All Straight White Males Should Quit Social Media

Best way to turn the tide.
All straight white males should quit social media.
Meme shame them into quitting. This would lead to most networks caving. Even a small shift would make them hurt.

Fuck off faggot.
You perverted scumbag.

kek go take selfie shithead.

You fucking normalfag.

I havn't gone on facebook in over 6 years my dude

>unironically using social media


Explain pls.

Mistakenly wrote "social media" rather than the big three (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
Facebook and Twitter push an entire agenda against white males. Twitter is hurting badly because of their overactive African American user base and banning of conservatives.

Kill yourself my man.

British autism kek

>Anyone who uses social media should kill themselves
FTFY my dude

posting pictures and storys of your life on (((shekelberg´s))) (((facebook)))

Three years gone

Way ahead of you, leaf.

Haven't touched social media for quite a bit of time now, though I do have an unverified Twitter account to shitpost on.

What kind of blue pilled faggot still has a kikebook page

All Straight White Males Should Quit Life

Nah man, abandoning the battlefield doesnt mean we win.

If you are using social media you are one of them.

Since 2008 here.

most of the "straight white men" they hate (aka Sup Forums tards and 60 year old pervs) don't even use facebook/twitter anyway

>Quit social media, using real infos and networking with people you know from real life.
Fixed it for you.

Every straight white male should have a legitim looking femal account and produce anti feminist narratives.


>Unironically having kikebook

Went on Kikebook for the first time to troll about Brexit but other than that I don't use social media.

You guys still use facebook? I thought anyone with sense quit that at least five years ago.

you mean creating fake accounts of minorities and demanding whiteys to gtfo of kikebook and twatter?

Associating using Facebook/Twitter/Insta to being gay and specifically sending them to white males until they quit. It's the best nudge towards being redpilled. Also white males are least likely to report bullying than white females. So you can keep rolling the spam accounts.

>>Started doing it to friends I know.

>using facebook

It's a dead platform, who the hell goes on it nowadays?

>instagram, Twitter

Why would anyone have these is beyond me


>be white
>also happen to be a man
>and not a flamboyant faggot
>suddenly worse than hitler
Fuck you you idiotic crybaby

no thanks i have friends. sorry you don't.

Grown ass men have better things to do.

Like shit post on Sup Forums instead of going to church.

All the good memes were made by white people.

I've never used social media outside of Facebook, and while I have 200 some friends on it, I rarely post. Most people you can Google them and hit their Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, etc, but I really have nothing going for me.

I do browse Facebook for minute long meme cooking videos however

does anyone here really use that shit? i stopped years ago after realizing all my classmates were millenial libtards

The battlefield is not on the internet you cuck.

Only scared mother fuckers go to church.

If you don't text/imessage/wassup, they arent real friends but acquaintances. If you never meet someone in person or contact them via a phone, they are just avatars.

How much time does a female spend on social media? How will you ever win if you just endorse the brainwashing? The algos are too good now on the FB/IG/TW. It's a bluepill circle jerk. CTR proved how fast they can go soviet.

But none of them USE s.m. - but YOU do, don't you?

I agree. If you have jewbook, shut it down. Have some fucking self respect.

Already quit kikebook years ago.

We never started using socia media.
Anyone who does isn't straight, white, or male.
Social groups are for women and genderfluid otherkin special snowflake unicorns.

>the year after the proclamation of the current year
>still using kikebook

It basically is. The modern battle is the battle of information and ideas. Unfortunately social media is important in this. I don't use Jewbook anymore though, it's pure cancer.

>bwahh bwahh I don't like some rules in a game so I quit
Really, faggots who say they don't have social media because it's run by leftists are a cancer no better than babby millenials that give up at the first unpleasant thing. Of course you're gonna get banned if you go full 14/88, it's fucking run by jews. The trick is:
>post sporadically, and only facts from sources that normies consider legit
>try to seem calm and balanced, otherwise you will come across as some raycizt kook
>don't argue
>remove unpleasant comments - if they can censor you, you can also censor leftists, in a much easier way.
Really, if you're not a social retard, social media is the easiest game there is, and a much more viable way to change mentalities than staying in your own conservative hugbox. My whole core group of leftist friends now are on the verge of campaigning for Trump just because I intensively showed them with facts, not opinions, just what went on with the Clinton foundation, the arab spring and the whole Clinton hitlist. Step it up guys, staying on Sup Forums all day will never make any difference

this would benefit white males

Here's a (you) for being retarded

I never had a Facebook. I was in high school at the time, but I could subconsciously sense the jew since it started.

Already done senpai.

>try being calm

This is important, it's especially funny when the leftists end up flipping their shit while you seem to be the level headed one. As for social media, I have a kikebook, solely for the convenience of staying in touch with friends who have moved away, and live across the country. It's a useful tool to keep in touch and I can often get together whenever I'm traveling.

What is needed is something new, not fancy, where people can post whatever shit they want, anonymously if they want to or by default!



>As for social media, I have a kikebook, solely for the convenience of staying in touch with friends who have moved away
Yep, it's useful in that regard, I created it when I entered since some of my friends moved abroad. You gotta give it to them, the chat is useful inasmuch you can talk to anyone there without exchanging contact info like you have to do in skype or w/e


Twitter is pretty much the best thing for pushing against this shit.
Normally I would only reach my friends with what I say, but on Twitter my tweets get thousands of views.
There are entire cliches dedicated to pushing against globalism and liberalism.
It's a great site to connect to people and grow a movement, and it's good for organizing. If you belong to a certain group you will eventually end up following the same people and getting the same information as everyone else.

What about LinkedIn?