When will they inherit the earth?

when will they inherit the earth?
will they ever reveal themselves?
redpill me on their kind

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Only when Yellowstone blows up.


The only overlords of this earth of the Gods of Egypt.

Reptilians are a metaphor for sociopaths who are dominated by their "reptile mind".

David Icke, the guy who popularized the theory, said the whole thing was a symbol for the banking elite and various groups in power.

Aliens have been actively overseeing the planet's safety since 2013 at least.

how reliable is it though?

doesn't mean they dont exist

Except, he also claims they (elites) have been passing on a modified strand of DNA ever since Babylonian times that allow these people to be possessed by reptilian entities of an inter-dimensional kind. This explains the ritual child abuse imo. They feed of fear and negative energy -- the force that's been dominant on Earth for 12000 years (Atlantis)

>how reliable is it though?

The info is gathered together from various sources onto this blogspot. Please read it.

Read more of his work. There is literally some weird ritual/satanic shit going on. Icke claims it's Reptilians but even he doesn't really know for sure and a lot of his claims aren't verifiable.

overseeing security is a good way to gain influence and have humans rely on them

am reading, its good information

I am one of they.

>when will they inherit the earth?

Inherit? The Earth is not a possession that is passed or inherited. The Earth is a garden and an arc for all life.

>will they ever reveal themselves?

We have—selectively. We will never share our existence with all.


how can we recognize youre kind

Learn to control your mind, meditation is a good start.
They can't actually physically shapeshift, it's just a mental trick. They use a psychic disguise to get your mind to see them as ordinary humans.
You need to learn how to resist that.

>a lot of his claims aren't verifiable.

Like 99% of his claims are not verifiable, yet you morons lap it up.

A lot of what he says about reptilian entities and satanic ritual abuse aren't verifiable. But it's "little" things like this that makes me stop and think about whether he's right.


By the way, he was right about Savile and Heath.

shit that video is horrifying

>believes random shit on the internet.

Plenty of people knew about Saville and Heath from the beginning, before David Icke was even a conspiracy theorist. Icke simply latched onto these claims, and they happened to be vindicated at a later date.

This is how conspiracy theorists dupe you. They churn out unverifiable claims and use a past event (that is never directly related) as evidence to support their claims. So in this case, Icke is pointing to something that actually happened (Saville and Heath), and then linking it with his conspiracy theory, which has no evidence whatsoever.

If you seriously can't understand how this is an extremely dishonest and illogical way of communicating your ideas, you're a lost cause and deserve to have your mind filled with utter nonsense. Good riddance.


Her body language tells me she's speaking the truth. All the places and castles she mentions exist. She implicates the roman catholic church including pope jp2, Soros and a whole bunch of people related to royalty, some of whom I never heard of.


Same kind of testimony.

I get what you're saying. But you don't convince me. Perhaps you should try to convince me by using something else than stating the obvious.

>Her body language tells me she's speaking the truth.

Crazy and delusional people are in many cases believable. If you're seriously going to base your world view on how believable you feel someones claims are, you're ripe to be exploited by con artists.

How am I contributing to your frustration?

You clearly need to be told the obvious, because you seem to be unaware of it. Seems like you just want to believe. I get it. Conspiracy theories are fun and they probably make your boring life much more interesting.


I don't "need" to be told anything. This is your delusion that I do. What's up with that? How am I contributing to this frustration of yours? Am I somehow a threat?

I can tell you they're not a metaphor. I used to believe the exact same thing until I had a firsthand and eye opening experience... Take a look around and tell me we're not already living in a Draco manufactured reality.

The spiritual war is very real folks. I suggest going vegetarian for good.

You're not making much sense, I don't know whether that's because of your English skills or because you're a bit mental (wouldn't surprise me since you listen to David Icke and take him seriously). I think it's time for me to depart.

Rofl. Go see a psychiatrist mate.

Good riddance.

>implying The ayys in outer space.

>Mfw Earth is hollow and the ayys are inside.

reptiles are huge cucks