as illegals cross the border to the US in 3 months.
So much for the flood of migrants to Germany.
as illegals cross the border to the US in 3 months.
So much for the flood of migrants to Germany.
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Hans shut up you need to pay up for Jamal
oh and i forgot pay up my EU BUX
US is big desu
>being proud of being a useless subhuman that needs gibsmedats
>being a shitskin
>says Pajeet bin Laden
Give us our money, Hans. And take more shitskins. And give them your money too. And your women.
We are out from eu in 2020, when money-flow will stop.
Taco-niggers are much better than islam-niggers, remember that.
You fucking retard Hans.
That is just the numbers of people who have officially been granted asylum by the government.
It doesn't reflect any migrant who is just working but not claiming asylum.
It doesn't reflect any illegal immigrant who is "off grid".
It doesn't reflect the literally 1million+ who entered since 2014.
You stupid fuck.
How many are waiting to be processed hanz?
Germany has accepted over a million already, in just about a year why are you in denial about this..
People granted asylum are different from the ones waiting to be processed..
They have no papers hanz, no nothing, you don't know if they are refugees or if they are bad guys, you don't even know if they are from the areas you think they are!
Also germany is much smaller than the US.
And are you sure that illegals = people counted as refugees?
Germany have recieved so many that businesses like hotels have been closed down and employees fire to house them, that some have been evicted from their apartments to store migrants, even castles have been used to store migrants..
>muh we're barely recieving any, so much for the flood of migrants
How much in fucking denial can you be hanz..You well know that the amount of refugees you have recieved has happened over a very short amount of time
And you'll be a part of germany by 2025. Better be gratefull we won't give half to russia this time, Untermensch.
those numbers are shit
2million arrived in the last 2 years, only ~700k got registered according to your nice graph
"wir schaffen das" meme is in danger i guess.
By 2025 Germany will be part of French-German-Belgium islam caliphate, cuck.
>knocking on poland
You better be careful you don't lose your own country and culture hanz, before you concern yourself about what other countries are doing..
If you keep this up native germans risk being a minority in their own country by the date you just mentioned.. if the migrant/refugee stuff doesn't stop soon.
you will also have received your fair share or the payments have stopped long ago. Sorry, that's what being in EU entails.
Unfortunately none of those million + who aren't granted asylum will will be deported cause muh human rights, like that guy in Ansbach.
>openly advocates for muslims taking over germany
*drops mic* it's over guys, man the reveal was fast this time.
I'd much rather live there than in your shitstain third world country.
Your average wage is nearly half our minimum wage.
Your country was shit, is shit and will remain shit, immigrants or not.
Did I note at some point that I'm pro migrants?
Germany getting more of them doesn't make poland less a shithole though.
>invade Poland
Oh please do. Please make my day. Europe can only become better after the German scourge is removed.
Learn fucking english, user
My dear krautnegro friend, why are you conflating illegal immigrants and refugees?
You already live there. You are afraid of walking on the streets in Munchen. You won't let your daughter go alone on the swimming pool. Your sister will marry a nigger. In 10 years Berlin will have muslim mayor, just like London.
Meanwhile in my shithole country we are safe and incomes are pretty fine for a decent life. Consider the fact, that a lot of ukrainians are working for the minimum wage (which is about 300 euro monthly)
>Your average wage is nearly half our minimum wage.
>Cost of living index:
>Germany - 66.79
>Poland - 38.39
Genuine refugees cannot be illegal.
You stupid Kanack. That means 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 are roaming around illegally and have no documents of any sort awaiting their time to be granted permanent asylum
The real question is how much is the cost of living in Poland compared to Germany. I could go make 75% more money in Cali, but everything cost twice as much with rent being 4x what I pay in my state.
A larger wage isn't a good indicator of quality of life.
Ya I saw that after I posted. Thanks for the info though.
You know that we can probably bet your army of woman and fatasses now?
>Over a million illegals enter the country
>Very few apply for asylum, most just shore up with other former illegals
>"Asylum" numbers virtually unchanged despite the massive demographic shift
Hans, why are you defending Merkel?
Costs of electronics are basically the same worldwide, costs of apartments in bigger cities are comparable in Poland and Germany (which is fuckin ridiculous, but everything else is cheapier in fact. Prices in German are about 1.5 times higher than in Poland.
use google translate
this + getting rid of the immigrants that didnt get asylum is nearly impossible.
>no country of origin
>no papers
>no way to send them back
which is of course why we shouldnt have let in people without papers in the first place
>muh first world
10 years and we overtake you
From what I hear, the cost of goods and services in Poland are roughly 1/3rd or even less than that compared to the UK
So our minimum wage is more or less exactly the same as the average wage in poland. I'm ok with that.
Yeah, 300€ is pretty "decent". I get nearly three times that as a student, the average minimum wage worker gets 1200€, even when you take into account the higher living cost that's still more than 2x the living standard.
Also nobody in München is afraid, I have a swimming pool on my own and every woman who marries a nigger deserves whatever is coming to her, family or not. If you're stupid enough to do that, you're on your own.
I honestly don't care what happens to Berlin. As far as I'm concerned, the russians can have it again.
>It doesn't reflect any migrant who is just working but not claiming asylum.
Can't work in Germany without an official status. Germany is not some backwards shithole.
>It doesn't reflect any illegal immigrant who is "off grid".
"off grid" migrants basically don't exist. Everyone has some kind of official status.
>It doesn't reflect the literally 1million+ who entered since 2014.
Yes, it does. Lots of people moved on to other countries. Remember the 200,000 who arrived in Sweden, the 50,000 who arrived in the UK, the 80,000 who arrived in the Netherlands etc.?
right, but just kick them out and if they don't find their way home where they came from they can starve.. Their belly will motivate them don't you worry, if you are firm enough about it.
Also if the no paper migrant that obviously tried to scheme his way into germany, if he refuses to leave and go back where he came from and try to apply legally, if they are muslim just send them to one of the 57 oic muslim nations let them deal with them, then they can interrogate them and quickly find out where they belong since they are not interested in paying for their housing and shit..
>From what I hear, the cost of goods and services in Poland are roughly 1/3rd or even less than that compared to the UK
You mean services like what?
Hairdresser for example?
yes it's why what merkel has done is cancer for europe.. but they all have to go back.. or atleast get the fuck out of europe.
>Germany is not some backwards shithole.
Keep telling yourself that, Hans.
>How many are waiting to be processed hanz?
150,000 as of mid-July.
>Germany has accepted over a million already
No, it has not, I think the official numbers show that very clearly.
>People granted asylum are different from the ones waiting to be processed..
Sure, but well, facts remain facts. Even if another 200,000 were to get asylum until next year, it would not even be 1 million in the last 10 years.
we 8th
>personal freedom
you would not fucking believe what I went through with my bigoted deputy principal over a kikebook post
I don't know exactly, I just work with a polish guy that said he pays at least triple for a car wash compared to Poland, and mayonnaise is really expensive here
What is it with slavs and mayo btw? I like mayo myself, but he puts it on fucking everything
>germany is not some backwards shithole
No it was great, but it won't be that way for many years anymore if you keep this stupid shit up that merkel is doing..
Mayo? You mean majonez?
The answer is here
>official numbers
>official workers
>registered migrants
Don't you have some bullshit open borders? If you do none of the above are a reality.
d-delete this!
we take like 1 million legals in a year, thats not even counting illegals
>>Very few apply for asylum, most just shore up with other former illegals
And why would any illegal just "shore up with others", thus not claiming any gibmees? You can't work without a status, so what would they do? How would they survive?
Face it, EVERYONE who is in Germany has some kind of relationship with the government to get gibmees.
>he got denied asylum in poland
>which is of course why we shouldnt have let in people without papers in the first place
How else are you going to be replaced?
>4.99 Zloty for majonez
>£0.98 GBP
>Same in UK is typically ~£2
So it's half the price of Scottish mayo
Also there are more homicides in your country than in ours, so no, you are not "safe" in your country.
Your country is complete shit and guess what, it isn't even due to immigrants.
I could literally just walk over there and start living there if I wanted. But why would I, why would anybody. I would much rather move to greece. The pay is just as shit, but at least I get decent weather.
Work at brothers cousins kebab shop
It happens hans, everywhere, all the time. My local kebab shop got busted for using illegal immigrant labour and had most of their staff deported
3 weeks later they were back in business, with a bunch more "legal" labour
Oh sorry, forgot graph.
Normed to per 100.000 inhabitants.
>Also there are more homicides in your country than in ours, so no, you are not "safe" in your country.
Not correct. We have much more suicides, but less homicides. Suicide is very slav thing.
>Your country is complete shit and guess what, it isn't even due to immigrants.
God fuckin damn it, accept it Hans, you are turning into second Sweden. You country will be shit soon, people are terrified and there is no Ordnung anymore.
And as for Poland, don'y you worry. We are just fine. I didn't hear bitching about how shit is Poland after world youths days.
>My local kebab shop got busted for using illegal immigrant labour
Doesn't happen in Germany. You get shut down for good. Germany ain't fucking around with illegal workers.
Plus, it makes zero sense to not be government registered as everyone, EVERYONE gets gibmees when you register.
>Doesn't happen in Germany. You get shut down for good.
Then Ahmed's Kebabs reopens as Kebab King 3 weeks down the line owned by Muhhamad Ahmed instead of Ahmed Muhhamad
>Germany ain't fucking around with illegal workers
Good point, Hans. But this doesn't apply to
>Germany ain't fucking around with illegals how do not owrk
Germany is a small country, and we have only 81 million people.
148 k in 6 months is too much!
>foreign-born population
>USA if anchor babies are considered immigrants: 25%
>Austria: 15.2%
>Germany: 14.9%
>USA without anchor babies: 14.3%
>Sweden: 14.3%
>UK: 11.3%
>France: 11.1%
>Then Ahmed's Kebabs reopens as Kebab King 3 weeks down the line owned by Muhhamad Ahmed instead of Ahmed Muhhamad
Again, you don't know anything. I talked to a Turk who opened up a pizza place and he was complaining that he was trying to get a permit for 4 months to operate a second room with tables he had purchased. He literally was asking people not sit in that other room every few minutes. He said if they send administration bureaucrats and they find out anyone is sitting in the other room, he will get shut down and lose his license and his whole existence.
So they do it anyway, I don't think you comprehend how little of a fuck they give
Doing it legitimately isn't a concern in 90% of cases, just do it anyway, and when you get shut down then your brother or cousin takes up the lease and reopens it under a different name, and Ahmed goes from being the owner to the frycook, while Muhhammad stops being the frycook and starts being the owner.
Repeat for their entire huge fucking family
Do you folks actually spend this much if your free time thinking about America?
Thanks, I guess.
I spend every moment of every day planning my escape to America from this socialist hellscape
Who wants to go to Germany lol
Again, this doesn't work in Germany. You lose your license and pay hefty fines, basically losing your whole business and if you try to transfer the business and operate it with a sham owner, they will come after you.
Germany is the worst bureaucracy there is, Germany is all about RULES RULES RULES. You can be arrested for jaywalking.
>Again, this doesn't work in Germany.
It does though, they just keep operating under a different name
Bureaucrats are slow at the best of times, anywhere in the world. Kebab King would keep operating for 6 months after they get "shut down"
Germany is supposed to be an ethnic state. USA is literally a corporation, where different classes of people live segregated lives.
Oh you didn't hear anything negative about poland? That may be because your media is now state controlled like in fucking best korea.
I guess the official Eurostat homicide statistics are fake then. Hm.
Dude, those whole kebab places are 100% for money laundering. Do you actually believe that they make money with those? Do you know how much money rent costs?
4€ for a kebab minus: wages, rent, electricity, insurance and also cost of product and maintenance for maschines. That shit isn't cost effective.
Even big players like Burger King have to slowly retreat from the German market, not to speak of smaller fast food places. When was the last time you've seen a Bratwurst-Bude? I haven't for a long time. Because it doesn't make money.
For example we got a fuckhuge one in a small village, maybe 5000 inhabitants. Rent for that place was over 2000€ a month, cold. It's still in business. Do you think they are actually making money with that? I don't.
It's cases worked on. The real number of illegals in our country is WAY above that. I know you're trying to take the piss here, but come on. Also you can't work with those numbers and just compare them to America's because our country is a tiny fart on the map compared to the USA.
your ,,country'' is going into shit and Poland is rising
>huge worldwide event in Poland 0 bombs
deal with it
Why do Americans complain about Mexican immigration so much? Almost the entire population of America don't belong there anyway, and the economy would be fucked without these immigrants
My local kebab shop (the ones that was briefly shit down) had the towns biggest coke dealer as it's main frycook. It's almost 100% only there for money laundering
if you sell döner alone its gonna be hard, you really need to have a monopoly in the area or street.
but add Coffee, beer, gogagola and gambling machines and it will pay off.
We got a "kebab restaurant" here as well. I can see how that place makes money. There is some decently priced food and people sit there, drink something and at night it's a sports bar.
But those shitty urban "dönerbuden" where all you do is get a kebab and walk out, since it smells like fat in there, it's crowded and you got absolutely no reason to stay? Money laundering. 100%.
and that motherfucker probably doesn't drink any beer, cause the koran says so.