My father was an officer in the RAF Special Forces. He told me about Rhodesia but I never really researched it.
Redpill Me On The Republic of Rhodesia
Other urls found in this thread:
The breadbasket of Africa and a prosperous nation, kaffirs had a better standard of living there than anywhere else in Africa including SA. Huge amounts were done for them in terms of education, healthcare etc. They could even vote, although the majority of them could not vote in general elections unless they met certain requirements which 95% of them didn't meet. Before the bush war Ian Smith even publicly stated that it was one of his goals to help create a self governing black government for the kaffirs, but of course this wasn't enough.
Rhodesians would've won the bush war too if it wasn't for fucking faggot Soviet niggers funding the kaffirs.
Rhodesia should have kept the rest of its territory aswell.
Real men that existed in a col war era.
Reason why Sup Forums gets wet.
Ex northern Rhodesia, now Zambia's president has even said he welcomes back the European colonialists because of what they did for the country and its people: built infrastructure, provided jobs, healthcare, education etc. As opposed to the Chinese today who literally rape their lands for minerals and fuck off.
The poms decided that colonialism was bad.
>you will never get to be a man among men
Thanks for this Aussie brother.
I have saved it and will read it when I have time.
It's a shithole.
University graduates are now working as sidewalk vendors, dustmen and selling fire wood alongside the road.
Nigger deserve it
Did he really have to wear his graduation garb to work?
>that Canadian.
It's time to update that image and put the leafs below Irish and American with their French leaf flag.
In fact Canadians shouldn't even be counted. They're frenchsphere.
Did it in protest.
Ah. Well that makes sense.
Poor ol' faggot gatherer in your pic.
Love the way you Ozzies dealt with the Zimbo students studying there. Sent them right back. Wish I could do the same here.
Wait, you're a Saffa, aren't you?
Nope. 100% Australian.
niggers ruin everything
A racist country run by bigots under the founding principles that blacks are inferior. Fortunately the Rhodesian flag like the Confederate flag now exists only in museums.
Might be joining you there soon. Husband was offered a job at UWA. Just don't know if I want to go.
Who Here /BlackandTans/
Maybe come visit for a bit first to see how you like it. Moving to a different country is a pretty big decision to make.
I don't think he's rare, he was posting here in the past few days for sure..
He's a Kiwi you stupid cunt.
But...isn't Trinidad and Toboggan nothing but niggers?
Pardon Me?
You said 'Thanks for this Aussie brother.'
He's from New Zealand.
yeah about 60% or more
so im speaking from expirence when i say they ruin everything
Been there. Great place, really enjoyed it. Have friends there too. Just no family, and we have a kid, so need to think about it.
Bit of manners don't go a miss.
Too-special-for-crown snowflakes
Sorry but maybe you should actually check people's flags first. Especially with Aussies or Kiwis.
bake and shark*
Imagine Israel without mutilated penises
Fuck off kike
>implying I'm wrong
Crown is not the government.
>2 posts by this ID
I'm keen to start a settlement of whites in Zimbabwe. Lets all mass migrate their and form Rhodesia 2.0
What an Argument
>What an Argument.
Not an Argument.
Sure Thing Aussie Bro.
Ooops, I Mean Kiwi Bro.
You first
It was shit.
Sure, I'm just waiting for Mugabe to die. That land is filled with so many natural resources, all for the taking. We just need about 1000 men and a few guns and its ours.
whoa calm down you bad
you can't just make me think (tm) like that
Most based and prosperous country in Africa, cucked by leftist and soviets