Fellow supwerpowers of the world, welcome.
Other minor nations GTFO
Fellow supwerpowers of the world, welcome.
Other minor nations GTFO
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Go away Itely you're not a superpower
Not Japan/South Korea?
Thats weird
I cant hear you over my 2 aircraft carries you faggot
we had one, but we sold it to chinks
>there are countries that have less than 10 aircraft carriers
holy shit
>Italian Carriers
>tfw no sea access
Feels relevant man
Only the USA and France have nuclear powered aircraft carriers.
Having a little helicopter carrier that you call aircraft carrier just makes you haters.
lol..that's literally a list of the shittiest countries on earth.. grats on your boat though
>inb4 ramps
>being this mad
We could march in Warsaw in a day if we want.
>implying you can use the nukes
Being this mad.
Enjoy being relevant just as a box where do deposit money.
We italians are overruning your country anyway.
if your carrier has a ramp leave the thread now
Here is the swiss one
My god you don't know what is a nuclear powered aircraft carrier?
Fuck off and clean your streets instead of being stupid
We have more tanks and soldiers dude, and calm down I just wanted to show that these carries are pretty small.
probably more effective than the italian one since italians couldn't engineer their way out of a cardboard box while holding a bucket of water and a box cutter
>thinks means they have nuclear weapons
Nuclear powered you retard. They have nuclear generators in the vessels but a shitlord country like yours can't comprehend that it seems.
>Nuclear powered
cry more about us having shut down our southern border ensuring the refugee swarm is stuck in your shitty country... a country so shit even migrants are desperate to get out.. lmao..
Italy wasn't even capable of attacking Libya when we bombed gadafi
> the United States is the only nation with double digit Aircraft carriers and over 15,000 aircraft
Top fucking kek. It really is impressive.
I love you duder
What is the purpose of an Aircraft carrier if TU 160 can bomb anywhere without needing anything to carry it?
Isn't putting your planes on a ship fucking stupid?
They're moving cities of thousands of people including landing craft for special ops and marines. China had to build islands to project any kind of legitimate naval power against US aircraft carriers.
> Shorter flights
> More efficient for support attacks
> Less oil used
What is the point of doing a 6,000km flight if you can do a 300km one?
>power against US aircraft carriers.
1 nuke turns it into a massive garbage can. Not so mighty without functioning electronics.
Carriers are pretty useless unless you just want to force project onto some mudhuts. In any real shooting war carriers operating within unrefueled strike range are dead, and any refuelers operating are also dead.
We had one. But we kept on stacking it into other ships.
>Russian education
>> Shorter flights
do you know how many times a plane is faster than a ship?
'sup, WE superpower now?
an EMP burst wouldn't knock out an aircraft carrier how do you think they shield themselves from the radiation produced by the nuclear power plants inside the vessel? Also, implying a nuclear device would ever even come close to hitting an aircraft carrier is in itself nonsensical.
>Isn't putting your planes on a ship fucking stupid?
Nope when you can use fighters to attack and then charged them quickly without needing to flight thousands of kilometers.
Are all Russians this retarded?
With carriers you can bomb desert and still look cool.
>how do you think they shield themselves from the radiation produced by the nuclear power plants inside the vessel?
A nuclear reactor does not produse EMP, the nuclear bomb does.
Even if your ship isn't going to stall, all planes, all defences and all radio stuff will.
My god you are embarrassing
Except they are right, a million dollar nuke would completely destroy a 10 billion dollar carrier, carriers have been obsolete since ww2, americans just keep building them for no reason
The only superpower in the world is the United States.
There does exist several great powers though. Sad to see Russia fall back into a great power status.
Guess what Vlad, if a carrier is nuked, then the country that nuked the carrier is going to be a fucking wasteland within an hour...
Fucking dumb ass.
I swear to god. Russians are straight up nigger tier intelligence.
Aircraft carriers are lame.
The real shit would be an orbital bomber.
And i can't be sure it doesn't exist.
A Soyuz spacecraft loaded with a fusion bomb instead of crew somewhere in space ready to deorbit when it's needed.
That's a perfect weapon no one can be prepared for.
Too bad your country cannot afford anything like that you broke bitch.
well guess we're going to build a second one , it would be good i want to serve on one so badly as a mechanician.
i think we have an aircraft carrier
>how do we make our aivation more efficient?
>let's build a 100,000 ton nuclear carrier that we will use once to bomb sandniggers with our multirole fighters
>we will probably have airbases in the region but who cares
>it takes one of these things a month to relocate to the target region but if we build a dozen of them maybe we can spread them across the globe and maybe use 1 at a time
>italy is a fucking aricraft carrier in the middle of the world
>2 (two) useless and expansive carriers
my god are you a nigger ?
Even a random Tyrone Dindunuffin in America is as clever as you
> if a carrier is nuked, then the country that nuked the carrier is going to be a fucking wasteland within an hour...
If you send us your carrier we nuke it and you deal with it.
Because if you nuke Russian territory we nuke US territory and you don't want it. We still have guns to each other head and no side can destroy another without mutual annihilation.
If we nuke your carrier we can expect your bombers and troops but not nukes.
But guess what we can also nuke your troops.
That's why all your carriers are only worth something sandnigger shitholes.
current global consensus is that no weapons are allowed in orbit.
if any country would do that it would be the same as a nuclear first strike, total outrage from the rest of the world.
HAHA Germany was once the most powerful country in Europe and now so cucked that they don't even have one aircraft carrier.
>Too bad your country cannot afford anything like that you broke bitch.
Russia cannot afford to put a bomb a Soyuz and leave it in space?
Weird statement.
Exactly you moron, that's what I'm saying, carriers are obsolete in modern warfare since we already have ICBMs and other nuclear weapons, now go eat a burger you fat piece of shit
They have never had an aircraft carrier.
Why is Thailand doing with one?
>decomissioned program
You are just mad that you have never been relevant
Why do other countries build them so small?
the real use is protecting invasion fleets. you can drop a bomb from a plane but you cant drop entire armies from planes, you need to bring them by boat
we should be making space carriers instead though
But how would you ever know?
There are shitloads of space garbage and lost or abandoned space wehicles that were supposed to supplies water to ISS.
Actually it is rather unlikely for this to NOT exist.
we would have many if we were independent from cuckada
Dude, I'm French
Our navy is better than yours, you never had one, you are just niggers in the steppes
Modern warfare has nothing to do with ICBMs.
Both of our nations do stupid shit to intervene in other nations' affairs and aircraft carriers are force projection on a mass scale.
Settle down and come have a bacon cheeseburger with me, Russia. We can work out our differences.
>My god you don't know what is a nuclear powered aircraft carrier?
Kek you meant an aircraft powered with nuclear power, didnt read correctly.
My bad.
Still, dont talk to me like that andnigger, we could come and destroy you remember that
By your logic, all types of warfare are obsolete since nukes destroy everything.
Keep feeding me your (you)'s you niggers,.
we will see what happens come november
my prediction is if the wicked witch wins you wont be a superpower very long
>Implying you can be a world super power with out loos.
Nice try greaseball
You can see the designated poopdeck
We could vaporize your frozen shit hole before you could set anything off.
Keep in mind mongrol, we have nukes right on your doorstep. The only nukes you have are on your territory. Bitch.
Not to mention the massive amount of ballistic defense systems.
You are completely surrounded. We are just waiting for you to die off.
>fucking Thailand has an aircraft carrier
what the fuck lol
>current global consensus is that no weapons are allowed
does anyone actually give a fuck about this bullshit called "international law"?
whos gonna win
>powerful and threatening weapons
You lost a war against emus
Why do you talk
>tfw island
> Italy
> Threatening of invading a country
Bwahaha pussy french telling that he has a "strong" navy, if it wasn't for americans, we would wreck your ass faster than Germans did in ww2
>Space bomber
>we should be making space carriers instead though
WAIT i just remembered.
Space Shuttle and Buran actually were space bombers!
Literally every wehicle ever developed has military conversion in mind, especially oned developed during Cold War.
Both Shuttles were able to deorbit into any place on the globe like a meteor completely impossible to intercept and deliver "the payload"
The difference is that Buran could do it without the crew on board.
T-the LHDs have ski ramps because we thought about using them for F-35B that still counts, right?
If your carrier breaks when planes take off then leave the thread now
Except that carrier would be destroyed before ever getting anywhere near the coast in an actual total war even without nukes, russia actually has pretty good coastal defences
Did RT news tell you that?
It's actually a cover for a floating city that appeals to pedophiles
Don't ask us to die for you next time your """military""" instantly collapses in the face of invasion
Know them feels brah.
We have aircraft carriers?
But why?
Dude, your navy is so ridiculous that even Italy has a stronger one than yours
During WW2 even Greece had a more powerful navy than soviet union.
And stop with your "we wuz" bullshit, you didn't do nothing, soviet union ceased to exists because you are slave niggers, you are one of the few slave people that doesn't know how to rule a country and be efficient. Even drunked Poland is better than you
kek the extras on that trailer were so shit, one of them looked at the camera
>isn't having a mobile airstrip anywhere on the ocean with full maintenance and amphibious forces stupid?
It's called projection of power. Something you seem to have forgotten about.
hon hon hon
>Be UK
>Get the ass beaten
>Retreat instantly
>Claim to have fight with bravery against germany
UK you are shit tier in war, only anglos believe that anglos are strong and brave at war
>We could vaporize your frozen shit hole before you could set anything off.
Our shit is still going to fly after everyone is dead.
All silos are set to automatically launch everything we got at you if nobody is there to press "IT"S OK" button.
>Keep in mind mongrol, we have nukes right on your doorstep. The only nukes you have are on your territory
Once they're off you have nowhere to run.
>Not to mention the massive amount of ballistic defense systems.
We have more missiles than you have defences.
Also we have Missile subs under the ice in Arctic.
Each boat has 12 fusion missiles, each missilles.
If you intercept 80% or them you're spill getting glassed.
>You are completely surrounded. We are just waiting for you to die off.
Surrownded, but not completely.
You cannot intercept an all out salvo.
filthy backstabbers to germans in ww2
better stay neutral, britbongs
Andorran invasion of Russia when?
You wuz spqr n shiet?
Nationaldefensemagazine.org, we have access to the same media as you