I'm not racist but I wouldn't want to live around blacks for safety reasons.
Anyone else feel this way?
I'm not racist but I wouldn't want to live around blacks for safety reasons.
Anyone else feel this way?
Sounds racist.
I haven't achieved quite that level of cognitive dissonance unless you're defining "racist" in some weird way.
Fuck off Canadacuck, there are too options in this cold world.
Fight for whites.
Or fight for Isreal.
Do not degrade yourself by putting on the racist tag
We are all race realists
Sup Forums is a board of peace
yes we all do
who cares if you are racist or not. only liberals and niggers care about it. Secretly they don't like to live around them either.
It's not racist because it's a fact that blacks are more violent and evil than whites and having a lot of blacks gathered in one place only increases those odds. I'm afraid of the facts and statistics.
You're saying what a SJW is thinking.
>I'm not racist but
Fuck off. You're a racist.
Racism is discrimination of people on base of their race.
You wouldn't want to live close because blacks commit more murder/other delicts.
It's racism, but imo justified.
>Justifying an excuse for your blatant racism
Just embrace that you have some prejudicial tendencies. What's wrong with being racist anyway?
Just stay inside and watch anime!
That's being racist you dumb fucking leaf.
Exactly this. Nothing wrong with being racist, it just means you acknowledge the racial differences and in this case blacks are more violent.
Stop veing pussies and admit your racism, it's not a bad thing, only liberal agenda oushed for it to be considered bad. Hundred years ago you could openly be racist.
That's the best Idea i've heard on this site in ages.
I am racist, I do live near black people, and that's probably why I am racist.
I wanna fuc umaru
I am more afraid of whites than blacks. A black crook may steal my wallet or jack my car, but a white crook will destabilize my country and enslave my people (i.e. British Empire). White anger is very destructive.
I live around black people. Every person in every room in the 50 or so units in my area is black. If I wasn't armed, I would be seriously concerned, but since people see that my truck has guns in it when I come home from work diswades people. The closest I ever came was someone walking in when I didn't lock up, and I wasn't convinced enough that they had just picked the wrong door. After that, I got a hidden motion camera that faced the entrance.
i'm racist but i like hot black girls
wat do?
>ywn black ebina san
I don't want to live around batmans.
Cause batmans beats up on me.
This doesn't make me racist.
And yes, this is white face paint so I can fit in with the rest of you crazy fun peoples
but y not?
>What's wrong with being racist anyway?
According to liberals racism is a hereditary trait of all whites. Personally I think the PoC shitlords need to check their racist privilege and leave whites alone.
Hate fuck them and leave them with your child.
Just don't
Black on black violence is very frequent in america. In your country however there is no white destruction going on, nor whites being a large part of your population. Which is probably the reason you're so poor.
umaru not for fuc?
No! Stupid Australian!
but y not? he have cute boipucci?
Is it racist to just state the fact that black people smell different than White people?
Like being around them they definitely smell muskier or something. Every black person I've met has this smell to them
>Anyone else feel this way?
yes it is called racism
Like every doctor can tell you say, blacks as a race are less susceptable to Malaria. In terms of Malaria resistance, blacks are superior. That's racist. Whites are less likely to suffer from a depletion of Vitamin D, so racist.
Racist is basically a useless world. Everybody says they aren't racist but people have varying levels of racist beliefs from the most staunch white supremacist to the SJWs. The word only serves the societal purpose of marking certain beliefs as anti-social or negative or whatever, it doesn't really mean fucking anything.
I know that's rich coming from a Sup Forumslack but seriously. If you literally tried not to be racist at all you would be completely retarded, if you were a doctor you would kill your patients. So people set this arbitrary line, before which things aren't racist because it's not racist if it's true, and after which things are very very racist and totally wrong.
It's one of the stupidest and most worthless words in the English language, it's designed to actually STOP discussion of certain topics for the greater good of society. Another one I hate is "fascism" as people use it to describe fucking everything.
Thats also being racist.
Its cool though bud. Welcome to the club..
We are not poor, the wealth is accumulated at the top with a handful of families that own most of the land and resources. We are poor because of mismanagement, corruption and idiotic policies.
That is okay though, our largest demographic is young males and a huge middle class with mobility to upper class using business and trade. Life is quite stable if you have a Masters degree or PhD.
>I'm not racist but .
Why do you deny it?
>Compton, one of the shittiest, most dangerous cities in the United States is only populated by 25% whites and consists mainly of blacks and hispanics
OP's worries are justified
You can't say that!
It's the current year!!
Give it a little time. Soon you'll be able to have these feelings unapologetically.
>At least you are smart enough to make the, what should be, obvious connection. You've already proven better and more intellectually honest than the rest of the blue-pilled retards.
It isn't about skin color OP,it's about wealth. You wanna be safe? Stay away from the poor.
Niggers are more violent regardless of wealth
This. And which group is genetically predisposed to lower intelligence which leads to said poverty?
I want to bully Umaru violently
funny, the blacks i work with won't live around them either
Just know the Nigger warning signs, this goes for any race, White Niggers are fucking disgusting.