Anyway, the solution is actually to ban fluoride in toothpaste. No fluoride in toothpaste, no one spitting fluoride down the sink every morning. Same shit for female birth control, ban that shit.
It's real motherfucker, just not deliberate.
No, because I am educated and have a master degree in chemical engineering and know the amounts in the waters and the effects.
When that stuff mixes with oxygen, it makes FOOF which is real nasty shit. Worse than dihydrogen monoxide, even.
How can i trust my eyes if they aren't real?
WTF I hate bodily autonomy now
>The real danger is the birth control pill. Oestrogen in the water, yikes.
This is true and the water athorities agree that this is a danger because we do not know the long term effects of low amounts of oestrogen and it is difficult to measure because eostrogen also mix with other organic compounds (plastics, medicine etc.) to create completely new compounds with unknown effects and eostrogen and other organic compounds are not even measured because there are so many of them in the drinking water and difficult to measure. Some Drinking water plants include a active carbon filter to remove some of the compounds (and other things in surface water). If you get your drinking water from groundwater on the other hand, then you have nothing to worry about. Here in norway we almost never use groundwater.
Americuck wells I see. Well water is infinity superior to tap
Well, just vote on local politicians who remove the chemicals from the groundwater then.
Does fluorine act as an anti-septic in water? If not I can't see much reason why it's there. The response of "it's good for your teeth" is kind of stupid. Thanks for saving my teeth gov't!
Well more specifically they claim that drinking water with flouride in it means that it's in your saliva and constantly exposed to your teeth instead of the short-term exposure you get while brushing.
Groundwater isn't safe either. Even the most secluded groundwater aquifers are connected in some way to surface water, contaminated from waste water treatment plant discharge. Many areas also pump water into the aquifers to recharge them
>want to eat food
>it contains carbon
For past week i've been eating nothing but salt but damn i can't take this anymore. The gowernemnt wants me to strave!
Sodium fluoride shouldn't be in drinking water.
Although ensuring xenestrogens are filtered out is of much higher importance.
Retard: The Poster
Sometime I read that russian prisons used it to calm the population
Yes, I truly think water fluoridation is the 20th century version of Jewish well poisoning. I think it's damaged the minds and bodies of several generations now. I think it could be latgely to blame for 'brain fog', dementia and all the other multitude of brain disorders and 'learning disorders' that are plaguing society.
There is a huge and observable difference in people and society pre and post fluoridation, we have been dumbed down remarkably. Fluoride is not solely to blame, but I believe it has played a crucial role in this process. I can also personally testify that my kind became much clearer once I reduced my exposure to it through using fluoride free toothpaste and drinking distilled water.
I'm sure sodium fluoride dissolved in water (fluorine ions and sodium ions) does, tho no idea at at what concentration. Just like iodine is antiseptic and is part of the same group in the periodic table as fluorine. Iodine is also toxic at higher concentrations, and applied to skin you can get burns (good for removing warts if you have the patience). Probably it isn't added for that reason.
>trusting angry fat man
what is food.
As a water scientist Ive never heard anyone take the fluoride thing seriously. Im sure you might think it's a big conspiracy still but if there's something interesting to do research on or get Grant money for, people will be interested. Worry more about xenoestrogens and plastic compounds, if you want seriously dangerous and unstudied compounds. You get upset about fluoride but have you checked your methyl mercury or pcb levels in what you drink?
Its not even good for your teeth really. Government just started putting it in there to break up radiation and never stopped
That tells me our current method of measurement is inaccurate or not correct for this usage.
Could not be more glad that Scotland doesn't allow for water fluoridation because it's unethical.
How can you guys just sit back and take that shit? At least call your water dept and ask to be filtered out, regardless of the cost. Maybe even filter it out yourself.
Excellent bait. Even OZ shills have the best bants.