'BREAKING NEWS: German anti-terror police prepare to storm building as armed man 'barricades himself inside restaurant' '
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It's not like they will do something about this shit.
They'll bury it like that suicide bomber thing, they even try anymore.
Religion of peace?
everything will be fine. sharia-police will handle the situation now.
Restaurant "Dubrovnik"
First Croatian semi happening.
What would Croatia do if some Croats were hurt/killed in this shit?
Wir schaffen das.
What can Croatia to?
Mudslimes beheaded that Crotaian guy last year, what was there to do?
We could borrow your kebab removing tool in a perfect world. But no.
>Restaurant "Dubrovnik"
Goddamn rapefugees, shitting even on white cities.
>A police official said the man seemed to be in an 'exceptional psychological situation' and there were no indications that this was a terrorist-related incident.
Officially not a happening, move on people, nothing to see here. Wir schaffen das!
who gives a fuck about your irrelevant people
>'exceptional psychological situation'
They just blow all the money for anti terror police for fun.
Another German-(Insert Muslim nationality) no doubt.
Attacker has been identified as a Syrian refugee named Kassam Haiid, this madman was also behind the Munich shootings. More info to follow
fake lel
How many dead people?
>white christanans
Yea ok person of no gender
A lone German photographer married to a Jewess assassin should be live on scene.
Said Al'Haid, strikes again
You do understand he will never stop?
mentally ill tanned nowegian by any chance?
>Kassam Haiid
>Said Al'Haid
Only just realized lool.
Wasn't the point of the Sam Hyde thing to point out how quick the media were to grab at a white male being responsible for the attack? To the point they will take a fake name without verifying it properly.
please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white
At least we're more relevant than your opinion on this whole site.
It's a stupid joke that has overstayed its welcome.
>The man is thought to be the son-in-law of the owner of the restaurant, the official said. He is originally from Macedonia but has lived in Germany for many years, he added.
So he's a Macedonian snackbar.
another gas leak.
nothing to see here
>It's a stupid joke that has overstayed its welcome.
I disagree, I think it proves a point fairly well.
Remember, you cant believe a fucking WORD the german police or politicians say about this. It's a straight up orwellian theater of lies in germany these days.
well meme'd friend
There is no such thing as a "anti-terror police".
I see this dude all the time, been on here for nearly 4 years and I still don't know what the fuck it's all about.
>I see this dude all the time, been on here for nearly 4 years and I still don't know what the fuck it's all about.
Thank you fellow Britbong.
> Images with commercial trucks
Top Kek Capatcha
>the armed man was heard shouting "allahu akbar!"
>motives unknown
They have already stated ' extreme psychological factors' or some bull shit, nothing to see here he was bullied at school, not his fault.
I once fucked a Serbian. He proceeded to try and kill me.
>Happening prevention