Newfag here.
Why not Hillary? She has had a great political career she doesnt seem so agressive and dangerous.
What are some solid arguments against her?
Newfag here.
Why not Hillary? She has had a great political career she doesnt seem so agressive and dangerous.
What are some solid arguments against her?
She's physically sick
Have you been completely ignoring the high possibility and evidence that gives credence to claims like the Clinton's assassinating people who are against them, the heavy shit in her emails alluding to child sacrifice and fascism in the U.S. and her general character?
Im no shill.
I just need some solid arguments.
>(No shill)
>I just need some solid arguments.
She had a terrible political career and she is far more aggressive and far, far more dangerous than Trump.
Now fuck off
Can't trust someone who short circuits with the nuke codes.
Also her entire history of crookedness
Read her leaked emails.
Dirty Saudi business, assassinations, weird rituals, soros money, etc.
Everything going on in the Middle East right now, and the parts of the world affected by it, is her fault.
She's a war mongering, imperialist bitch looking to build a dynasty.
Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed crimes that do terrible damage to the American democratic process (and the people's faith in that process) through her collusion with the DNC.
She has also committed war crimes by lobbying for supplying, arming and training jihadists in both Syria and Libya, jihadists that go on to kill women and children over Islamist nonsense.
Those two 'issues' are just the tip of the iceberg. Americans, don't let this evil woman be the first female POTUS.
Thats not solid arguments. Thats accusations.
Really? Anyone wanting to challenge your Hillary OPINIONS are shills paid off by Hillary?
Its just like screaming 'muh pathriarcy'
Bring something solid, you anti-intellectual retards
Being appointed secretary of state and devastating lybia, Syria, and our relationship with Poland and Russia simultaneously is not a great political career
Go watch Clinton Cash, there's so much corruption and scandals around her, and you expect us to think this is "just a coincidence" And accusing Trump of being a racist, that is an argument? No, that is also an accusation. With Hillary it is an argument because we have proof of her ties with the DNC. Shady, Crooked woman.
Atleast some content to your accusations.
Better than nothing
>She has had a great political career
people from other countries just need to shut up when it comes to our elections if they dont know whats going on
you dont know what white water is or the fact that she was thrown out of the government over the 4 deaths in benghazi or the fact she is known to have accepted money from the exact people who funded 9/11 (saudi royal family) to fund campaigns and used the clinton foundation to pay for random shit for herself which isnt legal since its not her personal bank account or the growing number of people who have died because they had dirt on her
Trump is offensive and a total loose cannon, might seem aggressive and dangerous but honestly he is the lesser evil here by a wide, wide margin. Besides, Trump is the one that wants to stop the new cold war and make an agreement with Russia. He is actually the right choice for peace.
>Thats accusations
same goes for every shill that shitposts about trump
the only difference is that there is evidence that those accusations against hillary are true
her bodycount went up in the past week.
but i guess that's all coincidence
Here, I'll let Obama explain it with his own mouth.
Source pls
She was almost indicted by the FBI and let American citizens die in Benghazi. That's enough of a reason not to allow her to run. The only reason she's going to win is because she's well connected. Anyone else wouldn't even be in the running anymore after a fucking FBI investigation.
The entire system is rigged. It's inevitable really.
- Pro Iraq war
- Pro libyan intervention
- Pro arming isis and other terrorgroups in Syria.
This woman is dangerous and owes her alliegieance to the globalists.
policy for hire
>Pro Iraq war
>Pro Libya war
>Pro Syria war
>Pro shooting down Russian jets over Syria potentially starting WWIII
>Pro TPP pushing for it over 40 times before reading it
>Pro NSA
>Snowden is a traitor
>Pro patriotact
>Pro corruption, taking over a billion dollars in speaking fees between her and Bill over their lifetime
>Enjoys wallST
>Rigs election against Bernie, the true king of the US
>Tries to escape the freedom of information act by deleting work related emails from her own server
>All wikileaks leaks
She's no good, Trump will at his worst be as bad as her, he'll probably be terrible but not as terrible.
She's well versed in flip-flopping, and that's not someone you want running your country. Why would you vote for someone because of what they say when they regularly go back on their word? What she says is meaningless because all she's saying is what everyone wants to hear. She's a scam artist.
>>Pro Iraq war
>>Pro Libya war
>>Pro Syria war
>>Pro shooting down Russian jets over Syria potentially starting WWIII
It's almost... like.. she gets money back from military suppliers when they get a government contract.
Trump > Clinton
Too be fair Trump flipflops on almost EVERY issue.
Clinton is pretty consistent on most issues, she is consistently bad though.
Don't kid yourself, Trump flipflops WAYYY more.
my biggest reasons for not wanting her are
>perpetual war
>gun control
I also want an end to america acting as the worlds police force.
All accurate except for Bernie. He's a Commie piece of shit.
She has connections with the bohemian grove, where they "reenact" a childsacrifice "with a dummy" in fire in front of a giant owl statue (which isnt the kind of stuff i want the leader of the country to be in to, even if its just reenactment. If its a serious ritual for them like it actually seems its even worse, and even worse when you think they use real childs. She has ties with rothschild as well which cant be good.
Trum is probably controlled by the same people as clinton, but there is the small chance he isnt and is just an idiot and fucking up the coubtry on his own account instead of clinton for coorperated evil
>Vote Hillary guise! I am not a shill I swear
Fuck you and your kind.
>secret emails leak. Everyone else would be accused of high treason and sent to gitmo, but she's untouchable, even though her guilt is proven and acknowledged by the director of FBI no less.
>"We came, we saw he died, muahahahaha!" - Hillary about Gadaffi lynched by a mob
>literally wants to nuke Iran
>arranged coups all over the world, proud of them
>Bernie, the true king of the US
Ruby Ridge
Almost got charged 3 times with criminal negligence but unsurprisingly got off because she's operating and under the fucking united states government, if they disagreed with her actions she wouldn't be there.
Then you've got the deaths of ambassadors, middle eastern coups, you know, in general actual shit which should keep her out of the office yet people legitimately want to vote her corrupt ass in.
Old Russian saying "a fish rots from the head"
Bribery is illegal but it's totally OK if you make massive dinations to people's charity group totally unrelated to politics and stuff. Clinton foundation is a money laundering organization and I'm hoping the set of wikileaks leaks prove it.
I'm still waiting for Alec Baldwin to renounce his US citizenship and move to France.
You see... Bluepilled socialist fucks like yourself will beat your drum and rail against capitalism and progress with your insipid SJW bullshit. But when Trump wins in November you won't follow thru with your threat of drinking the Jim Jones koolaid.
My advice to you is watch some of Stefan Molyneux on Youtube and grow a pair of balls for yourself.
Enjoy your pennies from CTR, fucking shill.
>she doesnt seem so agressive and dangerous.
she is aggressive and dangerous and for this reason i do not understand why Sup Forums do not like it
"Liberal news told me Donald Trump wants to gas non whites and exhume Hitler's body for cloning. That's why I'm voting Hillary"
When did i ever say 'vote for hillary'?
I wanted some solid arguments against her.
I'd vote for Trump if i could.
Its just nice to have some solid arguments against the crook
how great indeed
Her election = civil war
>a great political career
If it wasn't for opening her legs to Bill, she would be no where
Whats wrong with you retards?
This is like walking into a feminist camp where they shout 'muh sexism' or 'youre just a mysogonist' to everyone who dares challenge them.
Im not saying anyone should vote for hillary you fucking retards and im no libtard sjw, im probably more right wing the any of you.
I just needed some solid arguments with some content and some people provided.
You dumbfucks just shout bullshit.
OP, even supposing you were a legit Hillary supporter and not a paid shill, the proven existence of a Hillary campaign online shill machine means that you can never be trusted.
Find some other place to fuck yourself. I'm sure reddit has a shill echo chamber of shills shilling shills for ($)Hill-bucks.
You're cherry picking what you reply to. Click my ID and find my other post before you say I'm spouting bullshit you fucking faggot.
Solid argument against her is that she's done extreme amounts of dirty dealing in politics. Another is that she has openly admitted she wants to abolish the second amendment and wants to tell Mr. and Mrs. America to "turn them in" when talking about guns. That fact that she wants to publicly shit on the document that guarantees citizens it's God given rights should be enough
Shillary supports terrorism and war (webm related, the moderate muslims she supports), here is an argument. Welcome to Sup Forums now get the fuck out.