

D-d-does this describe Trump??? NO WAY. This can't be. He was supposed to be perfect.....

I think I'm going to vote for Hillary now.

>Be Canadacuck.
>Be living in parents house.
>The fat behemoth slides his greasy fingers across the keyboard, making another shitty thread about how Trump is "BTFO" and other such things.
>Gets a new shekel.
>user feels proud, and goes off to get his chicken tendies.

Wtf I hate trump now

Well, I'd say that describes every politician. It's pretty much a prerequisite to be narcissistic to get into politics.

No. Your entire post is wrong.

>Be Eternal Anglo Retard
>Vote for Brexit
>Brexit never happens
>conservashit butthurt ensues

End your life.

>another shitty occupy democrats bait thread
>same shitty faggot leaf op

Trump is finished now! Fuck it I'm voting for the new meme in town... Here's dat Gary Johnson! xD

I know what you're trying to say - you can't remote diagnose anybody with any accuracy - but seriously Trump may actually have NPD. When he gets attacked he sometimes responds with things that don't even make sense. Like calling John McCain a war hero. This irrationality is typical of narcissistic injury. In those moments, Trump makes no rational sense because he is responding completely emotionally, or rather, with his angry sub-conscious.

If there as somebody with just a little bit more self-control than Trump we'd have somebody worth backing.

Then again, Hillary Clinton is basically Donald Trump with a little bit more self-control. They're both probably pathologically narcissistic. I remember HIllary saying, "There's the HIllary standard and then there's the standard for everybody else" in response to criticism she had gotten, completely oblivious to the fact that she was basically a pampered princess of the democratic party and was coronated. Her self-delusion, sensitivity etc. is likely not better than Trump's.

Trump has fits in public which are moderately bad. Hillary, I hear, has nearly psychotic rages in private.

I think both would be terrible presidents and are not really good human beings at all.

Lol I love those types that love to give shit but can't take it. Actually no I despise them and like it when they die.

But he's the person who's literally copped the most criticism in the world over the entire year and is still going strong. He is not npd.

>name clinic after a condiment
>expect to get taken seriously


Woah really makes you think
I will vote for that wretch now

when you can't even refute someone without using memes. if you haven't considered honestly killing yourself, you should start now.

>democratically decide something despite major outside funding to prevent said decision even taking place, not to mention the campaign against brexit once the vote was on the table

>get butthurt when you lose, rather than move around to your globalist paradise somewhere in the EU you prevent the democratic decision from being carried out

Bonus round
>its only wrong to tell someone to kill themselves if you're on the right

Neck yourself

Canada cuck will vote for hillary?
Fuck of leafy, get eaten by a polar bear idiot

>All this denial

Conservashits are failures, Brexit never happened and ever will happen, get over it bud.

((((((((((((((((((((occupy))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((((((((((democrats))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Is doublethink of this magnitude even legal? Shouldn't it be enough to classify you mentally unstable?

>you're in denial!
>brexit never happened!

Okay champ, I guess you didn't bring it up or anything :^)

More like

>Be Canadian
>do you know aboot the elections this year?
>You mean the one aboot Trump vs Hillary
>Yes thats the one
>I'm voting for Hillary even though I can't vote.

>Brexit never happened

Of course it didn't. Did you see the UK leave the EU yet, MORON? No. They haven't invoked the legal clause to do so yet, and there has been absolutely no effort to even get the process started yet. You suck, you're a moron and you should kill yourself.

^edgy 12 year old, only reason bar insufficient intelligence someone would be a liberal of this magnitude, be nice guys.


I get it, you're using memes in your cesspool echo chamber. But regardless, nobody can disprove anything I say here, you can only get angry and use memes. I am factually correct, you are all factually incorrect. Now go die.

>lack of empathy
>Occupy POZofags
Whatcha sliding rabbi?

>naming your health organization after an unhealthy condiment

If that helps you sleep at night more power to you.

>That deflection

You're talking about yourself, and you know it, deep down.