Americunts have to wear their seatbelt by law even though they don't have free healthcare

>americunts have to wear their seatbelt by law even though they don't have free healthcare

Defend this one retards, I thought you guys were all about freedom?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck up england we both have to as well

We are living under Israel.

Yes but that's to lessen the impact on our universal healthcare system.

Seatbelt worn=less bodily damage=less cash spent on that persons medical bill.

Amerifats pay their own bills.

Seatbelt laws are ridiculous, but I would accept having it be law that children must have their seatbelts on.

it's to prevent you from fucking up someone else and their family suing you.

If someone's not wearing their seatbealt and riding in a car with other people and get in a car crash, they're going to be flying around the car bashing in people's cunt skulls

Youre right, they should remove all road safety

Also remove tje safety caps and labels on bleach, its not like theyd have to pay for the poisoned children, right?

Tell me about it. My fucking car even beeps at me if I don't secure my seatbelt. I've been looking up ways to either deactivate that shit or if I can pull a fuse from the fusebox under the hood to get that shit to stop. I drive a Jap car too.

If I want to die a horrific death by automobile accident, then that's my God damn right. Fuck off faggots!

It always puts a smile on my face when you hear on the news about an entire family on a road trip or some shit dying because they rolled their car and NOBODY wore a seat belt. Not wearing a seat belt is an instant darwin award.

You can buy seatbelt extenders on eBay.

It was great the first time my Italian grandfather got a car that beeped when the seatbelt wasn't in. I couldn't even understand what he was saying because he was so angry.

He has these now

Pls no bully after I post this.
I have a friend whose father is actually so fat, he needs these to function as they are intended. His seatbelt seriously will not reach without one of these.

Back on topic:
That is fucking bullshit. I shouldn't need some shitty third party accessory in my car to prevent it from being an annoying faggot. God damn commies making regulations requiring it to beep at me. I swear I'll find that fuse one day. Although I hear they tie it into the same fuse used for other minor functions like backlights in your stereo system or whatever else. They're tricky.

What kind of ass backwards thinking this is? Are you against speed limits and other road rules as well?

>Are you against speed limits and other road rules as well?
No, because speed limits and other road rules affect other people.

Whether I put on my seatbelt or not only affects me. I live in Freedomland. As long as I don't infringe on other people's rights, I should be free to do whatever the fuck I want.

Why is it only for front seat passengers?

What happens to people in the back in case of a crash?

>People in cars have to wear seatbelts/restraints
>dogs don't

I hate people who have their dogs unrestrained in cars

Does that apply if ou are in someone else' car? Like is it your right to have your brains splattered in their car?
Smacking yourself around the car, broken bones, neck whiplash, maybe death. Thise without seatbelt are always worse off than those with.

>Does that apply if ou are in someone else' car? Like is it your right to have your brains splattered in their car?

I buckle up out of courtesy because I know the person who owns the vehicle in which I am in.

However, it is my right not to buckle up if I so choose.

Reminder that you Amerishits are yet to provide a good reason as to why you have allowed the government to infringe on your rights in this way.


pretty sure the Constitution doesn't give you the right to not wear a seatbelt

Why are Brits the worst shitposters? Like get over it man, America won, we're better than you in every single way you can think of. Nobody cares about you anymore

ITT - mouth breathing angry human is angrily breathing through mouth while bashing arbitrary topic

stay the same, our specie values faggots like you

>pic related
it's you OP

>checks his own dubs

oh hey OP did you notice how i referred to you as a HUMAN? no racial implication, no regional bashing, no religious attack ... just the simple label of HUMAN (which you are .. i think?)

again, stay the same

Please continue to dodge the question in the OP, you aren't embarrassing yourself at all.

are they dubs though? I couldn't tell.

>>americunts have to wear their seatbelt by law even though they don't have free healthcare

you didn't pose a question, you made an open ended statement with a snide uptick toward your personal disdain regarding seat belt policy here in the states.

i don't know why i'm engaging with a pile of shit masquerading as a human, you're literally incapable of comprehending my explanations.

stay the same you silly (most likely obese) retarded pile of scum.

i quoted so yea, dubs.

hurrrr durrrrrr ;-P

t. ass mad amerifat

He's right. Let's make this as simple as possible.

There is no question to address.


Unplug the connector under the seat.

Oh shit nigger, I didn't even think of that.

Where, exactly should I look? Like underneath where my ass usually sits? What do I look for? A typical connector cable?

>Where, exactly should I look? Like underneath where my ass usually sits? What do I look for? A typical connector cable?

Are Amerifats really this dumb?

>New Hampshire
live free or die faggots

Its usually just hanging under the seat but sometimes runs along the seat rail. Also if unplugging it doesn't work try jumping it with a paperclip or something.

>tfw New Hampshire
Now if only I can get the fucking beeping to turn off when I'm not wearing my seat belt.....

Fuck off, at least we actually drive cars instead of hopping on some bus with a bunch of sandniggers.

I'll take a look here soon. I'd love not to be pestered every time I get in my fucking car. I get enough of that from the womenfolk. Fuck.

>A typical connector cable?
What did he mean by this?

A cable that connects.

It's pretty simple, my Muslim friend.

To be fair a kid could've found that bullet and chewed on it til it went off in their mouth.

Exactly this, it's because it can affect somebody else.
This is why you can ride a motorcycle without a helmet, it's your problem.


New Hampshire reporting in

>the one state it isn't law has the state motto "live free or die"
New Hampshire is based as fuck
It's the last bastion of freedom in the U.S.

Driving is a privilege not a right

That's not how bullets work at all.

Driving isnt a right

That's not how bullets work.

It's just safety?

There that wasn't hard

He might've had fillings in his teeth. Created a charge.

You really don't understand bullets M80

Seatbelts are funny cause people wear them and then fill their car with shit like desktop ornaments and fucking scissors and pens and pencils and shit like that, I knew a guy who had a fucking bowling pin and a baseball bat in his back any serious collision this shit is going to fly around and do just as much damage to you as not wearing a seatbelt would

You can buy clothes that look like you're wearing a seatbelt when you're not, too, as well as accessories you put over your body that looks like one when it's not...seems fucking stupid to me, just wear your belt, then you'll have chest bruising/whiplash at most when you get into a collision, vs a fucking annihilated face and skull, or braindead kids

..and if your car beeps, just fucking put the seatbelt in the thing before you get into the car, it's not exactly rocket science. Ex-girlfriend of mine used to have a seatbelt clip in her handbag that she'd use whenever we got in taxis to stop the beep because she was too fat for the fucking belt (taxis all beep if passengers haven't put the belt on, and the taxi driver can be a dick about it)

Can literally empty a box of bullets and throw them one by one off a balcony and none would go off, m80, unless you got a (un)lucky through and it landed just right

I can't defend it, you're right.

True story: in my state it's illegal to drive a car without a seatbelt but 100% legal to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Take a bow big government..








West Midlands


I'll actually spell it out for you. If something doesn't hit that percussion cap in the centre (if it's centrefire) or the rim (if it's rimfire) that bullet is just gonna crack a child's teeth.
You've gotta hit that percussion cap hard enough to cause whatever (relatively stable) touch explosive is on the other side to conflagrate/detonate or no bullet.
As for fillings creating an electrical charge, that is complete and total BS. Bullets do not go off when subjected to a small (probably close to 1.5v) charge.

Those who don't wear seatbelts are generally low income idiots. It only makes sense to ticket them to pay for their free obamacare

Fuck that, you know how quickly we could eliminate alcoholism from the gene pool?

If you don't wear a seatbelt you're a fucking retard. My car doesn't move until my passengers are clicked in because I'm not going to be responsible for your retarded ass going through my windshield

Question: Why do you refer to sand niggers as asian?

It makes more sense to let those who don't wear seatbelts splatter their brains on their windshields so as to remove them from the genepool.

Because only slaves drive cars and motorcycles are for true freedom lovers. So fuck off with your false equivalence.