How can you tell if a girl is red-pilled, besides something obvious like wearing a MAGA hat?

How can you tell if a girl is red-pilled, besides something obvious like wearing a MAGA hat?

talk to her?

Check and see if she has a penis. If she has a penis, she's redpilled.

find out if she's stewin' and brewin'

woah man, too far

First of all I'm pretty sure that pic in OP is a guy.

right wing death squads when

Ya, she's a trans girl. I have 'her' added on facebook and play WoW with her. 'She' lives like 10 minutes from me

When are you going to go over and suck his dick?

I prefer my women to have vaginas, but 'she' does shows on chaturbate I believe, you could probably find 'her' pretty easily. I don't know 'her' user name though

thats a well made tranny, would totally rape murder and suck her dead dick.


Behaviors, Presentation (appearance), and Friends.

Behaviors is pretty simple. There are just certain activities which attract red-pilled people over blue-pilled people. If she goes to church weekly on her own volition or goes to the shooting range, that's a strong indicator she is redpilled, etc.

How she presents herself to the world through her appearance is important as well. No redpilled woman is going to dress like a slut, have piercings (besides earings), or dye her hair some unnatural color.

If you know what type of friends this girl has, that can also be a strong indicator.

Ultimately, without really getting to know the person, the act of figuring out if they are redpilled from a distance is an imprecise science. Most of the time you should be able to get it right through observing those three things, though sometimes you will fail.

Hope this helps

>traps that only date other traps
What a waste of traps.

Tip generously guys. Drugs are expensive.



>shameless self-bump

First post, best post

>Asking for dating tips on Sup Forums
How autistic are you OP ? Just fuck fat/ugly chicks to lose your virginity and then think about finding an actually smart or "red pilled" girl. Be a man, fuck women, then think, then fuck better women.


If she wants to oven traps then she's redpilled. Anything else is unacceptable.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff.

That's hot as fuck.

No homo

>MAGA hat
it's just easy way to attract more desirable mates than feel the bern nu-males.

I thought he/she was a ruskie

>How can you tell if a girl is red-pilled,

They aren't you fucking dumb fuck.

Women are never "red-pilled" or "blue-pilled" - they always become whatever is most profitable to her.

>see the exact kind of post I would make
>look at flag

Why are Slovak flags the highest quality posters on Sup Forums?

Spends free time in the library.


Women can't be redpilled. Women just go along with whatever their man says, unless they're some sort of feminist / dominatrix. Even when that's the case they're still very bluepilled.

If a girl wears MAGA hats and she's single, it's because she's trying to attract a masculine man, which is good, but they're not really redpilled. They don't really know or care about things in the same way a man does.

>nu male cuck working as an ALT slave in Japan goes back to America (since no Jap girls go to the library)

>sees some blue haired american-overweight (=obese by world standards) girl go to the library to burn books made by cis-white males

>thinks she's redpilled

Stay cucking in Japan please, weaboo loser.

Stop talking about politics you faggots and post more traps

>No homo

Wew lad do I have some news for you!

What is this sorcery.

But he said no homo you fucking faggot.

It's not gay if the balls don't touch

Moar? Sauce?

Good lord, MUH DICK

thats not gay anymore. neither is touching dicks. its only gay if you kiss now


>liking traps
It's not gay if the look like girls, r-right?

>I would do anything for you :3
>Ethnic cleansing?
Works every time.

