>Democrat Party gets caught literally rigging an election, which is illegal
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>The head of the DNC is directly implicated in rigging the election, which is illegal
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>She "resigns" after the convention and immediately gets a job with the candidate she helped rig the election for, which is illegal
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>Man who serves civil suit against the DNC for rigging the election "dies" in bed
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>Half the party walks out of the Democrat National Convention, and the Democrats are forced to fill seats with paid actors from Craigslist
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>The entire convention has two massive metal walls with riot police inside to keep the plebs out
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>The RNC let people mill about outside; the DNC required IDs and a guest list to even get near the building
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>Trump takes a +10 lead over Clinton in the REUTERS poll; Reuters deletes undecided voters and retroactively edits all polling data in the past year to put Clinton ahead again
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>RNC had millions more primary voters than the Democrats
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
>The DNC candidate is the single most corrupt in history and has no platform whatsoever, other than she has a vagina and isn't the RNC candidate
>Isn't considered a story by the media, who are all Democrats; they hide it
Bernie voters will stay home. Trump will win. The DNC will split in two.
The GREAT CORRECTION is coming...