Ever since I became "redpilled" , my entire view of everything has changed

Ever since I became "redpilled" , my entire view of everything has changed.
Whenever I have conversations with my friends or other normal people, I can spot "blue pills" or leftist shit everywhere. I see it everywhere TV , in video games, in movies, in fiction books. I can't even enjoy these things anymore.

When I am with my family eating dinner, or at a family event, I suddenly see leftist propaganda in the way they talk. I land up ranting all the time now and arguing over shit I didn't even notice or care about before.

Is this normal?

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yes. eventually you will see that stupid and/or ignoant people exist. The tv does the thinking for them.

The disgust and aversion will soon move to apathy. You won't give a fuck about them and if you realise soon too, the world can fucking burn.

it really is more a curse than a blessing

Eventually you become purple since red is full autismo and tinfoil hat most of the time.

Yeah I just don't even bother trying to make conversation with my family unless it's trivial as hell. I am at the apathy stage too, you can't untake the red pill.

>Sup Forums

O im laffin. this board is just full of authoritarian cucks who worship any authority that looks their way

How deep do you want to know how it goes?
Do you see static in your eyes yet from a separation of the social perception and the animal perception of your consciousness?

You'll get through that stage and then move onto the point where you don't give a fuck and you'll focus on your personal life and goals instead, improving yourself, etc. Or you'll become a drunken shitposting degenerate, one or the other.

Should have taken that blue pill.

it's always a fucking leaf

At first I was ignorant of the world. Then I got redpilled and I realised that the rest of the world could fuck off.

I don't regret the redpill, since I already know there's nothing I can do. I do wish that the world was a better place, though.

>When I am with my family eating dinner, or at a family event, I suddenly see leftist propaganda in the way they talk. I land up ranting all the time now and arguing over shit I didn't even notice or care about before.
>Is this normal?

Pretty much. Sup Forums will leak into your reality from time to time - Just try not to sperg out too bad.

Get into Warhammer 40k, one of the most red-pilled fictional universes out there.

Seconded. Most of them unironically support Trump.

>Being so blue-pilled you don't know that voting is futile, that it is only through an armed revolution you can bring forth political change in the current year of 2016.


It's normal. In a few months you'll realize that all of the problems that you're being made aware of now are actually unavoidable problems caused by capitalism and then you'll become a leftist yourself. You need to educate yourself on all sides and change your opinion with new information


No one ever said the good fight was an easy one

Still I've learned to just pretend I'm just as ignorant, granted I've never lied and said

>this person is a Racyysst

I've learned just to pretend I know nothing of politics when dealing with people who are are blue pilled

>shilling for communism as a defense of culture


>I've learned just to pretend I know nothing of politics when dealing with people who are are blue pilled.

Best way to deal with it.
I'm a 22 year old white male in college, I have to deal with blue pilled degenerates constantly.
After a certain point they are beyond redemption.


The red pill isn't about how you feel. Its about the truth.

Just asking "why?" is enough to stump most people after they finish advocating their political beliefs to you. It's true for both the left and the right.

consumer culture is not culture

Nah dawg you move on from that stage, too. Once you realize that this is your life, you start finding peace and doing the shit you want to do on your short time here. Stupidity is reality, might as well fight gravity.

>Whenever I have conversations with my friends or other normal people, I can spot "blue pills" or leftist shit everywhere. I see it everywhere TV , in video games, in movies, in fiction books. I can't
>even enjoy these things anymore.
It is normal, it is irreversible. Accept that the lies you used to believe are gone, but life ultimately gets better.

>When I am with my family eating dinner, or at a family event, I suddenly see leftist propaganda in the way they talk. I land up ranting all the time now and arguing over shit I didn't even notice or care about before.

I've been through that too. Stick to your guns, learn dialectic and rhetoric and pick your battles. I recommend vox day for some thought provoking insights.

>Is this normal?
Yes. And that's a good thing.

Except for that there will always be consumption and enterprise.

Thinking one person should own every industry ever and sucking his dick every second of your life is not culture either.

The thing is, I haven't been able to hide it.

I was a public speaker in school (I won every time I entered), so it's not in my nature to be quiet. Before I quit my job a few months ago, it was basically me against the whole office in terms of politics. Whenever someone would say something stupid like "Trump hates all Mexicans" I literally couldn't stop myself from getting involved.

And I always find that normal people almost never have any hard facts to back up their arguments. It's tempting not to argue with them. But I suspect in time I will become apathetic, like people have said

It drives innovation. Necessary evil to get off this shithole planet. We're doomed, otherwise. That's why it's bullshit that the elite would rather see us chained. Slavery holds back progress.

I have this shit, its called vision snowing, or static snowing
am i unplugging from the matrix?

That's fascism you're talking about. In communism the workers own the industry

Welcome to Club Redpill. Move to Texas and buy an assault rifle.

The bombardment of leftist stimuli is something you need to acclimate to. Soon, your last gasp of hope will run our and you'll have to accept reality. You'll either latch onto a substance, kill yourself, live well and every so-often get extremely grumpy and make life hell for your kids, or some other fringe route. You need to adapt and take control of the situation. Introduce right-wing rhetoric into the conversation! Do things they won't notice!

See my previous posts user.
Many times you can do nothing to change their mind.
If they deny hard facts and legitimate data they are not worth trying to save.

You can shame people into being reasonable. They're no different than children. Most have an idea of price and right and wrong and they will defend that notion of you challenge them correctly. They're basically autistic retarded children. Most people are decent, just really stupid.

nah m8 you just had a brain aneurysm

>In communism the workers own the industry

Hahaha what a fucking joke. Stop being retarded, fag.

>Already living in Texas
>mfw blue pilled cucks infesting the colleges and universities.

>It drives innovation
No it doesn't. It merely makes people more creative in their ways of creating profit and driving up the stock value.

You need the yellow pill or whatever color makes you see all sides-shit.

Rightest shit, leftist shit. It's the same thing. The right is aligned with Zionist Israel and wants to bomb the ME back to the stone age.

Trump-is a Zionist stooge. Preaching 'nuke Iran' and 'cheering Muslims after 9/11' ---actually,it was dancing Israelis-Mossad, but thanks for coming out.

Hillary is a Soros stooge, so expect all countries to fold from within. Aligned with: Rockefeller, UN--Bolshevik/Communists.

You have two choices, both support, benefit & profit the Rothschild banking cartel.

The best case scenario is Muslims begin the next Ottoman Empire, and kill the Jews, and we...fuck who am I kidding we're fucked.

Just let the aliens come harvest us or whatever the fuck it is they are planning. Probably in league with the green pyramid in Israel...

How can we be sure that you are sufficiently red polled?

Your post indicates that you may still be 'young, dumb and full of blue pill cum.'

Same here. But being conservative in the "Croatian" meaning of the word, means that you are bluepilled.

And it is. Every side here is bluepilled. Right wing people are fucking low IQ Slavs who have no real proof for any of the shit they spit out and leftists are just commie beta cucks.

And I'm in the middle just fucking hating this country and due to work that I do, and it being payed nicely and do to a new apartment me and my gf bought I have no chance of leaving this cuck hell on earth.

Every fucking conversation with people around me all I see are blue pills. And I end up being a weirdo hater of everything.

People here have no idea what it means to be a conservative with half of brain.

I'm raging even writing this.


>Pretending to be blue pilled

Get some charisma, learn how to speak properly and let people hear you. There's nothing worse than someone not voicing their opinion out of fear. At least, where freedom of speech is allowed.

All that happens to me, too, OP.

So natural progression.

Tbh, I don't know. I know a bunch of other people who have it. I personally think it's a state of visual solitude. Like you existing between the ying yang, taoism polar opposites of reality, but honestly reality and consciousness are so absolutely insane, that there's no way to determine if it's even not just self-created.
So, with that being said, it's just probably stress and literally nothing to worry about.
I would even state you now have a way to determine reality, if you ever need such a thing.

>omg people formulate opinions within a specific spheres of awareness? golly-gee!
>it's so weird to see everybody talking about current events.
>i must be in the fucking matrix or something.

So if Elon Musk wasn't allowed to get richer from electronic cars he still would have done it?

I think the current blend of socialism and capitalism is the answer. The problem is it isn't being prescribed correctly and the media has failed massively, obviously deliberately, making voters as dumb as shit.

No idiot, national socialism. Hitler printed money based on enterprise, and after being bankrupted and fucked, Germany went to being the richest country in Europe in 5-10 years.

Why do you think you hate him? You've been programmed to. He threatened the banks.

The Bolshevik Jews took over Russia from the inside, murdering the royals and ~60 million people, mostly Christians. Than Stalin seized power from the Jew-Bastards.

Jew-Ninjas were also trying to take over Germany with the same movement. Hitler said, 'fuck that' and made Germany the best damn nation in the world. After the JooNinjas in the banks ruined his country and ass-fucked his people he said "Nein!"

He put them into camps with swimming pools, theatres & hospitals. He even punished 4 SS commandants that broke his rules and indiscriminately killed JooScum (they were mad they'd been treated so well)

After the UK firebombed the German cities and trade routes, ending all rail travel, starving out the reich (and their prisoners) they came and cleaned up in massacre fashion.

10,000 Jewbies died when they fed them sardines. Some fuckface traitor said "hey, lets take pictures of this and then make up a giant lie of systematic killing of Jewbies"

"But what about evidence?" Said Patton

"we'll give the Soviets some Rubles" Said Churchill.

So the Soviets came and installed chimneys that don't connect to anything, and holes for where "gas" canisters were 'dropped in'...

Then Patton said, "Im blowing the lid off this whole damn thing" because he was a god damned war hero. And he was hit-TWICE by a military truck, in a DMZ, and still he lived. He was that fucking tough.

But they injected air into his IV.

And the Holohoax was born. BTW, Germany had hundreds of tons of Sarin nerve gas. Possibly death-toll capability? (low end) 50,000,000 People

Number of deaths from Sarin? ZERO.

Can, and do, relate, though I try to avoid talking about it with people outside of my closest friends.
>in before Swecuck
Fuck off.

Knowledge about the unseemly side of things always leads to this sort of problem. Every year I end up alienating all the people I know who watch the Superbowl "Just for the commercials." I've worked in advertising so the idea that you would watch ads for fun sickens me. Advertisements are cultural sewage, but every year millions tune in so they don't miss out the next day when everybody talks about how cute the one with the dog was.

Fucking degenerates.

Do never reveal you true power level unless you know you are save!


Stay here for more than 1 year and you will come to this conclusion. It's normal to sperg out at first with relatives and friends etc. It will calm down after awhile and you can't be bothered anymore.

Capitalism hasn't existed for ages. It barely ever existed. We live in a fully communist North America. Fucking banks bailed out, welfare state----total control by lobbies (legal bribes), regulations preventing free trade. AIPAC controlling all government decisions, Zion-on-high-media 24/7

God forbid someone say something not approved by Zionist/Marxist controlled robots (Rightest/Leftist) and god forbid someone recognizes how not a single decision isn't made without Rothschild approval.

Gotta make sure it doesn't violate the Owl/Minerva rule

There's nothing capitalist about America anymore.

I wouldn't go back even if I could.

It's because Texas is/was a conservative utopia. Liberals shit up their home states then immigrate to conservative states because they're so much better but bring their liberalism with them, and shit up their new state. Like Colorado.

I too am bad at keeping my mouth shut. I feel I am living in the exact same scenario as you. I feel I have become separate from my friends, trying not to let them see how I have evolved into some kind of red pilled alien disguised amongst them as another sheep. The way a lot of my friends talk on facebook is truly disheartening; I was openly pro Brexit a few weeks back and got attacked... it sucked. But I wonder how many other red pilled people there are like us, secretly harbouring other views

A soldier's pack is a heavier burden then a slave's chains.

To me being red-pilled is not being a victim. Having the strength to defend your people from the cultural Marxists that want to destroy the white race.

The propaganda is meant to discourage you from being strong. The red-pill is beating in Muslim shitskin heads with a rock that tried to rape your girlfriend.

Have you ever considered the problem might be you, and not every fucking person and form of art you come across?

Also now that I have eaten so many red pills this last year I am ASTOUNDED at the blatant marxism which is openly pushed in the universities I've attended

Yes, it's normal. Western civilization is collapsing and white people are going extinct/becoming minorities in their lands.

An age of darkness is coming, and if you speak out about it you'll face social ramifications.

try weeb life. learn japanese and you then have literally unlimited entertainment and sophisticated intimacy simulation games forever

reality is shitty and an individual is truly powerless anyway


Brexit has killed several professional and personal relationships for me too. Being

I think it's normal for a concious human to rant at people if it's done from the heart with sincerity. I'm surrounded by blue pillers all the time. No Family just friends....so i think its important to try to call peoples delusions out if you ever want a relationship with them.

this is cuck

>You'll get through that stage and then move onto the point where you don't give a fuck and you'll focus on your personal life and goals instead, improving yourself, etc. Or you'll become a drunken shitposting degenerate, one or the other.

>Should have taken that blue pill.
not this, Ignorance is not bliss. You are much better off with this knowledge, as long as you have the will to exploit it to your profit.

I know what you mean. I purposefully avoid media, because of how much it pisses me off. I've developed a keen sense of what I will enjoy and what not, so I can pre-empt a lot of frustration that way.

For instance, I had never been on Buzzfeed my entire life, until a friend showed me some stuff he regularly watches. And it's the biggest blue pill ever. I legit felt like I was watching ideological propaganda. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is. Everything about it seems engineered to engage on those typically American libtard traction points. Everyone is young and "diverse", and with "diverse" I mean "you can't tell if someone is of Cuban or Indian heritage because they all look like the same trendy, effeminate libtards, and I don't have a fucking colour chart next to my TV so I can judge which shade of brown is from where". The white guy regulars are basically stereotypical nerds. They look weak, boring, and pale, sound like pushovers, etc. The non-white regular looks like an underwear model. And I can't prove it, but with everything else that's going on, how can I not suspect that's intentional? Because EVERYONE aside from these white regulars is the typical trendy leftist. Oh, and I swear nearly half of the people who appear on it are gay. But not regular gay, oh no. They are trendy libtard gay. Which means tons of lipstick lesbians and lispy faggots.

They bring up lots of politicial points, of course. They do something like "these people as Fantasy characters", but then they spend the entire video talking about how there needs to be more PoC/gay representation. Loads of Trump callouts everywhere, of course.

It's the intent that bothers me more than the content. This idea that someone thinks it's OK to jam overt propaganda into entertainment. I'd like to see these people live in a world where every funny video reminds them that niggers should go back to Africa. See how they like it.

You should see how shocked an horrified people are that I don't have a tv, particularly because my children are supposedly 'missing out'. I don't see why people think it's neccesary to have one, especially for children.

TV is like a crutch for lazy parents, just stick the kids in front of it and your job becomes much easier. Other parents shocked you don't have a TV to pacify your children are probably intimidated and made to feel ashamed of their own parenting by your ability to do without it.

>Cuck flag

Yes it's normal. I wouldn't bother arguing if I were you though, at least not with your friends and family. Redpill is a curse that we must suffer until we die, you may as well at least keep your company even they're full on bluepill.

Do you remember that episode of SouthPark when Stan turns 10 and everything suddenly starts looking like shit? I feel exactly the same

I understand why painting toy soldiers was so popular among-st vets from WW2 now. It is an outlet for the pent up rage at a world you cannot do anything about filled with people too willingly stupid to care about. When I feel that rage I go and paint a Black Templar while streaming a 40k history video on YouTube to calm down.

The redpill is the one that sees all sides. It sees from above it all, and knows that all politics is bullshit. Don't let the republicucks and authoritarians who have tried to co-opt the term fool you. They're still blue, maybe purple... but definitely not red.

Fuck I have the static snow too. I notice when looking at bright blue sky especially. I am unplugging from the matrix holy fuck.

This girl i was in school with is dating a nigger that was in a car accident (with two other girls he was cheating on her) that turned him into a vegetable and the first thing i thought was burn the coal pay the toll

S'alright. I've had it for 4 years. It's gotten worse and better. It hasn't harmed me in anyway, besides me being afraid of it.

When I get high on mushrooms...the static is much, much different.

You are the most redpilled leaf on the planet

I think you should be Prime Minister

Not joking; that was pretty fucking accurate


Once you digest the redpill, it hits you.

Once it hits you, it destroys you.

After you´ve been down, it rebuilds you

When you´re rebuilt, you become powerful

This so much wow

>I get to fuck whoever I want while having a pet negro excuse if anyone doesn't make my vagina tingle
>I also get a mountain of virtue signaling points because he's black and a vegetable
>And he can't contradict anything I say

Everything passed along culturally is a meme user.

It follows a pattern of behavior based on symbolism so yes, it can be considered culture.

>I rant all the time
>I can't enjoy anything anymore
>2 posts

>ranting all the time now and arguing over shit
>Acting like a nigger during the conversation
>falling far the bait


This this this.

>tfw Trumptards call themselves redpilled

The true redipilled alpha never picks a side, he stands by and for himself (and famyi)

You hit the nail on the head. She is always posting about how hard it is staying with him but then will post pictures with new guys every week.

Mmmm pls explain more. Was thinking of doing shrooms with my gf soon.


Hide it partitaly

Visual snow is officially diagnosed as a kind of persistent migraine, but hasn't really been studied much yet.

I've had it all my life (35 years) along with tinnitus. My vision and hearing are exceptional, so I think it's a kind of hypersensitivity in the brain. It's so sensitive that it doesn't filter out all the noise in the brain.

Like anything, when you become emotionally indifferent or densensitized to it, you will not notice it anymore.

Literally if TV and FB were removed from our society I would be the happiest Sup Forums worker out there.

Ya I notice when looking at sky. Blue or grey it's there. Like millions of little specs of snow. Hell sometimes when it snows I have trouble telling if it's real but I live in Florida now so fucking whatever. I think we are breaking away from the matrix famo.

>Is this normal?
What`s not normal is now first time in history you can connect with people, who see the things you see.

Earlier it all was considered "the water of madness". Imagine you have not drink`d it and managed to find people like you.

You have us. What would you do?

>The disgust and aversion will soon move to apathy.

I think I'm just about there in this regard. I've got a lot of Zionist Christians in my family. I was one of them, until I learned and realized how badly Jews subverted the Church and the teachings in it. My faith is twice as strong now, but when I try to bring it up to them, no matter what information I place before them, I can't break the mental conditioning. It's unbelievably strong and it frustrates me into the occasional sperg-out which doesn't help.

I think I'm doomed to be the black sheep in my family now. Forbidden knowledge has utterly fucked me over.

It became the face of my true self.
It wasn't very apparent. It was more like I had to try and focus very, very hard. It wasn't willpower. It was focus. Like I had to let everything but that be. I only got a minimal of it. I got the outlines, but I couldn't "form" anymore and it fell away back into the static.
Later on in the trip, I took a shower and died or whatever, not sure, but I ended up seeing my body slumped over from inside the shower, watching me. The static formed the outline of my body and the dimensions of the shower (vaguely).
The static I think is the observation of the information of reality.
Consider reality is blackness, with code of concept illuminating physical objects. This code is processed by us which turns it into objects. I think the static is the breaking down of the ego AND causing high amounts of stress, which cause a loss of reality (derealization/depersonalization) and hypersensitivity (hyper-intelligence).

Now, granted, I'm not the average person. I would consider myself close to the One of Everything and I find myself largely egoless, although I'm still a fool, but I try very hard.
I danced while it rained (and I'm pretty sure it rained because my buddy and I are polar opposites, so when we tripped we collided reality or whatever reality does when it wants to move feeling through each other) next to a tree and heard the whole forest oscillating in an A to B sound as it increased in intensity. I could feel the rain come on before it would get harder and it would go along with my thoughts, as would the music.
I had an interesting talk with what I presume to be Mother Nature and she talked through me using my voice (at first I was talking outloud to myself because it was raining and I wanted to do something because I was standing in front of a plant I planted so I wanted to be with it or something, so I asked myself what to do, I told myself to dance (vocally), my inner thoughts complied, and then I became my inner thoughts.

My inner thoughts went through a trial where I was trying to sync up with the rain so I could deserve it or something and eventually some part of me was now talking out of my mouth, answering my questions, which I presented from my mind.

In the shower, I had my eyes closed and when I moved my head slowly, the static would move with it, but it would move fluidly around the center of my vision, like a fluid circle keeping up with the center of focus, but why would this focus be like this if my eyes were closed? There is only relative black to perceive.

I've never thought of this, but it might honestly be the perception of your balance.

Wrong. You are the ONLY white sheep in your family.

Can you get me those shrooms m8?

Fucking awesome response btw. Never thought of the static as you say, code of concept. Maybe it's deeper then we think.

Which episode?

those are eye-floaters, user. google it

I have this too