Why do you still worship the Jew gutter god Sup Forums?

We tried to raise you better than the mad Jew god.

>Because it is redpilled
Christians on this board unironically believe their religion is redpilled because of the crusades or something.

Christianity is the biggest bluepill in history.

Only autistic losers who think Christianity is some RPG game where you get to kill people believe that, Christianity is NOT red pilled the term red pill was made up by two Hollywood faggots who belong in a mental institution not out on the street. Makes me sick seeing people like that

>implying I worship a jew god
>implying I'm not worshipping the Son of Zalmoxis, come to smack jews for being kikes

Oh look a fucking leaf, and a Fedora faggot.

Anyway, Christianity is the main force in human advancement. There is no other civilization in the past or present that can compete with a Christian, European nation. The less Christian the USA and Europe become, the shittier, and brown it becomes.

I agree with this, people ask what evidence do we have that God is real refuse to see the destruction of their own society and the true cause of it, the population has abandoned God. They no longer follow his word but instead the teachings of man which preaches sexual immorality

Nice bait, Satan.

Except Christianity fucked up the West beyond repair. Even Islam had its golden age, ours was simply bigger and lasted longer.

>hahaha Christianity ruined everything by giving people a moral compass XD

Nope, try again