How do you deal with liberals in your family

Subject of Ghostbusters comes up. I tell my cousin the movie was shit because women make shit comedians. He tells me that's a little unfair and I tell him what can they talk about beyond bodily functions. His eyes narrowed and lips tightened up. Later on he told me how he "fucking loves" Idris Elba and would watch him in any role ever. I ignored him.

Idris Elba is a good actor

The solution to not talking woth loberals is dont talk about movies, tv, or other popular current events which appear on the front page of reddit, and then they will have no idea what you are talking about and never jump in to your conversation.

>How do you deal with liberals in your family
I'll let you know if I ever have any.

>bringing politics into media discussions with relatives
Congratulations, you're "that weird nazi guy" now and nobody in our family will ever take you seriously

The Nazi guilt is strong with you. That's why your whole country is pathetic. I told him women aren't funny and you assume I revealed Nazi power level. The sooner you're replaced with Mohammed the sooner we can atomise your country once and for all.

By avoiding using generalized statements like "women aren't funny". The whole point of debating and red-pilling is warming them up to the truth. You have to keep making them explain themselves and point out that liberal mindset and sentiment is based on emotion. Liberals see things black and white, you have to move them into the gray first.

>said the guy who is shunned socially by his own family in his Sharia-SJW state for just stating that women are not funny

Ja, OK Hans. Dass ist nur ein problem für Deutschland, nicht im USA oder Großbritannien.

>because women make shit comedians.

well it is a bit unfair.

Sometimes I wish Berlin had the same meaning as Hiroshima. Fucking hell hans just kys already

Idris Elba is ok if you are into cartoon black blokes that are mates with Ian Wright.

Oi oi saveloy

>I tell my cousin the movie was shit because women make shit comedians.

Absolutes are always a good way to start a conversation.

>not thinking stringer bell is a real actor

>tfw no liberals in my family

I tried to start a convo about Orlando and islam with my family
No replies

>How do you deal with liberals in your family

How do you deal with a woman in your family? Ignore it or shut it up.

You tell them that they are part of the euro zone and you are brexiting

I scream and yell like Hitler at my family when they don't agree.

They always shut up and listen and salute me when I am done.

Nope. Berlib gets stronger by the hour.

In the future more of our politics will influance others.

Soon tyrons of america soon.

Tfw I'm a 100% pure Aryan's 6'3 alpha male and and no one brings liberal shit up around me

>the movie was shit because women make shit comedians
>tell him what can they talk about beyond bodily functions
You made a generalizing assumption to prove that the movie was shit, then you tried to justify that general assumption by using a very particular example, which is the movie you were discussing. That's circular logic in my book.
There are probably other reasons why the movie was shit, but since you probably didn't see it (or maybe you just can't formulate a coherent thought) you couldn't justify your point in a sound manner.

I don't. I have to deal with my batshit conservative family who genuinely believes that Obama is not only Muslim, but the literal fucking Antichrist. I'm the leftist fuck along with my insane great uncle who hates the living fuck out of the rest of my family for being so god damn stupid.

The native German will die soon enough

Then your autism will cease

Your a pretty pathetic son

I'm sure they wouldn't miss you if you killed yourself.

Sup Forums doesn't care about bluepills problems

Lucille Ball was one of the best comediennes ever you retard

So you're saying Obama is the Antichrist with a straight face and acting like the majority of people who loosely believe in the same shit aren't a mass of raving fucking idiots?

Yes. I am

Respect thy mother and thy father. You ungrateful little brat.

In fact leave them be. They don't need you.

8/10 would fuck

People seem to worship Idris Elba here for some reason.

No you're not.

And no. I'll respect them for respectable reasons, not just by virtue of them making the decision to bring me into the world. You'd be a fucking idiot to just accept everything your parents tell you as the truth with out question.
>ungrateful little brat
Shaming actually worked on you, didn't it? Is that why you're a cuck?
I'm not saying they do. I also don't need them. Where do you get this idea that recognizing the fact a lot of your family still believes in dumbass shit to be inherently immature?

Women are funny

Idris Elba is a fine actor, but I'm still not over the fact that he got cast as Roland in Dark Tower movie. I will probably never be over it

it's a meme you dip

leftist social media made it a trend of saying he should get a bunch of traditionally white roles so people started shitposting here about it

At last I truly see

the way you make lefties feel stupid and maybe reconsider their beliefs is by asking questions, not by making statements.

They secretly want his bbbc

I don't.
The former military members in my family are the most liberal relatives I know. Very anti-gun, very anti-trump, don't think there should be immigration reform, etc.

And since they've "been there", I can't debate them on anything. "Oh, so you think you know the Constitution? Well, I was in the military, so I think I know it a little better than you."

My retired army aunt told me the only reason I was voting for Trump was because I had subconscious misogyny against Clinton. I just don't talk politics to relatives anymore, as I'm literally the only person in my family voting for Trump. Everyone else is very much pro-Hillary.

>arguing with mum that new Gbusters is shit and flopped
>she says the cinema gives it good ratings
>no shit, they want your shekels
>mum, Google 'is the new ghostbusters any good'
>only goes on Imdb and refuses to search the Google bar
>"no user I'm not going to look it up because it will just have a bunch of bigoted reviews."
>if someone calls a shit feminist movie shit they are a bigot

You won't be voting for trump, he won't make it to November


How the fuck are former military people anti-gun?

Don't forget to sage.

you gota do psyops on them. if they are your immediate family switch all the tooth brushes in their bathroom with red ones or red and white if you cant find a solid red one. same for towels no blue towels

any blue clothing they have you gota make that shit die in the washer or give it a stain.

this desu famalam

>How do you deal with liberals in your family
>having liberals in your family
wew Wait, my brother is pretty liberal.

I guess we just respect each other's opinions. Doesn't really seem complicated.

Wahh he's saying right wing opinions but when I say left wing opinions it's ok
Speak your fucking mind Hans no wonder Germany bounces from different forms of totalitarianism

I ignore them. leftist aunt flew in to Denver from Italy, I said hi once and ignored her over the next two days she stayed here.

>take you seriously
When a liberal sits there and laughs at facts, they try to act like they're making a mockery of you, but it's actually a defense mechanism. It's also a form of ad lapidem.

>Subject of Ghostbusters comes up.
Bring up a movie like Suicide Squad and if they show any interest remind them they're feeding rape culture by watching it. Harley Quinn was created for the cartoon series as nothing more than a ragdoll to show more of the Joker's brutal nature and SJW types eat the shit up. Basically just mention it and watch them desperately try to twist it around. I'm surprised it hasn't become a thing on Facebook pointing that all out to be honest.

look you just gotta be more contrarian than them; keep at it and soon you'll prove how right you are by being offensive and different

If the Ghostbusters comes up in family conversation, run away.

Foster homes and orphanages may give you a leg up.

You're retarded. I told my mom about the stupid shit going on in your country as part of a larger discussion about white people being dispossessed and my suburban, white, college-educated, upper-middle class mother completely agreed with me.

You're a cuck and your country is dying because we killed all of your best men. You are the offspring of weak-willed faggots.

i'd say great actor, but that's just me

>You are the offspring of weak-willed faggots.

Idris Elba is great but he's beginning to get hired because he's the obligatory black guy now, not because of his acting abilities.

My cousin said that the Dark Tower movie with Elba is actually a sequel to the last book.

Use philosophical sensibilities and remain stoically tranquill with the smug inner knowing of your superior intellect.

Concede a tiny amount of ground on some of their more rational beliefs that are closer to yours in nature.

Ultimately in argument you have to demonstrate to the interlocutor(s) that they are ultimately bieng the unreasonable party. After that is demonstrably clear then it may take time for certain truths to sink in. The goings on in the world only give ammunition to our arguments and simultaneously efface the argument of the bluepillers.