We need to have a serious discussion about christfags

We need to have a serious discussion about christfags.

At first I thought it was just a meme, pretending to be medieval crusaders to remove kebaps, but it seems many of you manchildren actually believe this shit.

Look I don't care what the hell you believe, but your children's tales have no place here.

Christianity is what pussified the west and turned us into pacifist little pussies. I encourage everyone to mock these stupid christfags and berak their fragile little faith so they can shit up some other board

Other urls found in this thread:


they're also vehemently against KEK btw, may Kek damn them into everlasting oblivion

Not an argument

Protestant detected

>a cookie literally turns into a dead jew's flesh when you eat it

Get thee behind me, Satan

>believing an actual evil demon entity who is the antagonist to your Jew god is possessing a random user on a mongolian picture board

Hey rabbi whacha doin? Still mad after all these 2,000 years?

>mock these stupid christfags
So you don't have any arguments at all.

Honestly though I really appreciate cultural christianity, but in belief how much different is it from islam? It's basically the same book isn't it? I've met some christians that I consider as crazy as muslims.

>talking snakes
B-but it was a metaphor! God created a woman from ribs!


fundamentalist christfags are worse than muslims.

Why do jews hate christians then?
Why do they push atheism for whites and flood our countries with muzzies?

Gee I wonder who could be behind this thread?

Prove it

The biggest pussies and lefties are atheists.

Christians are more likely to be right wing and against islam

Hey, OP. Do you believe in aliens?

there is nothing fragile about my faith, heathen.

For all its failings, christianity gave us the west, for all its corruption, the true faithful are incorruptible. Though there are powers at play here other than the holy father and many of the herd have been led astray, those with Jesus in their hearts will never lose sight of his holy light. Jesus has no need to forgive your blasphemy, OP, for it is already forgiven.

This is maybe the 5th thread about that I find in the catalog in ten minutes.
Now I am sure this is shilling.
You convinced me to reinforce my faith, well done cuck.

yeah I remember when fundamental christians hijacked those passenger jets and flew them into civilian buildings, those rotten bastards!

That is a massive overstatement.

Fundamentalist christfags are about equal to moderate muslims.

Christianity didn't give us shit but fragile little ignorant baby boys you idiot.

>turn the other cheek

>turn the other cheek
>start of the idea that we should treat others humanly, eventually leading to western dominance.
>meanwhile in shitistan, mudskins are still fucking goats and raping their children

Yes turning the other cheek really did fuck us up, didn't it?

>ancient civs were just barbaric shitholes who couldn't stop themselves from murdering and raping every second

your jew on a stick didn't teach us anything we didn't already know retard

So many anti Christianity threads out of nowhere.

>your jew on a stick didn't teach us anything we didn't already know retard

Prove it. Show me the rise of western civilization had absolutely nothing to do with christianity and the culture it brings.

Much better! Much more realistic!


The blood of my ancestors was spilled to keep the west safe from the islamic hordes. What an insult to see the memories of the men who defended the west be tarnished by turncoat athiest transgender faggots.

Those ancient civs, as you put it, never accepted Jesus and look now, they are modern civs and are just as barbaric, their cities are still shitholes, well, the cities that havent been razed by the armies of christ.

because we're tired of you trying to bluepill the masses with your jew religion

>gave us the West
So did water, why don't you worship it? Retard.
And most of your philosophy and science came in non Christian periods. The ancient Greek philosophers and the post Enlightenment scientists.

>For all its failings, christianity gave us the west

You mean a cucked up feminist misandrist west.

Actually the blood of your ancestors were pagans who were Christian turncoats or slaughtered by Christians Lmao.

>that pic

You're on a Christian board Satan. Your efforts are futile. People don't convert FROM Christianity here.

>Catholic Christian + Protestant Christian + Non-denominational Christian + Orthodox Christian

>Other theists



>Little schlomos rebelling against mummy and daddy by destroying the white race and Western civilisation

>Look I don't care what the hell you believe,
good then fuckoff

Christianity is the ultimate cuck globalist illuminati religion

Indo-European religions: tribalistic and focused on community and family

Christianity / Islam: cuck religions that promote a one world government and world without borders and culture

Fuck off idiot, Sup Forums was always an anti Christian board.

I dont understand the comparison you make there. Christianity is an ideology and a faith and teaches us the proper way to treat each other and the divine mandate of Christ. Water is a naturally occurring element essential to all life and abundant throughout the world. Its alsoi worth noting that there havent been any non christian periods for over 2000 years, certainly there are many who have lost the way but there are many more who hold the faith, and those faithful will defend you against the heresy of islam, regardless of wether you will thank them for it.

Shut up, bizzaro Polan.


The retard trifecta. Fucking hell mate, you are a stubbie short.

No buddy that is the result of influence from the marxist left, who also happen to be atheist. The west didn't start its decline until marxism entered stage 2: infiltrate and subvert.

Christianity didnt do those things to the west, the blame there lies at the feet of the globalist zionist elite. That you would blame Christ shows only how effective they are in their deception. Embrace Christ, let his love into your heart and you will see.
The nazi party encouraged faith, in many forms, not just christianity, that you would post American propaganda as a way to debate christianity is absurd. We all know who pulls the puppet strings of the ammerican government! Land of the free, Ha!

Western countries are failing because they're abandoning Christianity. Is it a coincidence that as the west is seeing record levels of non-attendance in church, and non-religious affiliation it's also seeing record levels of depravity, degeneracy, and pessimism?

So you are saying christianity doesn't encourage community and family?

Nigga you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Those are two of the most important aspects of the faith.

>That you would blame Christ shows only how effective they are in their deception. Embrace Christ, let his love into your heart and you will see.


pol is a diverse community of many faiths and ideologies.

>Is it a coincidence that as the west is seeing record levels of non-attendance in church, and non-religious affiliation it's also seeing record levels of depravity, degeneracy, and pessimism?

No, it's not a coincidence. After Christianity has destroyed the West, there are less church goers and more pessimism.

Christianity is a cuck religion. And I am annoyed that you want to spread your cuckery to Sup Forums, an anti sand religion board.

pol has always been and always will be an atheist board

religion has no place here. religion is what keeps mankind a slave to their jewish overlords

stay cucked little slave boy, and don't forget to turn the cheek when I'm fuckin your wife

>So you are saying christianity doesn't encourage community and family?

No, it doesn't. It encourages misandry and empowerment of women. "Equality is the root of all evil" said the cuck pope.

Seems that the Soros shills are taking a day off of shilling for Hill.

>Christianity is a cuck religion

Because you allowed it to get infiltrated by the jews cuck wake the fuck up

>Supporting Christianism
WTF ? I thought we got ride of all people like you

>children's tales
> I encourage everyone to mock these stupid christfags
grow up first
>We need to have a serious discussion about christfags.

grow up first

>Because you allowed it to get infiltrated by the jews

Christianity was founded by Jews, spread by Jews. It's as Jew as it gets.

Pretty sure your ancestors were convitcs

>pol has always been an atheist board

Hahahahaha look at this fuck.

You know it is people like you that make combatting Islam so fucking hard. You take every chance you can to equate christianity and islam when one is the anti-thesis to the other. Rational people can't discredit Islam without cucks like you saying "christianity is just as bad!". Christians don't fly planes into buildings in the name of God.

You know nothing of the histories behind these religions, where they spread, and what traditions they adopted from the areas they converted. Nor do you know the age long conflicts between all three of the abrahamic religions.

Get educated fool. You are the reason atheism is a fedora meme at this point.

Just because you lost your faith, if you ever had any, dosnt mean the rest of us have. As i said, many faiths and ideologies are here. Religion has a place everywhere. That your faithlessness makes you think it would be ok to commit adultery is testament to that. In your own words you condemn yourself, you call me weak, you call me a slave but i say this, You are a child and a sinner, You feel the need to throw your vitriol and hatred around and scream look at me, im mad at god! Im so woke up, everyones a slave!

Seems pretty obvious to me and a lot of other posters on this particular board that at least a third (if not more) of the posters are of the Christian faith. What gives you the authority to make a statement on behalf of an entire board? Who put you in charge?

If Sup Forums contains such a high population of Christians and still continues to disavow and avoid the modern paradigm of hedonism, degeneracy and narcissism plaguing the modern western world, why do you care?

>It encourages misandry and empowerment of women.

Empowers women by denying them significant roles in the church. Sure are convincing me!

>as if the average American Christian gives a flying fuck what some european cuck pope says.

The only pope America cared for was Jon Paul 2, and that is probably because he toured here often.

It will be hard the christcucks are dumb and autistic

I'm a priest's kid (orthodox), I know more about Christianity than any fag in here probably. I wanted to be a priest too and I'm glad I didn't waste my whole fucking life on that stupid shit. It's made up, it's fairy tales. Anyone who is a Christian and takes it seriously is wasting their only 70 or so years on this Earth

I don't like Islam either, but Christianity isn't going to be the force that stops Islam. We're not muh 13th century crusaders anymore

Sup Forums being christian is just a meme. A roleplaying meme limited to one thread a day made by that orthodox fag

>when one is the anti-thesis to the other

Except it's not, retard.

>On 6 May 2001 he became the first Catholic pope to enter and pray in a mosque, namely the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria. Respectfully removing his shoes, he entered the former Byzantine era Christian church dedicated to John the Baptist, who is also revered as a prophet of Islam. He gave a speech including the statement: "For all the times that Muslims and Christians have offended one another, we need to seek forgiveness from the Almighty and to offer each other forgiveness."[93] He kissed the Qur'an in Syria, an act that made him popular among Muslims but that disturbed many Catholics.[187]

>John Paul II oversaw the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which makes a special provision for Muslims; therein, it is written, "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in 'the first place amongst whom are the Muslims'; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."[192]

I sympathize with your father.

What was it that made you lose your way?

OP fellates cock

>Empowers women by denying them significant roles in the church


I started listening to David Icke and I've been pissed at this stupid ass religion for wasting my childhood and high school years ever since when I could have been doing something better with my time

Satan pls


>Sup Forums being christian is just a meme. A roleplaying meme limited to one thread a day made by that orthodox fag

This. So much this. And it's getting less and less. It's more LARPing than anything at Sup Forums.

You have no evidence to support that the people on Sup Forums who claim to be Christians don't make up a substantial foundation of the community. Christian posters frequent this board and often provide some of the most well-thought out and level headed comments in my personal experience. Christianity is no "meme" on Sup Forums, and a significant portion of the agnostic-atheists on Sup Forums are more than willing to settle for compromise with the Christian community and simply push their philosophical differences aside in order to focus on some of the bigger threats to Western society.

This is what the West would've been like except with more cool stuff and freedom if jews like you hadn't destroyed the Christian basis of Western civilisation. See any jews or degenerates here?


>I know more about Christianity than any fag in here probably.

Bullshit. Just because you were some orthocuck priest's son doesn't mean you are an authority on the faith.

Fuck your sect barely holds true to Christian values.

>having children

You follow a shitty branch of the faith, no wonder you hate it so much.

>I don't like Islam either, but Christianity isn't going to be the force that stops Islam.

Did you miss the part where I said Christianity is the anti-thesis to Islam? (or rather the other way around since Islam came after).

Anti-thesis to their teachings. Islam teaches violence as a solution, while christianity teaches a passive approach to conflicts, escalating as needed. They are pretty polar to each other.

And it matters little what a Pope does or says if the scripture doesn't back it up. Popes are human too so they fuck up. Just look at our current pope kissing the feet of future terrorist.

You are too dumb to realize what you could have learned from those teachings.

I have zero faith what so ever, but I still appreciate my catholic schooling. The most important thing about a religion, imo, is the moral system it entails. How are you to get a society to agree to the same moral system if they do not share the same beliefs? Even if they were to share beliefs, what would they be? How would they be passed on to the next generation?

Prove it schlomo.

>You have no evidence to support that the people on Sup Forums who claim to be Christians don't make up a substantial foundation of the community

Substantial = 25% and shrinking.

>church of england

Need I say more?

your faith must not have been very strong for you to be turned from the path by that actual literal moron. threads over, consider my cheek turned, heathen, i have better things to do than defend my faith against blind morons. goodbye.

>Anti-thesis to their teachings.

No, it's not. Christians have absolutely nothing to prevent Islam from spreading or from beheading them.

Christianity is a feminized cuck religion. The current pope and all the other pic I posted in this thread are good examples for the real world Christianity.

>muh one denomination is the only true universal religion that has authority dictated by God

that's what's wrong with you kike worshipers

Point I am getting at with this wall of text is that religion was, and possibly still is, an important part of the development of society. Government started as religious authority, scientific endeavors were tried and transcribed by monks at catholic monasteries throughout Europe.

Point I am getting at is that if you follow the "fedora" brand of atheism, you are an ignorant fool that needs to get some education.

Dude you can't even tell the difference between the sects. Stop trying.

>Dude you can't even tell the difference between the sects. Stop trying.

They are all cucked. One more cucked than the other. Orthodox are even more cucked.

I have seen this post before with the same image and paragraphing. sage

>you kike worshipers.

This is whats wrong with you fedora neckbeards. You can't conduct a debate to save your life, and will always resort to fallacies to get your point across. Never have I said I am religious. I just actually researched the history behind these religions and educated myself.

You should try it.

I'm a deist (who considers racially aware European Pagans and atheists my comrades) who thinks that Christianity is cucked beyond repair short of revisions that would render it incoherent.

And you are a d&c shill.

Why does it matter if they're more inclined to vote for Jewish neocons or Jewish neolibs?


Man your vocabulary is shit. Can you not think of another descriptor besides cuck?

Lay off the cuckold porn.

>and will always resort to fallacies to get your point across.

It's not a fallacy though.

Over a quarter of the population is Christian, with an additional fifth claiming to be spiritual (possibly polytheistic) and over a tenth being spiritual but simply not monotheistic. Less than half of the members who responded to this particular poll responded as purely atheist/agnostic. Were you to take a side-by-side comparison of generalized "believers" to generalized "non-believers", this poll shows that there are more individuals open to spirituality on this board than closed to it.

A quarter of the population is Christian. That is a substantial number because it means that self-professed Christians are going to be interacting in nearly every single thread on this board. Concerning the "shrinking" of the Christian population on Sup Forums... according to who? How do you know that the Christian population on Sup Forums is shrinking at all?

>Man your vocabulary is shit. Can you not think of another descriptor besides cuck?

Nothing describes Christianity better than cuckoldry.

>Less than half of the members who responded to this particular poll responded as purely atheist/agnostic

Are you that retarded? Oh wait, you're a Christcuck, no wonder you don't understand simple graphs.

>he said, as Tyrone fucked his wife

whatever you say, tyrone. I really don't see how you could be white with such a low understanding of basic concepts.


Intelligence of a nigger.

>simple, valid graph

wewlad did they lower the age requirements to post on this board?

accuses me of being tyrone.

claims that tyrone fucks my wife.

Christfags in action.

You think blacks can't be cucks too? Man you are fucking dumb.

This. Christcucks GET OUT

No one likes your faggot-tier desert cult fanfic religion.

Only 43% of the individuals polled responded as non-believers. That's less than half.

Look at the red slice of the pie: people like you.
Look at the blue slice of the pie: people like me.
Look at the other colors: undecided theists who are not strictly Christian, i.e. spiritual.

Just to ask again: how do you know that the population of Christian Sup Forumsacks is diminishing?

>Muslim detected

And kike

+1 shekel