Is it socially acceptable to talk to random girls in a park if they are alone?
Is it socially acceptable to talk to random girls in a park if they are alone?
only if you're attractive. the fact that you have to ask shows that youre not
No, you rapist. Unless you are very rich
What kind of talk are we talking about?
depends on the country
talking to strangers is almost never appropriate in Germany
Only if your socially acceptable.
No. They are probably seeking solitude. Your only job is to leave them alone.
Is it in the daytime? Are you dressed appropriately? Do you have a dog? Are you comfortable with approaching women in general?
Are Steak N Shake burgers that good looking usually?
Their fries were always top tier but I haven't been in over ten years
this, I think it is easier to talk to strangers in poorer countries as people are more open. I don't know why this is. I have been to pretty much every county except for shitty war torn ones.
>tfw found the burger immediately more appealing than the girl
Do I have a problem, bros?
Only if you're attractive. If you're ugly it's literally rape.
You are the problem.
No, she's a coal-burning whore anyway, so why bother
Hate to say this but I'm about to drop a massive truth bomb for ya bro.
Yes, but only if you're attractive. If you have to ask you are not. So in your case no. She'll ignore you because you'll come off as creepy and desperate. The only guy who can pull this off is a guy with experience who can actually attract her by his first impression and demeanor.
It's just how women are. They only respect strength and confidence. Work on yo game and maybe some day you can approach her without getting looks.
Now you know the reason they call us Burgers.
It's cool bro she's probably a leftist anyway.
Only if you're attractive and funny.
If you're an awkward manlet it goes on your record as a rape attempt.
Duh fuck you ain't eating those fries and burgers for?
Nah, fuck bitches get money and burgers man.
Bitches will change mood when you've done nothing wrong.
Money and burgers never leave you.
Why don't you find out and tell me whether it is in your country. Here, the girl won't take it too well, but nobody else will give a shit.
Do people in other countries go around talking to strangers in general? Here in the UK, when I go out for walks and stuff, I see most people just minding their own business, so I don't talk to anyone unless they talk to me first, which very rarely happens.
If you're not a sperg, smooth faggots can pull it off.
>burgers never leave you
They actually do.
The OP's voice likely goes up a couple of octaves whenever he speaks to women outside his family.
OP, Stick to family poon, bruh.
Your genes shouldn't be out in the wild.
if you're a chad, you'll spend the night in her knickers
otherwise, expect to spend it in a cell
Only if they are alone. And it is dark. And you run up to them.
A slut is for the night, but a burger is forever.
Who the fuck drinks a Milkshake together with Burger and Fries ?!
What is wrong with you US Guys ?!
Unless you're a young, male migrant :^)
>it's a Mexican dyes her hair blonde and puts on bright lipstick to look white thread
Stop trying to trick me Mexico.
Go to bed Muhammad
>Is it socially acceptable to talk to random girls in a park if they are alone?
Only if you're tall, handsome, and or rich
We have the freedom to do that
ikr there has to be a place where people are fairly wealthy yet also open and friendly towards strangers
If you are not a complete introvert faggot then yes it's fine.
Jesus Christ it's a conversation. Unless she is a SJW feminist warrior who suddenly you've started raping her with your perceived right to start raping her with your white privalidged words.
Bad goy. Stop talking to anyone. Retreat to the basement and shitpost on /pol
>socially acceptable
Depends on the country, but it's generally considered to be rude/weird. You should still go ahead and talk to them, it's perfectly healthy and women respect such confidence. Just keep it casual and fairly short, if you have good chemistry, invite her for a drink or exchange numbers.
When I'm at the park ogling girls at the playground sometimes I write short poems for them and give them to them.
I hope this post isn't saturated with resentment at that fact, or subtly accusing the woman of being superficial when it's likely the dude approached her for entirely superficial reasons.
And you catch them after they try to run away.
Because you are some sort of neet?
I'd assume since they always come and talk to me first.
>If you have to ask you are not.
Fuck off with this shit. Tons of 10/10 people are socially retarded, user. Especially when they live sheltered lives like yours.
I have been thinking about this
but it would have to go two ways
you should be able to, but a woman should also have the right to tell you to go away if she wants.
She shouldnt have to endure every guy that comes by who thinks she is hot
Are these girls even legal?
SJW detected.
This thread is retarded.
If this idiot is on fucking Sup Forums asking for anonymous advice on whether or not approaching women in public is acceptable then he has no game, no brains, or both. Doesn't really even matter what he looks like he is not attractive.
I thought British people invented le gentlemen meme, or is that just a ruse to hide the fact you're chauvinist pricks?
Would you want some randim ugly perdon coming up to you when you're trying to chill?
>this is asked by Slovenia
You shouldn't be this beta, Luka.
If you aren't a creeper about it. If she shows the slightest sign of being uncomfortable, than you should probably back off, since she clearly just wants to be alone. Hence, her being alone in the first place.
How often do single folk go to the park alone anyways, much less when looking for a date?
You should practice talking to random people of all ages and genders. If the only time you approach strangers is when they are attractive females alone in parks and you want to fuck them, you're going be completely inept.
>(I'm just here for the Jordyn pics)
yeh that place is called australia but it is slowly changing with all the euros coming here and being cunts. Some Bavarian cunt moved in next door and he just stares when I say morning to him. Fucking weirdo
I want my culture back
I don't give a FUCK what society says is acceptable. Do you really want to live in a society where it is unacceptable to talk to anyone in public? Where people freak out and get scared just because you TALKED to them?
Do you want to live in that pussy ass country? There's a few like that on Earth already and they're terrible.
yes poland
Listen to Achmed. He has killer game and a very direct, hands-on approach to women
No law against writing poetry to cute girls.
No better way to spend a day than walking down to the park to stare at the girls on the playground. And it's one of those with water stuff so they wear swimsuits.
She is a nasty ugly skank.
If you want to chill in private then take your retarded ass to a private place, dumbfuck.
Burgers and football are our bread and circus.
I'm 45 years old.
Back in the 80s and 90s it was super acceptable to to talk to any stranger in public, they would make jokes, be cool about it, possibly even hang out with you "just because". Because there was nothing else to do, there wasn't smart phones, internet, video games, etc.
The only thing to do was hang out with cool people. You could have random conversations with complete strangers and they would like it as much as you would.
Now, everyone is scared of each other, and trying to approach, and then joke around with, a stranger, most of the time they'll be scared shitless of you.
>Some Bavarian cunt moved in next door and he just stares when I say morning to him
yeh, if you don't know someone here you just awkwardly stare at the ground when you're walking past them, it's weird.
Greeting neighbors is normal though. Maybe you just have a weird neighbor
I just don't have a problem talking to women in public.
The fact that someone has to ask if it is weird/socially acceptable makes its even more rediculous.
This is literally SJW teir leddit shit.
If you wanna get in a girls Knicks, you got to talk to her first.
I'm obviously not suggesting that you camp outside her bedroom window and try and strike up a convo when she comes home from a day at work but still.... Jesus fucking Christ.
Unless your some freddy Kruger looking mother fucker wearing a full length black leather trench coat approaching women after dark in sure you'll be absolutely fine.
My now wife and I got talking at a party and I didn't have a fucking clue who she was.
What's the difference between having a casual conversation with the opposite sex in any setting? Why is a park awkward or socially unacceptable unless your a compete faggot SJW
Man up, put your big boy pants on and make sure you exfoliate and all your dutty acne might sort itself out enough so the spotty greasy neets might also one day have a waifu of their own.
As for the gentlemen meme, that's old news senpai.
You've got to act like a complete Chad cunt in the uk now to get any Fanny but the girls love it.
treat any girl in the uk like a complete cunt and they are literally sliding off their chair they so wet.
God some of you lot make me sad.
>Is it socially acceptable
Why dont you decide if it is, rather than asking bunch of neckbeard autists about it?
>you're trying to chill?
Maybe if they're out there, they're hoping someone will talk to them or something. It's considered very abnormal to approach someone where I live. Nobody talks to anyone, nobody looks anyone in the eyes, etc.
Like said, you shouldn't really care what is socially acceptable. The fact that you are approaching her shows that you're already willing to violate the norms, and gives you the upper hand, because it gives you an excuse to violate other norms too. You can just say and do whatever you want, and maybe she'll respond positively to it.
>She is a nasty ugly skank.
Oh I know.
A nasty slut? definitely.
But if you think she's ugly, your brain must have short-circuited at some point in the past
I havent had a milkshake in 10years, i really want one now.
They have milkshakes at McDonald's.
My son is 23 and is a fucking scared shitless faggot just like most millenials.
He believes in liberal bullshit, is going to vote for Hillary (was Sanders), hates Trump and believes every word the MSM tells him.
If anyone tries to talk to him randomly on the street he is a scared little bitch and so are all his friends and everyone he knows. They're all the same. They're not open and friendly like society USED to be.
They're snobby elitist hipster pricks, easily "triggered" by every little thing.
My standard line for this very situation is
>hi I'm billy, my job is putting down on the puppies and kittens at the RSPCA
Come to sunny Glasgow mate, and head for the nearest pub without any windows.
By the time you leave you'll have fourteen new friends, the phone numbers of five lassies and two (good) drug dealers, and perhaps a tranny too if yer intae that sort 'o thing.
if you're attractive
I asked a guy walking through the park for the time last week, and I swear he acted like I was about to mug him or something. I litteraly thought he was going to shit himself, he got all panicy and nervous
not killing yourself is not socially acceptable
how is this a bad thing?
Jordyn "Slutbag" Jones is a gross bitch. If you like her you need to grow some fucking taste.
This is a pretty girl.
It's a shame that I'm going to be raising my 2 in the same sort of word.
When everyone has their face buried in a smart phone, texting the person next to them because they don't know how to interact with other human beings.
My brother is only 2 years younger than me but has little to no social skills outside of his friendship group and really can make anyone feel like an outsider.
His current girlfriend was talking to me when she came round to see my little ones and was saying that sometimes his group of friends make her feel really socially awkward as none of them are able to hold down a conversation for more than a few sentences before burying their heads back on their phones.
I had the opportunity to meet them all at my mums retirement party and they are literally all socially retarded.
It's like the lost the ability or the desire to make friends passed 12 years old and now when anyone new tries to intergrate they shun then because it's new and Unknown.
It's pretty sad to think that with only 2 years difference, how much society changed between me and my brother.
I can't even begin to imagine how shitty society has become for those younger than me.
Are you black?
That's a child you fucking paedophile
lol alphas with game experience always get rejected when hitting on hotties.
A good looking guy will always get better girls than a not so good looking guy with game experience.
>mfw look like Joe Jonas
>mfw cant get laid
In the end, confidence and social skill matters more than looks
you can be really good looking but if you're shy or socially-sperged as fuck, girls will think you're either a pretentious douche, a beta faggot, an autist, or an actual faggot.
yeah maybe
i think that the girls decide themselves these days, especially if she is confident
like if she likes you it will be easy, if not it will be impossible
like the only time i really been successful, the girl already liked me to start with
So... What you're saying is that you failed. Yes?
Only acceptable time is saying "hello" if you pass each other while walking opposite directions
brutally honest
Enjoy the party van
>She's a slutbag
that's why fucking Jordyn would bring me misdemeanor charges at worst.
Fucking the pic related kid, would get me my asshole expanded 10 times the size by some nog in max security prison, where I would be spending the rest of my life....
I'll stick with Jordyn
Not if your ugly. Just stay inside and do us all all a favour. Nobody wants to see that
Yes, and?
For what?
That doesn't make Jordyn not an ugly cuntbitch.
that burger looks really tasty
not sure about the park and girls. bring a dog and they'll come to you.
Yes and you would be going to prison for that level of degeneracy.
If you genuinely think that your picture is 'attractive' then you need castrating or mental health help.
Failing that I hope you get locked up and sodomised by Jamal and all his friends in federal prison somewhere.
Sick cunt.
Try Tinder or a dating site, idiot, and then show me how far confidence and social skills matter.
I don't see why not. Girls always approach me and ask the most stupid fucking questions just to talk to me when I'm on the tube to work (out of rush hour of course).
If you're ugly don't bother though, had a friend who wasn't the looker and he got mistaken for a creep whenever he did it.
What is it with these yanks and their weirdo fucking tableware?
Don't you cunts have any fucking plates?
Who the fuck puts their fucking chips in a fucking plastic fucking cup?
What kind of doss cunt eats their fucking hamburger out of a plastic fucking basket?
Fucking weirdo cunts, you're all for the watching you are.
Okay, there was some talk about dogs, but what about cats? What if I put my cat on a leash and walk it in the park? Does that do any good?
Stuff can spill out of plates. America is a society for children.
This + famous and/or visibly wealthy