>Not injecting pure heroin, methamphetamine and morphine
>Snorting cocaine
>Smoking marijuana in a Gandalf-style pipe
>Not living

Don't you dare call drugs degenerate, Adolf Hitler, your champion of anti-degeneracy, was enjoying all the drugs I just mentioned.

The only drug I need is the love of my family.

I smoke herb out of a finely crafted pipe sir.

I act just like Gandalf too when I am high. I once stood in the road and yelled you shall not pass to a group of Bernie supporters who were trying to fight a group of Trump supporters while wearing my robe and hat and carrying my staff.

>injecting shit
What a retard.

Hahaha, the graphic picture I just got of that in my mind, was comedy gold. Well played Sir.


>Adolf Hitler, your champion of anti-degeneracy, was enjoying all the drugs I just mentioned.
no he wasn't

And Imigrants

Hitler's birthday was 20/04 or 420 if you're American... coincidence?

Every year we make new discoveries on Hitler. Shocking eh?

[Citation needed]

So was columbine

>tfw those are two boys

They look 4 ft tall

i prefer heroine with my popcoin

Am I really a bad person if I want to put my penis in those two?

Could you just imagine laying on your back, all comfy, and having their petite little bodies alongside you. You pick one up, and impale her down on your penis, her budding breasts bouncing, perkily. And then, her tight slit, shaven pussy, grasping onto your penis. Blood trickles down the side of your shaft, as you realize you just deflowered her. With more penetration, she cums in orgasm. And then her sister, eagerly awaiting, quickly mounts you, for her turn.

>abuse substance to temporary numb the pain like a fucking rat in a Skinner's box
>not getting high from having deep contemplation about philosophy and the nature of the universe

people under 100 IQ should be executed

no, i would be angry if you thought otherwise

>doing drugs
>not being sunni muslim

He was basically taking pills and getting injections, prescribed to him by a doctor, for stomach problems, among other ailments.

His doctor was giving him painkillers, and some uppers. Basically, he was taking the equivalent of Oxycontin and Adderrall. But not all the time, and not even at the same time. Only when circumstances required it.

That's pretty hot desu

High heels wearing whores
Yes, you need to grow some taste.

Columbine indeed happened on Hitlers birthday

Mother Nature would say no. The Jews who want White women to remain sterile cock carousels until they're in their 30s would say yes.

>Don't you dare call drugs degenerate, Adolf Hitler, your champion of anti-degeneracy, was enjoying all the drugs I just mentioned.


>shaven pussy

I wish I could punch you in the face until my hand breaks, faggot


just had cocaine yesterday for a first time and its fucking nothing.

This list is so 2010 dude, but on the other hand what to expect from an aboriginal rapebaby.
Here is the actual list:
>Inject cocaine
>Eat methampetamin
>Drink morphine
>Smoke heroin
>Snort THC
>rectaly insert caffeine

+1 good goy points


This is the modified 2016 list:
Buttchug Alcohol.
Buttchug Meth
Buttchug Coke
Buttchug Heroin
Buttchug THC

Congratulations, you got ripped off.

You must be a faggot

>Using Ethanol
M8, are you suicidal? That stuff kills brain cells.

Aussie pussy

you had baby-powder slav-nigger

Nah, man, yeah, pussy is best before the hair starts growing but once it starts shouldn't be cut off.

If you snorted it you did it wrong.
Dont believe everything you saw in the magic jew box

Young millennials are butt chugging alcohol more than ever. Does that fool police breathalyzers, you think?

>Sup Forums complaining incessantly about the supposed pedosexuality agenda being pushed by the left
>this thread

Vietnam bro knows what he's talking about. The only reason one should do drugs is for spiritual or philosophical reasons. I like to use shrooms and DMT from time to time, and I smoke weed daily. No cigarettes, no booze, no pills, no needles.

>I put on my robe and wizard hat


Only cucks and bad fucks want fat, smelly, loose whores. "high/low test", is likely a meme perpetuated by some fat whore working in the NSA with a meme botnet.

what is it about prepubescent pussy you like, user?

what has porn done to millennials, Sup Forums? why do they fetishize bald pussies? why are they such low-test faggots?

fuck you for making 95% of women shave off what makes real men horny

Those two women are 22 years old. There is no pedosexuality here from wanting to fuck tight, young, 13 year old girls.

It's a fetish for a nice, clean pussy with innie lips.

That would explain the increase of rectal injuries of 12 - 25 year olds resulting from bottles.
And silly me thought the youngsters have made bottle spinning more intense.

>I do drugs
>but not THOSE drugs
>the drugs I do are okay
>but other drugs are not

In all honesty it's fucking ridiculous, and the world is going to end. When youngsters of all walks of life, think it's acceptable to destroy their anus and stick bottles up it, to get alcohol absorption.

>what is it about prepubescent pussy you like, user?
It's so small and cute and tastes so good. What's not to like about a little girl's kitty?

pls sir, this is a safezone

is that kind of a quality sign for pedos? The shadier and probable you get your CC data stolen, the better.

No, onion is appended to the end of jumbled letters and numbers to create a url for non-indexed web. Generally Tor Browser is used to visit .onion links and buy drugs and download CP. While the police masturbate in a corner to all the totally baaaaad criminal activities that happen there.

>implying I don't smoke weed everyday

>a fucking dope leaf

this comment is what finally made me decide to leave this place forever.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, cunt.

upvoted Xd