Brit/pol/ - Bowie was right Edition

>Thread theme

>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry

>Biggins goes full Sup Forums, sent to Room 101 by (((producers)))

>Coloured folk fight the good fight against the racist oppression of The Man

>900 out of 1,602 unaccompanied migrant children arrested for rape

>May considers reversal of abolition of hereditary peers as jews and asians rebel

>Forced marxist re-education abolished for white working class

>Labour deathmatch to decide which of their cuckwranglers is most unelectable

>Corbychev trolls JIDF by putting Pakistani baroness in charge of anti-semitism inquiry

>Jews initiate samson option as revenge for foiling their nefarious schemes with brexit

>Globalists cry tears of frustration at inexorable surge of FTSE 350

Other urls found in this thread:

Bowie only said those things because of his obsession with drugs.

Would of been cool if he did actually mean those things.

First for Bowie.

He fell for it.

nth for Karen

5th for dare to dream

Reminder: the UK will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
-Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Practical Idealism

>Schulz: For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people

>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014

>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010

I feel lied to lads
My parents always bought semi-skimmed milk so it was the one I got used too and bought for a while myself.
Just went and bought a whole milk for a change to put in my tea and it's so much better
Why would they do this to me?


Yfw Bowie has aesthetic af Trump hair.

Lads, some guy on facebook named Sam Hyde just told me to watch out as something will happen soon.

Am I in trouble?

Because they think you're a fat little shit. Or they didn't want you to become one.

>>>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry

10th for Vardy

Where is YKTD......I know I disagreed with him but his posts are the most interesting tbph.

Its boring without him.........come back YKTD.

Lads do you ever think we memed too hard with brexit?

Because I don't.

Ain't it just.

>The City of London Corporation’s policy chief
>accepting free movement of people and paying large sums to Brussels while accepting its rules would not be politically acceptable

And they don't care about losing a few shekels over it.

bowie is degenerate

>meth addict
>obviously transBBQ propaganda tool
>not even that good at singing or playing instruments

why is this guy a music meme again ?

Apparently England is becoming a Catholic country again, like before the Reformation. How did we let this happen!?

Bongs, has anyone ever in your country or anywhere given any valid reason why the EU imposes protectionist tariffs on non-member states and why any European nation should have to suffer them merely because they're not in the EU?

Did you go to church this morning?....There's your answer

What is this a response to?

Bowie was a rock star ubermensch. He has different rules to the rest of us. Dissing Bowie is degenerate.

Because Church of England attendance figures are at like 1% while the old women who go to communion probably make up 1.1%.

I'm too entitled and come from the snowflake generation to go to Church, I'm a product of my environment.

His music also fucking sucked. Degenerate freemasonic genderfluid prick. Probably isn't even dead.

Wow, you must be so red-pilled.

Good one.

at least we have your great input and legacy to keep us going, chap

Another good one.

They forgot to put extra parentheses around (((Sky News))). The jew fears the Bowie.

What was the point of that video? It seems like three people gushing over Bowie.

Posting a classic:

Yeah it's weird seeing Bowie gushing over himself.

No. The EU and its supporters like to disguise it all as free trade. It's a customs union designed primarily to benefit Germany. Economists call it "fortress Europe." It should have been attacked harder in the debates.

>In 2007, when six black teens were charged in an alleged attack on a white classmate in the tiny central Louisiana town of Jena, Bowie contributed $10,000 to a legal defense fund for the youngsters


happy brithday to me lads! can i get a happy birthday?

Not really.

Okay, but what's wrong with Europeans? America has NAFTA, and APTA, and plenty of people probably have reasons to nitpick NAFTA, but both pacts were created without any real sovereignty being relinquished. All they are are trading zones. I don't even think the US or Asia imposes significant tarrifs on other countries. There's no inherent need to give up sovereignty to have free trade, or to accept laws made by another body for free trade. Virtually every single benefit that the UK risked losing with with Brexit perhaps the exception of free movement does not require the EU to exist, only a free trade agreement, which was what the EU was when Britain entered in 1977.

Because it was never about trade. It was always about turning Europe into a federal state. They just used the trade as a shroud, and have convinced people that trade is impossible without the EU.

blimey mate, you are well versed in the art of the comeback

Must remember to write these ones down. Thanks for contributing taxes to our great country through your work at Subway and purchases of Clearasil.

Happy birthday lad

Might buy a cheeky Romanian AK47 lads


Happy birthday.
Mine on Tuesday, didn't manage to join the 27 club : (

Okay, but I'm not even sure I've heard this from supporters of Brexit. I'm not sure if even Farage drove the point home that you only need a free trade zone, not a political union.

how would you go about doing that?

id love a lee enfield

Good one.


gentle reminder the biological concept of race is real and no amount of leftist strawmanning will make it untrue

Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday. You can go out an celebrate now.


Not just trade either. They take credit for everything good to happen to Europe since WW2. Peace in Europe? Thank the EU, NATO had nothing to do with it. Fall of the iron curtain? Thanks EU! All our human rights, employment rights, any other rights. All thanks to the EU.

Huge amounts of revisionism they actually teach in schools and universities now. It's practically Orwellian. They want to wipe out the nation state identities and create a United States of Europe.

> I'm not even sure I've heard this from supporters of Brexit.

It was argued by some, but it wasn't the main theme of the campaign. Some people are pro-federation like the retards who protested after the vote. Some in the EU would rather put up barriers to trade than allow us to just maintain a good trade relationship with them. They say things like "no free trade without free movement." They want to peg the trade to the bullshit political union to force nations into line - otherwise nobody would be on board.

>They want to peg the trade to the bullshit political union to force nations into line - otherwise nobody would be on board.

gentle reminder

Did anyone during the campaign try to defend why the laws should be imposed by the EU Commission, (or whatever body it's called). I don't think I heard a single substantive argument as to why the UK should stay in the EU that wasn't a better argument about how regressive the EU was and why it should cease to exist, like for instance, the threat of tariffs that would be imposed, almost like a form of revenge.

Nope, because there is no good reason.

The remain campaign didn't make a single positive argument about the EU. They relied entirely on a negative campaign about why it would be a disaster to leave. This is largely why they lost.

Apparently Romania is full of weapons they're selling to the West. No idea how you make contact. Might try making secret hand signals to the next rag and bone truck to drive past.

>Kalergi prize

why isn't there a wiki article on this?

Is this real life



There were always a few nitwits who actually believe that the EU commission process is democratic and tried to make that case. Their argument was basically that the civil service, which they equate to the EU commission, isn't any more democratic. Even though the comparison between the two is ludicrous.

Dayum, even doe he was a bisexual, dayum nigguh dis some good ass quote.


Me and the lads have started making some music, can you guys please give us a view and maybe a positive comment if you like it thanks x

I thought you were yanking my chain with this one. My respect for the man has reached new levels.



Happy birthday :)

>no photo

I'm fairly pissed off at how blatant is the desire from some to eliminate nation-states. His reaction, especially to the number of governments makes little sense unless this is actually what he wanted.

The US is a sovereign entity, so not entirely comparable to what should be merely political union. Also, the US has fifty state governments. And it's of course not true that Europe has one currency, unless you're only referring to the Eurozone, which isn't equivalent.


dat pic doe

I'm not sure of the whole point. Wikipedia has and is under the control of whoever edits the most, regardless of ideology. People have always subtly changed pages especially when it makes them look bad. If you want to 'change the narrative' or whatever, you should edit it more.

I'm not sure of the significance of this.

Oh I know this shit. But surely we could make a page for this prize? I mean what is even the criteria for winning it? Just being a massive kike?

Ignore my bad grammar btw, getting paid a lot for that post

Try to make a Kalergi prize page then mate. JIDF will shut it down within 24 hours.

>I'm not sure of the significance of this.
You're not sure of the significance of the Holocaust denial page having 100% jewish refutation links without literally anything from the opposing point of view to refute and categorised under Conspiracy theories and Historical negationism?

They don't even try to hide it, they don't even care.

In the treaties one of the primary objectives is what they call "commitment to ever closer union." Which means they continuously consolidate more and more power to the central bureaucracy, wanting to create a federal government, while undermining the sovereignty of nation states. They've been doing this over a period of 80 years so the people don't notice or resist. The boiling frog approach.

Ironically one of the reasons I believe the UK rebelled is because the people were never consulted. We had one referendum in 1975, when it was called the "common market" and was all about trade. Since then successive governments have signed more and more imposing treaties without consulting the people, and we've grown to resent it. They didn't slow boil this frog.

happy bitchday.


>when you pull the veil up at your arranged marriage and your queenz a tanned anjouan

>mfw nige will never be on QT ever again

Some much needed FACTS for you bigots from our allies at the BBC so you stop spreading lies and misinformation about the much needed #BLMUK movement. Otherwise we'll have you arrested under the terms of the 1976 Race Relations Act, Section 18 of the 1986 Public Order Act, Section 4A of the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act and the 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act.

I honestly can't find a decent source for the prize outside of conspiracy websites so I'm not surprised, though I'm sure there is a good source out there somewhere...?

Hard and most soft Holocaust denial is a conspiracy theory... though I agree the external links could be improved.


QT was always just 'Nigel VS the entire audience and everyone on the panel' It was incredibly frustrating

Well you can literally see Juncker holding a big plaque with Kalergi prize written on it and a shit-eating grin on his face.

Also, prove the holocaust happened please.
>government conspiracy
>gas chambers
>6 million
That's all you have to do and the matter can be settled.

You can start by answering any of these questions.

You can start by answering any of these questions. Pro-tip: wikipedia won't help you.

If black lives matter why do they kill each other all the time?

Couldn't find the thread a while ago, lads

Because there are niggers in the UK and niggers gonna nig. With the help of their willing cuck agitators of course.

>reading into the 40's and 50's
>realize America deliberately sabotaged the British Empire

Reminder they are not our friends.

Answer me, why do you make so many Brit/pol threads? Are you part British or do you just like the country?

This shit is going to red pill so many people. I hope the start some riots. Between BLM and religion of peace, we're in for a real public awakening.

That's an extremely racist and irrevelant comment to make, this isn't about the fact that most black people die at the hands of other black people, this is about the fact that after old white people (who shouldn't be allowed to vote) voted for brexit, some imaginary black people had mean things shouted at them in the street by imaginary white people (everything on the Internet is true when it fits our narrative). This is unacceptable, that's why we blocked Heathrow airport and ruined racist privileged white peoples holidays. Stay mad. (Btw check out my vice news article about #BLMUK, if it gets 100,000 clicks I get a bonus)

I'm a brit/pol/ thread factory

Kek, I just love UK

>>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry


>>Forced marxist re-education abolished for white working class

Who is now /MAY/ here?