What turned her from a conservative daddy's girl to a liberal cunt from hell?
What turned her from a conservative daddy's girl to a liberal cunt from hell?
lib college perhaps
to get votes
her dad was an asshole
>"Gimme more daddy! Or i tell mom!"
School. It ruins girls.
She's always been a Reptilian infiltrator. Nothing's changed.
Leave it to the pros
She has severe brain damage from years of untreated syphilis.
Thanks, Bill!
meh, i got the eyes better.
Do you think her daddy made his old cunt wife watch while he fucked his little princess.
she's not really liberal
She went to university. Never let girls go to university.
8/10, would molest.
I've watched House like 4 times so I'm pretty much a doctor and I agree with this.
This. I'm in university for my physics degree and I have to say, universities are the most liberal scum places of earth.
The worst people of society gather in university.
I fucking hate universities, but where else can I get my degree?
I'm all right, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack.
No wonder Bill was seduced to the dark side.
>needing to manipulate a parent for affection
>should be desert tier only
She even campaigned for Goldwater, idk how she could go from a nigger hating conservative to what she is now.
Trying to "level the playing field" whatever she's a faggot
Money, It's a Hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
Ya'll need to chil
And I think I need a Lear Jet
feels good to know most of Sup Forums has taste
>What turned her from a conservative daddy's girl to a liberal cunt from hell?
Your right-wing need to be a huge drama queen.
logically that statement makes no sense, libtard
jewish shekels.
>but where else can I get my degree?
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