NZ Fags Get In Here.
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AKL but HLZ tonight.
NZ Fags Get In Here
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Fesh n cheps innit brew.
This isn't Sup Forums faggot. At least give the thread a political title you fucken lazy shit cunt.
What's more cancerous, or NZ Herald?
Stuff without a doubt.
I'm not sure, but at least they're less cancerous than
>The bullet missed the reporter in Rio.
We don't say "innit".
Oi you ramarama cunt
New Zealand is an Australia state
Why are there no attractive maori women? Why are they all brutish wannabe men with substance abuse problems? Why have they contributed absolutely nothing to humanity?
Also rugby sucks and your accent is horrendous
Cancer thread.
Report for what?
Even our stone age natives can kill birds.
This is the United States. Step aside or get shot!
>Why are there no attractive maori women?
>Why are they all brutish wannabe men with substance abuse problems?
Why have they contributed absolutely nothing to humanity?
We're your best friends kid retard.
>yfw our """"""natives""""" not only managed to genocide the giant ostrich of the land, and by extension the giant eagle that ate it, but also the previous inhabitants of the land too
I love hearing the news every time some old ass bones are discovered. "These are some of the oldest remains we've ever discovered here! This is amazing!
>bones covered in teeth marks
>story is buried and forgotten
Tarara reporting in.
whats the situation like down there kiwibros?
It's like Beijing.
jake dont beet ur missus ow itz not nice lol
Fuck off cunt. Australia is to New Zealand what Mexico is to America
north island right?
Palmerston North reporting in.
How do you like my latest video, lads?
>T. Chang
Don't worry my anglo brothers we will liberate you soon
Our best friend and greatest ally is China though, don't you remember user?
True. Hardly anyone mentions how the Maori fucked up the environment after coming here and started to starve out.
Main contributor to the cannibalism seconded by the ritual side of it.
I shit you not that guy threatened to kill me on facebook back in like 2011 because I called him a black cunt
Why are we the only country to have single country exclusive generals
Read it again.
We're Britain's kid, America's best friend.
Holy fuck how have i never seen this?
Didn't you storm out of ANZUS like an angsty emo girl because of muh nuclear power?