One day, we will move the white people off of the land they've stolen.
One day, we will move the white people off of the land they've stolen
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Fuck off Commie.
lol good luck with that
t. drunk american
Why don't you want to share your country with white people?
Will you allow them to take their buildings and architecture with them?
And on that day you will ruin your failing economy.
Okay. Make room for all the blacks we have in other countries, we'll be sending them back in time too.
You need to first stop commiting crime, taking drugs and killing each other. Without solving these very basic problems your "one day" will never come.
>stop commiting crime, taking drugs and killing each other
Is SA Zimbabwe 2.0 yet?
Honestly, I wish we'd stop sending them aid.
Worked out so well for Zimbabwe.
Blacks are dysfunctional.
A shit stain and huge burden on the rest of humanity.
Our only hope is to genetically modify you guys to an acceptable IQ level, after that you can have your nations back.
>South Africa
You mean the country dutch settlers built and then nignogs came to the party cause now there was jobs etc. and then overthrew them with ANC?
Yeah south africa was barely even populated, and the primitive tribe that was there that didn't even have a proper language, the dutch settlers defended them against a horde of zulu warriors that would've otherwise killed them. Then they made the afrikaan to bridge the gap between the primitive tribe and the dutch settlers.
Anyways now that the all black ANC government has run south africa into a ditch, apparently that's whiteys fault aswell..
I guess, around blacks never relax.. Their propensity to blame everyone but themselves for their problems is quite astounding.
And then slaughter yourselves en masse, until Chinese will make you an endangered species and you're forgotten from history.
Not quite there yet but since communist ANC all black government has managed to run previous thriving south africa into the gutter, they probably are interested in diverting the publics dissatisfaction towards someone else but them.
Yes i'm getting tired of this aswell, we know they need to be self reliant and learn that don't grow any food = no eat and too many children = no food, but whenever we see them starve our altruism gets the better of us.
And at the same time if we leave them alone they are so fucking savage towards eachother that it's almost inhuman to not intervene..
Think about it.. this is the type of culture that we tried to save them from, and they still fucking complain about it..
Holy fuck dude, not even an ape behaves this way
nice b8 for a white guy to post
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See this man? This is your typical Zimbabwe citizen. Note that he is carrying literal ARMFULS of cash. This is what a 100% homeogenous black society does. What's their secret, Sup Forums?