Okay, maybe my dad did steal Itchy. So what? Animation is built on plagiarism...

>Okay, maybe my dad did steal Itchy. So what? Animation is built on plagiarism. If it weren't for someone plagiarizing the Honeymooners we wouldn't have the Flintstones. If someone hadn't ripped off Sergeant Bilko, there'd be no Top Cat. Huckleberry Hound, Chief Wiggum, Yogi Bear? Hah! Andy Griffith, Edward G. Robinson, Art Carney. Your honor, you take away our right to steal ideas, where are they gonna come from?

Was he right?

Other urls found in this thread:



Flintstones wasn't plagiarism, it was parody.

Yeah. Look at popular shows now.

Ummmm.... How about......
"Ghost Mutt"?

Yes, but this examples are awful

yes, pic related

Sure. Shakespeare never had an original idea in his entire career.

No. From what I remember Itchy was literally stolen, as a character. Not loose parody like all his examples.
He's not wrong in the sense that we largely lift our ideas from other stories and media, but he is wrong in the sense his company has no right to the character it stole.

My favorite part of that is that Wiggum is in the room, and looks over at the mention of his name.


>it was parody.

The fallback of all plagiarists. That and "homage".

Is there a robot with tits?

I can't speak for the others, but Chief Wiggum absolutely was a parody of Edward G. Robinson and I don't think they ever made a secret of that. Parodies are kind of The Simpsons' thing.

They even lifted a Billy Crystal bit.

for the 60s-70s hanna-barbera era, yes.
for cartoons in general, no. most of them were original and created their own original and distinct characters

that's more of a "beam me up scotty"
people who arent terribly familiar with the bible, old movies, or old movies about the bible just go "that guy that talks like a gangster from the old looney tunes or whatever, he said 'nyaah where's your messiah now?' right? that's his thing"

Some day I wanna hear the true story Flatulent Fox is based on.

You must really hate Over The Garden Wall.

Found the millennial.

Jackie Gleason and his lawyer both knew they could win a plagiarism lawsuit against H-B. They only backed off when Gleason realized he would be remembered as the guy who got Fred Flintstone taken off the air.