Why is French considered an international/diplomatic language?

Why is French considered an international/diplomatic language?

It is basically irrelevant outside of France.

Why does it deserve such an elevated status?

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The Napoleonic era. That's pretty much it.

Lingua Franca stems from that.

History.It was relevant in the past and it became a tradition I guess...

>irrelevant outside of france
how about showing some citations please?

>tfw Enlgish is the most diploamatic language
feels good nigga

Tons of African countries have French as an official language.


Like I said, irrelevant

because, like the uk, france once controlled much of the world and is responsible for the spread of white people around the globe.

are you twelve?

Was the second lenguaje in most of the countries till the 80's was the second here

Yeah that's just not true OP. Countries in Africa and the Caribbean speak French

Its spoken in a lot of developing nations because France was a major colonial power until WW2. They still maintain significant influence in sub-Saharan countries like the CAR.

It's also one of three official languages spoken in the Western Hemisphere.

historical value
used widely across africa
generally a commonly spoken language anyways

i'd rather french be a UN language than some isolated language from some shithole country like hindi or disgusting hue portugese

Same reason English is. It was spread wide and far, and there's a large amount countries out there that consider it a secondary language to this day.
If Spanish could have been the 3rd "World Language", but it's too regional.

I don't know. Until the end of WW2, French was the Lingua Franca in Europe's business. WIth the US having liberated much of Europe, English replaced it. I guess it's got this seemingly elevated status because of it's role as former LF.


If you were speaking french at a level sufficient to make that statement, you would know why no diplomat want to abandon french.
French allow more for this profession than other language, it is a toolof the trade, nothing more.


It really makes you think.

Except loads of african countries and Quebec. As well as French in Switzerland.

How the fuck is it irrelevant.

Two people with middling fluency in French can understand each other with more detail then two people with middling fluency in English.

But give them all a level on par with their mother tongue and there's no advantage to French.

Well is talked by lots of people but the spain went irrelevant since 200 years ago and Argentina 80 and these were the 2 top countries that speak spanish

It's relevant in Africa, but that's about it.

A large number of speakers doesn't make something a "World Language" otherwise shit like Mandarin and Arabic would be. Hell, IIRC more people speak Spanish in the world then speak English.

It's the distribution of those speakers that matter. Practically anywhere in the world that you go, there's someone near you who speaks either English or French along with whatever the regional language is. The same can't be said for Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin. Because they ARE the regional languages.

damn OP, obviously your oppinion is irrelevant.

France was a superpower between 1618 and 1815

But that comes mostly with the period of time and the relevance of the country wich is what I was saying

The freedom of Frogfags is an insult to me. I'd have them all in zoos.

>irrelevant language inside 3rd world irrelevant countries

Yup sure sounds like French.

If you speak english, french and spanish you can go anywhere on earth (portuguese is also important but less than the other languages)

French is useless. With english you can shitpost on the Internet.

Your turn Frogfags.

>French is useless. With english you can shitpost on the Internet.

Yeah, but with French, you can get hit by a truck.

Your turn, first world.

You mean the Bourbon era.

From the late 17th century to ww2 French was the lingua franca.

and with german you can be killed by a shitskin wannabe white or get laid with a refugee

Because France ruled the world. UK never ruled squat, English only became the world's business language with the rise of the USA.

Your vagina has no power here. Leave.

>UK never ruled squat

To trigger anglos.

mfw these anglofags dont even realize that in the past diplomatic communications even between the US and the UK were done en français

The fact is that was only relevant in the colonies that they have wich was a fuck lot of clay but not in the non anglo

>UK never ruled squat
How fucking stupid are you?

I listened to Sibelius yesterday, good stuff.

>English was never the lingua franca before the rise of the USA
>Britannia ruled the world
How fucking stupid are you?

>how does a frenchie change a lightbulb

holds the bulb and expects the world to revolve around him

basically their language's """importance""" in a nutshell

Société Générale

Also a shitton of small businesses, tourism, gastronomy, etc.
Nuclear weapon.
Top 5 world military
Permanent member of the United Nations Security Council
EU founder.

Granted France is slowly becoming an islamic shithole but OP's question was dumb.

was i right or what? that bread was good stuff. have you by chance any good resource for learning German? I wanna learn.

>have you by chance any good resource for learning German?

Not really, sorry. Is there a Goethe Institut in your country?

You sound upset we take pride in our heritage.

yep but I wanna learn on my own if its possible. thanks anyway

Well I found these:


Youre ok Quebec. Its your cucked father across the ocean i hate.

Im a seperatist for my province. Whats your stance on quebec seperatism?

One nation, one country. I don't hate anglos as long as they stay home.

wut ?

i still wish we werent treated like a colony. also the "equalization" payments need to stop.

Ressource handouts needs to stop and powers must be decentralized.

French Speaking canucks are some of the most butthurt people on the planet.

I think only the common catalan gets more enraged when you say how his precious homeland is part of spain.

Average Quebec Cuck following Holy Justins l'example


Then what's left of the Canadian state? A fucking leaf flag?

Also, Quebec is facing issues that can only be solved by giving up on our heritage or by leaving Canada. That is my stance on seperatism.

How do you say Tim Horton in frog?

The only thing France contributed to Canada is FAIL and AIDS.

Cut out this disgusting cancer that is Quebec.


The German Independence is an insult to me.

>The German Independence is an insult to me.

As are deodorants.

>thos from Germany

You ruined Nationalism and Europe. And you're STILL RUINING IT

>being this butthurt

Quebec is filled with assholes, but at least it's migrants/Chinese free


i hate when for example alberta whines to the federal government because they want to use our seaport for fucking free. if we're going to spend our time and money building something to ship your oil we better benifit from it as well which we are not.

If ontario cant survive economically on its own without raping us then maybe they should be left to suffer the consequences. theyll start working again and boot out their commie government when the welfare checks start bouncing

we cant even LOOK at our offshore oil. thats right not just a ban on pumping it but on even taking a peek to see how much we have

Also we should be able to control our own immigration. the only reason we have so many chinks is because the federal government wanted us to stop being "racist". at least we chose the chinks instead of muslims

And what did we get out of joining canada? one fucking railroad thats irrelevant today

what did canada get from us? billions in free money and a seaport they can all use for fucking free while they accept bribes from chinese criminals who use the surrounding land to launder dirty money. I hear they want to rule out foreign ownership tax as "unconstitutional" now.

I think you should just go. Im behind you 100% if you do. You will pave the way for places like us to also gain our freedom from this union of cucks. Even though youre across the continent an independent Quebec is a place that an independent BC should keep friendly ties to


Call it by its rightful name shitlord: New Arabia.

And check your privilege.

Is being raped is a friendly act in Germany?

You have a good history about it : swedes, soviets, western ally forces and now refugees...

You are the hookers of europe

EU is the French bastard of former Glory with German attempts to disolve the guilt of WWII.

The Euro is rumored to have been a french condition for german reunification.

Blaming Germany for your own fuckery is dishonest. Now with the anglos out cards are on the table
Germany wants free trade and less socialist gubbermint than you and the club med wants so it will lead to further consolidation of power in Berlin with backing of the Baltic States, Poland and the Benelux.

Stop oppressing me, Nordic

>Ignoring French overseas territories
>Ignoring the foreign legion
>Ignoring that the King of England was French for a time
>Ignoring Switzerland, where the money's at
>Ignoring Belgium, where the waffles are
>Ignoring the fact that France owned a huge chunk of the world via the Holy Roman Empire
>Ignoring that it's an objectively better language than English
>Ignoring that Québec isn't Chinese
>Ignoring Cajuns
Jesus Christ, I knew Aussies were retarded, but fucking hell

>ever relevant

>Ignoring that it's an objectively better language than English

English is just a mix of french and latin with german grammar.
Better question is why can't you speak spanish, french, italian and english at the same time.
Do you have an IQ of 90 ?


Also, tell your kids to pick up their shit, America is more brown than Germa- New Iraq

Is that a FAMAS?

>worst colony is at it again

Why create esperanto when english is already the kind of clusterfuck esperanto want to be?
That's the only thing i can muster when reading that.

I don't really buy that since WW1 negotiations were done in English.

The Italian PM actually got a really raw deal from the negotiations solely because he wasn't able to speak English and negotiate his spoils.

Just a little thing for you : you anglos love to fap on the foreing legion, those are very good regiments but not the elite troops.
The elites are for exemple the RPIMA

Do vi vere volas paroli ĉi malfruigita peco de merdo de lingvoj? Mi povus fari pli bone kun ambaŭ pugnoj en mia azeno dum en la mallumo de via patrino kaverneca vagino.

I have cancer now.

We make a big fuss about colonies today mostly because american people achievements, but during the XVII and XVIIIth century it was just a bunch of irrelevant colons providing rare merchandises.
Nobody really gave a shit about possessing vast savage lands on a map, what was important was the control of tobacco, coffee, cacao or cotton trade.

The reason we speak english on this board has jackshit to do with brits and all to do with americans emerging as an industrial and military superpower in the XIXth and XXth century.

Getting your ass brexited since 1000 years.

Are you proud of yourself?

I bring it up because who else has a foreign legion? China? No one wants to fight for chinks.

It's pure shit and never was needed, I fully agree.

Actually that's true.

If I say "black on white" you don't even know who's the male and who's the female (if there's a female...).

Sorry guys but there's a problem.


Yes, apparently some people are stupid enough to prefer spain over france

It's the fact that people who aren't french join the french military for what it still represents.
Few country can say the same. Perhaps not enough to count on one hand.


Pretty much the same is happening to Quebec. Alberta wants to build a pipeline through our lands to one of our biggest seaport.

Environmental damages aside, they should be a tax for every drop of oil that goes through and then rent a spot in our port. I am not sure if they're planning to make them pay for it, but if they do, it will be a ridiculous ammount.

Until we can solve our national issues, immigration should be left out of the equation. Why should we invite thousands of foreigners when Canada doesn't know what it is and Quebec's struggling to have its identity recognised?

Spain's still a country?
Damn. I lost $20


Pas faux

Apparently it's still one, maybe if barcelona takes its independant it will be just called Castilla

>he's against rape

Literally micropenis lot-test tier

Still more relevant than Britain

Nigga, just tell your "government" to let the tumor cut it's self out, Jesus

Nah Britain is hands down the most capeable Military in Europe and the only one with deployment capabilitys worth anything.

Military in Europe is like UK>>France >>>>Germany

That's actually pretty good.

Don't know what you are talking about.
If you are talking about Andorra's irrelevance...well I'm not andorran, just here for vacations