I am excited to watch the Republican Party implode

You retards did this to yourselves.

Trickle down economics doesn't work.

Stop with the gay marriage shit.

Stop with the 'abstinence only education' shit.

Stop with the ostracising of everyone that isn't a white man in their 40's.

Stop with with retarded foreign policy that makes every country hate us.

Stop with the anti-intellectual bullshit, evolution isn't taught along side creationism.

Global warming is real.

Vaccines don't cause autism.

Socialized medicine would be great for the average person.

How did you fall so far from 'spend less money, don't meddle in foreign affairs, let markets do their thing.'

Fucking hell what happened.

Republican party doesn't look like that anymore, hence the votes for Trump. Also, the Democratic party is the any-intellectual, ostracizing party now. Oh and abstinence is the only way to prevent STDs, and most of all, unwanted pregnancy, this i just slut talk. Tell me more about a "woman's right to choose" when you are forcing a teenage girl to get an abortion she doesn't want, "for her own good."

Wow, holy shit, I don't know what I was thinking being a Conservative all these years... Your post... Really made me contemplate things... Wow.. I guess I'll #StandWithHer now..

>Republicans united under one leader (most primary votes in history)
>Dems can;t even contain Bernie tards

My singles decide Clinton wins by a landslide

3/4 of the things you listed are because of religious zealots that still have a strong influence in the GOP

Spoopy singles

Your clearly dont understand our values, your comments dont even hurt me because your talking from your point of view of who you think we are. Its a conceited ignorant point of view.

If you came to understand us, rather than target us like a boogeyman you would come to rather agree with alot of the points, you just want to throw darts though today though dont you.

>Implying the democratic party is not collapsing
>Implying that the Dems have a strong leader to glue the party back together unlike the Reps
Grasping at straws

The GOP is a coalition of groups who have nothing in common other than their hatred of Democrats and who would lose out massively and become angry if any single one of the coalition members got everything they wanted politically.

The Democrats just want free shit. That doesn't bother any of them.

>I am excited to watch the Republican Party implode
Exactly why I voted for Donald Trump in the primaries

>mfw I'm voting for a third party in the generals


The GOP has gone from being a bunch of kikes who want to keep the two-party illusion going, to a bunch of kikes who don't want to lose their party to Trump.

Then how would you describe yourselves then? What makes you different from all the points made in the OP?

>when the night shift CTR shills aren't as fun as the day shift people

>Stop with the 'abstinence only education' shit.
Is it that hard for people today to not have sex?

>There's a difference between Democrats and Republicans

Anyone watching this election cycle who still hasn't caught on the two parties + media are the same entity is pants-on-head fucking retarded.

Your clearly dont understand Republican values, your comments dont even hurt me because your talking from your point of view of who you think we are. Its a conceited ignorant point of view.

If you came to understand the Republican Party, rather than target us like one-and-the-same with the Democratic Party you would come to rather agree with alot of the points, you just want to throw darts though today though don't you.


My dubs tell me that you will shit yourself in bed tonight. Gross.

You mean like how the democratic party has already imploded and will never recover?

Thanks for letting me know where the lies are (you post) lets see what's new here...
Hmm nothing new, I already knew global warming is a hoax et cetera.

>The only way to prevent STDs
Use a condom you fucking a-sexual maggot.
>Implying both parties aren't collapsing
Is it that hard for people to not be puritanical faggots?
Just like the Republican party has. And it is glorious. All of it.

We have to meet some quotas in this thread. Every race, gender, sexual orientation, income, and intelligence have to all be equal until this thread goes any further.

>condoms stop STDs
good goy

>Democrat Party gets caught literally rigging an election, which is illegal
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>The head of the DNC is directly implicated in rigging the election, which is illegal
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>She "resigns" after the convention and immediately gets a job with the candidate she helped rig the election for, which is illegal
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>Man who serves civil suit against the DNC for rigging the election "dies" in bed
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>Half the party walks out of the Democrat National Convention, and the Democrats are forced to fill seats with paid actors from Craigslist
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>The entire convention has two massive metal walls with riot police inside to keep the plebs out
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>The RNC let people mill about outside; the DNC required IDs and a guest list to even get near the building
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>Trump takes a +10 lead over Clinton in the REUTERS poll; Reuters deletes undecided voters and retroactively edits all polling data in the past year to put Clinton ahead again
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>RNC had millions more primary voters than the Democrats
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

>The DNC candidate is the single most corrupt in history and has no platform whatsoever, other than she has a vagina and isn't the RNC candidate
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it

Bernie voters will stay home. Trump will win. The DNC will split in two.
The GREAT CORRECTION is coming...

is that an assault crab?

Why do you need people to not have sex?
Just use a condom so no baby gets made and the STDs keep away.

A-sexual otherkin faggot detected.
You best believe.

CTR shills have 5 seconds to justify how they can support the Clinton's when the Clinton's and the Bush's are part of the same cabal, as exposed by Iran-Contra

>Stop with the anti-intellectual bullshit

Now, to be fair, this is getting more and more prevalent on the left, but in another way.

Anti-GMO, denial of history, denial of basic biology, etc. is gaining ground. Also, I'm pretty sure lefties are more prone to be anti-vaccine.

Republicans suck, but so does Democrats. Perhaps they don't suck as much, but they are sure trying to race to the bottom in this regard.