Time to knock down Britain beside Turkey

Time to knock down Britain beside Turkey.
>Britain devided and destabilized 50 million people of KURDISTAN and gave a country to only 2 million people of Lebanon!
>nevertheless, Britain Mass media especially (BBC) still calls Kurdistan Region: northern Iraq.
>Briton faggs in Sup Forums are offending us.
>As If we KURDS fucked and raped Briton mothers 2000 BC in a canyon then we send them home naked, and pissed on their male clothes and made all of them carcinogenic, and burned some of them to enjoy the scene, and their ancestors were almost died through our rudeness.
>Britons are WORM
>I Fuking hate WORMS.

Other urls found in this thread:


no, you and your kind is worm, you genocided assyrian women and children to leave your imaginary 'land'

>bug fights: the thread

You can't destabilize a country that doesn't exist.


Sounds like you are after a Churchilling you ungrateful rat

Kurds never had any state in history of mankind
Because they are dumb inbred durka burka faggots. Everyone hates them

>50 million people of KURDISTAN
It's 300 million people you fucking TSK fascist scum, Kurds are the founders of entire civilizations, we only lost our great empire because of fascist Turkish horses fascistfying our mountains

I only understood about 50% of this.

As much as I think turks are roaches kurds are worse.

I side with the turks here, fuck kurds. They are degenerate shitheads.

Wallahi what you say is so true biremin
We will kill every turk, white and arab to make KURDISTAN real with the help of ALLAH
I'm a kurd from kurdistan part of turkey
Biji kabristan biji serok yarakkurek

Bji KURDISTAN BJI KURD Ez Bbikutm deya Turka, ez ji Kurdi soranim li Erbile.
Bre supas ji te re.

Biji KURDISTAN biji ocalan may ALLAH damn turka may ALLAH make our dreams come true
I see you're working hard here brother, may ALLAH be with you

>repeats my word

Quite shameless to bitching about genociding Assyrian and Amenians though.
You did all of those subhuman crime and gave a clue to people that you commited that.

As I know I haven't seen one yet hate me, but It's clear I didn't see a person for name who likes you, you are roach.

Same happenes to you after you get nuked and crying out: Anam anam don't let them fuck you, we don't want country.

>>Identifies as a Kurd
>>Posts from Jordan, not Turkey, Iraq or Syria.

God bless Kurdistan, remove turkroaches and Ifag from your clay.

Might be the flag generator, same happened to some Icelander, had a Dutch flag instead of the flag of Iceland

Azadi ji bu APO, Supas berxudan Jiyane.
Bele I don't get tired and still continue and perserving alone, I wrecked all of Turks by only myself, and I need some help to eliminate all of them permanently.

The same kike posting about Turdistan Israeli project every day.

Bremin I...

No bro, I am here.
It's some people mentality to think you should live in same place you post about.
Is anything misleading? I clarified that so long ago that there is alarge Kurd coumuunity in Jordan.

>And pic tells where I am.

Jîyan kurdistan azadi ji bu APO apeme kurban reber ocalan well said my teacher
>I need some help to eliminate all of them permanently.
Where do you post other than Sup Forums? I want to join you

You need to learn english before posting on a mongolian cartoon imageboard dumb nigger


Sorry pal, "Kurdistan" is mostly rightful Armenian clay.

>only mentioning Assyrians
>leaving Armenians out

how very unsurprising of you.

You are a kurd living in the ruins of ancient Armenian civilization, where you cretins built your mud huts and are probably worse than poo in loos when it comes to hygiene.

>And pic tells where I am.
A third world bro, clean yourself up before you chat shit about others

also R A R E i looked your country up and its the shape of a dick

>Armenian clay
I could deal with that.

I told you that thousands years ago, you stinky illeterate nothing-known downsyndrome palmeto-bug genetically race-mixed with roaches.

>Only 1 misspell because I am on mobile.
I have more than 3 certification, what do you have xenophobic roach?


>Britons are WORM
>choosing one of the most useful creatures as an insult

Worms fertilize soil by digesting dead plant material and shitting it out into the ground and bore holes which makes room for air which allows plant roots to breathe.

>Anam anam don't let them fuck you, we don't want country.
In English, try again.

Supas bre mn, supas gelek raste ev hemi APO hez dkin, bele bra I meant that I need some support of anti-Turk replies as I usually post here.

Are you a muslim?

Allah hasn't been listening. Go ask Christ maybe, or even Zoroaster.

I don't know English.

I'm a massive faggot.
I have beady eyes, am 5'5" and I am fat, too.

You were all much better off when the Greeks ruled you. Smelled better too, I bet

>beady eyes
You didn't have to mention that. I see your flag

My parents come from Iran but they're actually Kurdish/Russian

my dad's side made me hate Kurds.. fucking inbred cunts with stone age mentality. my mom's side is pretty ok, they embrace their Kurdish identity but they know they're Iranians first and foremost.

p.s kill all Turks, Arabs, Jews to restore Middle East

>1 letter off
Gets me everytime.

Fuck off, i dont care if you kurdshits are secular you guys are all gipsy tier criminals when you come to civilization.

Below roaches in my book at least they take jobs.

"kurds are secular" is a shitty propaganda, literally makes no sense
I'm living in ankara, i see kurds everyday and all of them are more religious than average turk

So where was that horse you're talking about, and why it neighed at you and why even it told you fuck off, bro?


Turks are much more insane, their mentality is on par with Arabs even though they kept trying to be more like Iranians and Europeans. Turkish is a nationality formed with multiple ethnicities such as Greeks/Armenians/Kurds/Persians/Russians/Italians which makes it even more questionable to why they're trying to be so much like Arabs.

Said a Turk, I can make thousands of such a shitty graphic image in matter of 15 minutes.

Kurd meme is falling pretty fast in my book, your expats at least get jobs and provide for community at least.

What horse?? Stop huffing oven cleaner kid, stop stealing and raping to.

T. Brown swede totally not a kurd.

you will never be a Scandinavian.

Hahahahah I never learned something bad or stereotyped about your country bro, but you could be Arab or Peesian or smth.

Those numbers are real. Western part of turkey is sure more secular than south-eastern part
If you want kurdistan go blow yourself up somewhere in turkey, that's how other kurds do.

Your English is fucking shit and your mentality reminds me of monkeys, if you had the mental capacity to use the scroll button on your mouse, you'd see where I'm from because I posted it in this thread.

Kill yourself Arab/Turk. I don't even know why a shitskin with the skin color of coffee beans would call anyone else brown lmao

>Britain devided and destabilized 50 million people of KURDISTAN and gave a country to only 2 million people of Lebanon!

lol how retarded are you? k*rds had a number around max 2 million in that time

you guys are famous for breeding 10 childs each women to this day

Sweden yes!!!


>50 million people of KURDISTAN
eyvallah :D

Triggered sub roaches.

ill have you know swede invader im norwegian through and through and my oppinions is spreading like wildfire.

fucking leave sweden kurdshit you can sell drugs and rape in your fantasy homeland.

Even If these supposedly numbers were accurate, it's your fucking fault, Turkroach that Kurds are religious, by provide your kids education and forcing Kurd kids to farming to send you their Tomatoes to making it çorbe for your stinky ugly downsyndrome kids.

This is the main problem of the middle east and K*rds are no exception. Its always someone elses fault. K*rds are known to be religious and you guys even have a k*rdish brigade in isis. Its Turkeys fault? So how does that explain that the K*rds in Iraq are also religious as fuck?

There are millions of k*rds in west Turkey, you retard.

Right after this you will also tell about how FGM, child marriage, honor killings are all Turkish fault. Its hilarious how the Turk to k*rds became something like the jew.

pro tip: look at where the last turkish nobel prize winner was born

he is from mardin and is ethnic arab, from a place thats filled with k*rds

>turkish government builds a school in western turkey
>no problem, children can go there and get a proper education
>teachers are safe

>turkish government builds a school in eastern turkey
>pkk comes burns it down
>killing children inside, kidnapping teachers

>it's your fault kurds are uneducated

You get it right as anyone esle did, thanks for your uprightness, bro.

Nigger mountain

You don't argue with nationalist Kurds&Turks Sup Forums.

Oh i forgot this one
>if you're lucky enough to survive a pkk attack in school as a kurdish girl, your father amed baran takes you from school, cuts your clit off and forces you to marry with your cousin and breed 10 children(5 of them joins pkk and same thing goes on)

>its your fault for making kurds actually produce shit.

this same applies to your expats
>boohoo im just a misunderstood criminal because i dont understand the concept off education, i better sell drugs with my beat up cousins.

Its never your own fault huh?

>Belgium P.M Charles Michel decided that to kick out one Turk from Belgium as one Kurd will be opressed in Turkey.
>Still bitching from Belgium.

Killing you is one of our main duty then getting to best quality of education is next step.


fuck off, you've outed yourself shitskin.

maybe do some honor killings to not betray your beloved Ottoman Sultan?

>you guys even have a k*rdish brigade in isis

"no", you've outed yourself as a Turk

I have to ask, what do you think about this video?

yeah, sure buddy, just stay delusional, all the education in the world wont let you stop doing stuff like child marriage, honor killing etc, infact a study in the south east of turkey showed that the majority of honor killings are done by university students

its just in your genes

t. rojdar hewal

Youre really grasping at straws here buddy, i stopped caring about proper spelling on this board a long tome ago.

go get rekt by pakis and turks, your antifa friends wont meddle though because theyll never fight a shitskin.

i really hope sweden falls so us northerners and finnish can purge criminals like you.

So don't you tell me why the horse escaped when you played waltz?

>gave a country to only 2 million people of Lebanon!

Lebanon was part of the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon

Can a someone please tell me what this guy means all the time about horses.

what is waltz? Some kurdish game where you round up horses and have to fuck the one that escapes?

Aha you should asgajakjdhs antipathy to Kurds ajdjhsakakdjdhsj in term of secularism and ahggsjsjd be more chiefly even if you ahsjjdjdhahhshdj because of ahdhhgshs and then ajskndjjsjdjd to more roach pasting.

I don't understand what this kurds says
I guess kurds are congenitally uneducated

MFW people trolling you here then you go outside but roaches also troll you saying : this has mental disorder.
Then you come back to home with collected hatred and shilling for Erdogan and circlejerking with other roachs to express your hatred on Kurds.

Why do roaches ajgdhahajshdhdhhd and ancestors sjhsgshsthsshhd only for roman sjhshjajhdhja in constantenople ajsjssjsajshhajkajsjwjjdjdjdiodjdeie828ed?

fuck you mehmet, stag beetles are magnificent little creatures

This monkey thinks he is funny

Out of topic: I guess you're biologic student or smth, I noticed you another time you talked about these little creatures, it seems you have good knowledge about them, bro.
>So tell me what kind of these little creatures related to Persians, btw?

Trump will recreate glorious Armenia and crush ISIS using their heavy cataphracts.

Shut the fuck up fascist oppressive turk!
Allah wills, wallahi de billahi de we will make kurdistan real inshallah

We get it worse than you here in north west england. Talk about a dislocated tribe that has been plundered for centuries for the benefit of the south. Who's got more reason to be angrry????

you think were all toffs with plums in our mouths.

Is it your dad?

Then they will be Russia ally to fuck you.

Since he is from diyarbakır, It's more possible he is one of your distant relatives

Shut up you fucking subhuman

Are they your cousins?

Didn't i said shut up you monkey?

Answer me roach, are they your brothers or cousins or the ones who fucked your mom because your real dad did.

But these are humen, we alking about roaches.

>implying Trump wont make Russia our ally too


You allied yourself with the USA. Be prepared for the stab in the back that comes with it. Those moderate rebel Kurds will be well funded in their struggle against the demon erdogan.


>in your dreams?
Once it happened I proudly turn an ISIS member too.

Lel we never trust these monkeys burger it wouldn't be a backstab