Wow. Really made me think
Wow. Really made me think
Other urls found in this thread:
>give niggers free housing and food
>punish them when they break the law
>somehow they still end up dysfunctional
it really does, op
black deadbeat dads never experienced colonialism of slavery.
It's this thread again.
Wow. Apparently black people live for more than 230 years now as they remember every bad deed the white man did to them like it was yesterday.
>Black history consists of only 228 years
All jokes aside, they really are fucking lazy if it wasn't until whites came around that they started recording their 'achievements'
Hmm..... so true! We must give more money to the poor aborigines and maybe have some national sorry day or something.
So hundreds of years later, after all that crap is long over with, that is their excuse to behave like animals?
So can I blame things on people who lived way back and must have done something to my family in ancient times?
How do I get repaid for what ancient barbarians did to my people or vice versa?
wtf i hate nazis now
Slightly more accurate
Someone post the image text where it said that Aboriginal's use to beat their women and feed their fetus's to their first born
cancer the thread \
>black people inventing guns
please replace that with another stick.
wtf... I hate cartoons now
This one?
>white man raping a black woman
When was the last recorded white on black rape?
wow so this comic basicaly confirms that blacks WERE savages before 1788 and we basicaly gave them our technology
what a racist comic
shame on the author
what a load of horSe sAusaGE
exctly with slavery they should know discipline and several qualities they clearly lack
That's the one kek
Greatest ally?
kekekkety kek
Other nigs sold the nigs to da white man.
That about covers it
it's about abbos
I think you forgot
>post 1970
>yellow man replacing white man.
FFS! Wtf!
That literally never happened.
Africans were sold to by other Africans to traders, some of whom were European and shipped to America. Not in particularly large numbers either of you compare it to African racing of Europe which numbers in the tens of millions and literally is as picture describes.
>OOk ook bunga bunga
Look, I know I can give a lot of shit to nigs about this crap, but this ignores their roles in islamic nations and the Abyssinian Empire.
Mildly perturbed but conflicted because ook ook bunga bunga
Reminds me of this one
The author forgot an important detail.
Wow. Really made me hard
Where isthe panel where niggers sell their own kids for slavery after they rape and beat them themselves?
Where's the panel that describes nigger life pre 1788, cannibalizing each other in mud huts, naked, unable to build a tool for more than one use?
Where is the panel where niggers commit huge amount of crime no matter what their economic or social status is, 50 years after the end of Jim Crow, and 180 years after the abolition of slavery?
Where is the amounts of cash spent on welfare for niggers who don't want to work or take responsibility over themselves?
Where are the interracial crime statistics?
Niggers are a cancer on the west, they should all be killed with no exception. They are not human.
So blacks are still where they were 200 years ago or are they pilling a "violence damaged muh genes" move like the Jews did
>only white people had slaves
yes, OP doesn't actually believe the comic, he was saying "Really makes you think" sarcastically, to make fun of the comic even when it didn't actually make him think
Is it a troll ?
>Niggers are a cancer on the west, they should all be killed with no exception. They are not human.
>That flag
The Irony!
How can a family be functional without a father?
>whites captured africans
>implying african warlords didnt sell out their own people
where the fuck did THIS meme come from?
>Hating blacks and jews is mutually exclusive
Oy vey how intolerant. I am dispatching 10 mossad agents to your location you filthy go...
>that flag
Oy gevalt there appears to be a mistake. Zay moykhl!
Except the slaves were bought from other blacks, also it's not as if they were living in peace before hand they were killing and enslaving each other long before we came along. The ones who got enslaved by whites were lucky as they got to escape that shithole.
wtf... i hate coons now
Welfare did to the black family in one or two generations, what slavery couldn't do in all of history.
They might have lower IQ than whites, but after slavery and before welfare black men and women got married and were on their way into the middle class.
Then the democrats put a stop to that, thank god.
What brainwashed bullshit is this?
Who in the fuck thinks that early blacks were peaceful or some shit? Did they not read Heart of Darkness?
Thank you based LBJ
They are enslaved today it just costs too much fucking money these days.
fuck i left the prime schnoz in like some kind of retard
I genuinely thought it's yahweh lmao
Too realistic for BLM.
It's about aboriginals. There is a bit of fuss in Australia after this cartoon was recently published
I don't know what's worse: spending an eternity with pic related or going to hell
That nigger wouldn't even know what is hiv positive without whites and would die pretty soon.
>Not waiting for us in hell
The funniest thing is that blacks think the decline of whites means that they'll suddenly become kangs. They're too stupid to realise that we were the only thing stopping Schlomo from selling their organs for pennies
badly fixed
Jew'd again.
>cut off your foreskin goyim and you'll go to heaven hehe
>implying nigger society was all happy and peaceful before da ebil whide man showed up
Stupidity should be painful.
He also wouldn't have a shirt, nor shacks in the back ground. Just mudhuts and naked kids snorting cattle ass.
for you
Why is that the comic in OP's post when it's about abos and not blacks?
lmao saved
>Silly goyim fell for literal blood sacrifice
>Pre-1788 no slaves
>suck his bloody penis, rabbi. Then I'll let you into heaven hehehe silly khazar doesn't realise he's not of the REAL chosen people
in school at history lessons I was fed the narrative that whites were chasing poor negros with chains.
Also that picrelated was invented by niggers to make themselves so ugly that white devils wont take them.
How long do you think it will take these negroes to realise that the only reason anyone cares about Judaism is because of Ashkenazi excellence.
>The initial ritual of Aboriginal Boys
>Throw boy into trench called "The Old Woman", repeating their birth by going through a birth tunnel
>coverd by "the menstrual blood that can cause you to die"
>and then sub-incising them with a "slit made on the underside of the penis"
>Then the men have intercourse in the split of the underside of the penis, "like a split-open franfurter"
Really makes you think indeed, if whitey wasn't there. Most negroes would still be ooga booga looga.
At least they're creative
Why would they ever realise anything of this kind? It's their defence mechanism
They're looking for an identity because africans have never done anything worthy of documentation except rape murder and cannibalism, and suddenly they found themselves among civilized peoples.
so it's gonna be WE forever
>white people enslaved africans
jesus this is the scary part, they are literally rewriting history to absolve africans of starting their own mess
>their plan backfired when whites started using them as human shovels
Jesus fucking christ
Most of the enslaving was done by African tribes who were willing to trade the slaves for ironware made in Europe or Spices and other goods from Arabs.
Slaves went 50-50 to Arabs and Europeans, although Arabs castrated male slaves, which Europeans didn't do.
It's sad because it's usually the smarter of them that don't want to identify with their nignog culture but they're going about it the wrong way by inserting themselves into the Bible t.b.h.
It's funny when people try to blame Africa's problems today as still being caused by colonialism, because whites left blacks with guns. They're basically saying that blacks are irresponsible with white technology and need to be left alone to their mud huts and sharpened sticks.
lvl 10 jew fighter rabbi
The REAL King of the Jews everybody
This is about abos you ignorant fuck. That's why the only possession between 8 people is one sharp stick
Is he a super hero? Does he fly around enlightening white folks at bus stops about his beautiful Semite Egyptian culture, black Mozart, while bringing Jew boys to tears?
>Like a split-open frankfurter
holy shit
then why are they called black? abbos arent black
yeah, they're fucking savages
Yeah I don't know. It's kind of an insult to regular niggers
It's a lost race mate, it's sad for other races who can experience empathy but in actuality it's just one of nature's many cruelties.
At least I have a saving grace - my ancestors accumulated lots of European genes over the years. Being a pure african is just alien to what the west defines as human.
Are they multiplying rapidly or mostly just hanging around the wasteland?
You know if kangaroos had thumbs so they could wield sticks they probably would've been the dominant species before the whitey showed up
>off by one
sorry, jew
they're not multiplying as fast as youd think
they hang around 2 places in the entire country
the wasteland and every single train station.
pity the savages, focus on the chink business mongers and muslim savages