Any Questions?
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Who is that man and how did he live for over a hundred years
So you're trying to say that the artifacts of religion are really old. I can agree with you on that one, chief.
I don't get it
Science progresses while religion does nothing for humanity
Have you seen the effects of other religions on other cultures? Western culture is christian.
science created atomic bombs. Checkmate
i'd rather go to hell and chill with satanbros than spend eternity living next to those christian faggots in sweaters
Every large culture or religion has done great things for science
What has Sikhism done?
>Western culture is christian.
Lol no
Germanics arent christian
Christianity has evolved with it's believers. Christians have been very malleable for hundreds of years.
Islam on the other hand? There's a religious ideology that hasn't moved on for over a thousand years.
Not saying Christianity is good. Just saying it's not a terrible issue right now.
Fair enough m8.
What about Taoism?
science created nuclear reactors.
Religion flies planes into buildings
neither atheists nor christians will go to paradise, only true muslims will
Not much, they aren't a large religion. The Tao Te Ching is quite a wonderful contribution to society though
Oh hey it's you
Definitely is a alluring philosophy, yeah.
You are starting the obvious.
>"""""Dominican""""" """""Republic"""""
>Not been cucked by Haitians, Americans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, and Venezuelans
>German flag.
Well, colour me surprised.
really makes you think
But you're already colored, Ahmed
Kek, thanks Mr. sixty percent.