Sup Forums
How do I blue-pill myself?
Help please.
Suicide can't be the only way.
Sup Forums
How do I blue-pill myself?
Help please.
Suicide can't be the only way.
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Enjoy the ride, because it never ends.
C'mon bro, don't need to watch the H boy right now it's 3AM and my mind is racing in all directions.
There is no exit for any of us in here. Once you go here, you can never go back.
Fuck, man.
Should I kill self?
The best way to bluepill yourself is to become absorbed by the bread and circuses. You need to feel secure in your environment, like nothing bad will ever happen. Good luck with that. :^)
Come on, we both know you won't kill yourself. We're just getting to the fun, it's about to be our time. You won't want to miss it!
You haven't even entered the realm of your own consciousness.
You're still in the reality of reality, buddy.
Relax, calm down, kill everything in your mind, and realize it could be worse and move forward.
smoke meth
First of all start by finding yourself a feminist gf
And second stop visiting this website.
There's no way out.
It gets better. Just know that we were all where you were once.
We are all pawns to a greater force. Memes.
Understand the way the world is, shape your values and principles around what you think is right, don't tolerate nonsense and proceed from a place of logic and reason.
It's not that hard.
1) Have more sex (not even gf needed).
2) Browse other websites. Not every shit it is said Sup Forums is the truth. Are you such a pleb to believe everything they tell to you? Are you that weak?
3) Go outside and exercise, you are probably fat.
nice meme spaniard :^)
Until you've read 'The Culture of Critique' in its entirety you can fuck off with that >muh blue pill faggotry
Travel across Europe.
Stay in hostels.
Talk to progressives and pretend that you agree with them.
Eventually you will
pervert's guide to ideology
becomes a zizekian reactionary
Define your redpill
You don't need to.
Just an advice, form your opinions and recognize the inside-jokes/behaviors and act accordingly in real life. Don't be a stupid retard.
Hitler did nothing wrong
he tried it
didnt end well for him
Accept that Hitler could not stop the decay of culture. Become a fatalist and focus you energy inwards
Watch some of the stuff on this channel. It really helped me understanding the rise and fall of cultures and societies
Oh, I know he would have had to crush the shit we're dealing with, it's just that he wouldn't have had qualms about killing hippies like we did. I refuse to accept that the West necessarily must die merely because that has been the pattern for past civilizations. Call me stubborn, but I will continue to try to make this world better.
this sounds like an actually good plan
be the one who will lead us to the light OP
Of course if you wish to to continue to try and fix the world you can try. But remember all things must die even cultures.
Trying to fix the world is something that is virtually impossible. Your attempts for it will cost you dearly. Having life goals that you can not fulfill is really bad for your mental health
Personally I don't care if this shitty culture dies, 14 words my man.
embrace the red pill
Only cowards run away from truth. Kill yourself now, OP, it's the only way.
Blue pilled = TV
Red pilled = internet
Just give up the internet for 6 months