
>not white
>not aryan

Other urls found in this thread:

It's right there in your post. They are slavs, not whites.

Damn slavs are damn hot

Their nipples and puss puss aren't pink.



thats a german boy
i know cuz i fucked his ass last week

hmm maybe we should rescind you from your aryan status and let slavs in.

White enough for a chink like me.I will impregnate Slav women and make mixed babies. Nothing will stop me, because I am a communist. Pic related

she has two really gross diseased moles on her face

Shut up ISIS


gross moles by her mouth. would not bang

>those two tumors on face

It is, believe me, 60% man.



sauce on pic?

trap thread GO

you degenerate :3

You're not on anzu thread, m8.


Shiiieet killed my boner

... that's anzu... Okay, I'm now #CruzMissile

you just need to find the right trap :^)

Slavs are the only uncucked people left in europe

oh boy is this thread again




kek'd and check'd

It's caitlyn jenner all over again

this slovene is right

what's the problem Biaggio?

Fuck, I never knew IT was bald.

>some of us know what's up here, OP
>we know what you're trying to do


We can't. Hitler declared Slavs to be barbarian untermensch and slaughtered them.

He did spare the blonde/blue-eyed women so they could be house slaves for the Germans when they moved in to re-populate Eastern Europe.

>not popping her zits with your dick behind her cheek

why even life

imma slap my dick on yours if you don't stop triggering me

>that insectoid face

>not hwite

Thats all nice and stuff, but why did you emigrated from Poland?

You are white if your nipples and genitals are pink, and you are not Jewish or Slavic.

Aryan and white is the same shit. Regardless of what Nordic fetishists tell you.

nope, Aryans are mostly shitskins nowadays. White aryans were assimilated into Slavs.

This fag is from my city. But us blonde slavs, we are muthafacka hot.

post that pretty turk rape babby face

Slavs are white that is just fact
Now as for aryan then no Slavs are not aryan

But they are hot and white Nachbar.


shut up turkroach

People like you must be castrated.

how can yellow men even compete

go rape your 12 year old sister

> not aryan
Slavs are the closest relative to the Aryans.

Vikings are a parasitic race.

why rape when I can get a bosnian girl for a burger

thank you based thomas

Nords are just jelly Slavs and Balto-Finns are whiter than them.

Unfortunately, very soon, you won't have any choice but to do so.

Get it together, Sweden. You're still technically at war with is Israel, make it count. Do it for the free world.

you guys really are racist even towards your own brethren. Kinda saddening that you take a 100yo meme that serious.

>mother is Bosnian Serb
>father is Bosnian Croat
>turns out to be a tranny later on in life

if only u could afford burger

Guys calm the fuck down. I am le pole diaspora and I am NOT white

well there's your problem

>Meet girlfriend's Serbian family
>Her cousin takes me out shooting
>Yells "Kosovo je Srbija" before emtpying his gun
>Automatically become great friends when we discuss how disgusting homosexuals are and how bad Gay Pride is in Amsterdam
>He says he would be ready to die for his country in a heartbeat

They're white as the moon in my book

>people posting Arkan as if he's someone to admire or respect

Why? He was nothing but a common thug and criminal, who looted and killed everyone, even Serbs.

Give the West a couple of decades of niggers and mudslimes taking your women, and we'll see who's white at the end of it.

Us being "racist towards our own brethren" is the result of a "great Serbia" plan. If not for that shit, Serbs, Croats and Bosnians would all live in relative peace. But as of now, the tensions are just getting higher and higher. Also, calling slavs "not white" is borderline nitpicking. We're the whitest people around. Basing your ideals of a "pure white race" off of the propaganda spread by a dark haired, short, balding man with several disabilities is cucked beyond belief.

Yo I think this is a Serbian degenerate, and also a biological male.

Protip: no one but idiots like Seselj want that.

The main argument came from the fact that when everyone was splitting the way they wanted, the places in Croatia and Bosnia which had Serbs as a majority wanted to split away from Croatia and Bosnia to become a part of Serbia.

To me this is retarded. As retarded as the NATO/EU taking away Kosovo from us simply because Albanians drove out the local population of Serbs and managed to breed like rats.

Mother is Serb, father is Croat.

and another thread is slowly devolving into /exyugo/ ..

Because he's a hero and Muslims deserve death.

This is why Serbs and Croats should breed with each other. Results are insulting to nature.

Fuck off Slovenia, you never want to be ex-yu anyway

Except better than Sup Forums, where they just continually shitpost about the '90s conflict.

You're right OP. They are not white and they are not Aryan. They are subhuman.

R1a, Aryan that gave rise to the satem languages Armenian, Baltic, Iranian, Slavic, Sanskrit, Albanian.

R1b, Aryan that gave rise to the centum languages German, Celtic, Italic, Greek.

Hey, I never said that all Serbs want that. I just said that the whole great Serbia plan made Croats hate Serbs and Serbs hate Croats. By that plan being made, many Serbs got pulled into the idea that the entire balkan area belonged to Serbia. Thankfully, it's not nearly as prevelant as it was in was in 1991. and the following years.

Slav PS: Nema mržnje od mene brate, samo kažem da su idioti nažalost imali glavnu riječ u prijašnjim godinama.

>Slavs nipples aren't pink

Ma znam.

To politicarska govna vole da pale vatru pred izbore pa sad se dizu spomenici i posvecuju idioti koji su samo sluzili da nas razore medjusobno.

Imam ja devojku Hrvaticu, vec smo zajedno 8 godina, a ove godine ce da bude vencanje, pre nego sto se porodi. Njena porodica i moji se slazu super.

>is an amerishit
>claims that slavs aren't white and aryan
>probably looks like pic related
How can somebody be this big of a fucking degenerate ?

kisa pada kisa pada Hrvatska propada, Vjetar piri vjetar piri Srbija se siri.

Was that supposed to be insulting or shocking ?

i think i am white, my entire family was serbian and only serbian, no one in the family knows of any nonserb

white bodily hair
pink nips
blue eyes
straight nose
long flat face
chin and forehead not at angle
can drink milk

how the fuck am I not white Sup Forums?

>amerifat retarded as usual


Slav women are like gargoyles


Fuck off, Kaladont.

We've had enough of foreign fuckers trying to divide and conquer.

Slovenia irrelevant as usual desu

Don't you have some white girls to protect from muhamed or something?

There is that, and there is ustaše
Even if foreigners don't use that tactic, croats themselves make a good job of being fags
You two can circlejerk all you want, but you cannot ignore this

thats hilarious

shut up achmed

Oh lol, this video is next level. I thought we had all the retards but I just dont even know anymore.

That bitch's hair is dark brown dyed blonde.
She's not aryan.

kys cuck


this post genuinely made me laugh

sto se ne ubijes izrode? i srbija i svet ce biti bolji bez tebe

Vojislave, nisam znao da ti Vucko daje da postujes na internetu. Jel boli guza od tvojih drugova iz Haga?

They act like jews

za koju NVO radis?

>taking hitler, the black haired selfhating crypto-kike serious
oh i am laughing

Ni za koju.

Smucilo mi se da gledam stoku kako se samo goji i obogacuje na jadu i mukama Balkana.

Jel ima govana koji su Hrvati? Ima, itekako.

Jel ima govana koji su Srbi? Nego sta.

To neku fikciju da smo mi vecni neprijatelji i da nista drugo ne mozemo nema smisla drzati zivom.

Nikad mi nece ici u glavu to. Gomila ljudi sto se ovde na 4chanu, a i na internetu uopste, proserava nije ni bilo odraslo tokom '90tih. Ako su bili zivi tad, bili su klinci, nesvesni svega.

Da li hocu da se zlocinci kazne? Da.

Ali necu da ceo jebeni narod krivim za nesto.

Kako bre ne vidis da od toga nema vajda? Nema nista od toga sem vecnog i besmislenog prolivanja krvi.

Doduse, ja sam za to da zakoljemo sve sto nije hriscansko na Balkanu.