>>shooters in restaurant
people dead
>>media has stopped coverage
Other urls found in this thread:
>>media has stopped coverage
probably cause 2 people dead isnt a happening for germany anymore
>no source
Just looks like normal goings-on in the third world senpai.
>2 dead
>tfw your country is so degenerated something like this is considered a daily occurrence not worth mentioning
moving to poland was the best decision in my life
Nothing to dude with Islam
Also belgium and austria..we should have a Sunday Funday General
Aloha snackbar?
>2 people dead
Source about that shill?
Unfortunately, it seems not
>Police said the man is thought to be the son-in-law of the restaurant's owner.
>A spokesman added the man is originally from Macedonia but has lived in Germany for many years.
First reports show that he was mentally ill. Not even kidding.
Is it a happening every time some people get killed in a muslim country? No.
German Starbucks?
could be albanian
It was the owner of the shop ,they found him sleeping in the basement without weapons..he was probably drunk and cut himself
HAPPENING, though 2 is pretty weak, can't really milk this one
we have to hype these up to get far-right sympathy points, my chinky friend
Praise kek
>The man is believed to be the son-in-law of the restaurant’s owner, the official also said. He is originally from Macedonia, but has lived in Germany for a long time.
>The police operation in Saarbruecken seems to be over, local media have reported. The man was found inside the restaurant, lying "almost asleep" in the basement, unarmed and only slightly injured, according to Saarlaendische Rundfunk radio station. He was subsequently taken to a hospital, the report said.
No Jihadist would send civilians out before he starts.
there goes the habbening
>Man took no hostages
He isnt muslim. You can tell because he doesnt want to hurt strangers.
>le happening
>guy was unarmed and found sleeping in the basement
When I was growing up I literally NEVER heard about this kind of shit.
Now, it's almost a daily thing.
SJWs will keep saying shit like "oh, how could this happen..." when deep in their heart they surely know it's third world shit skins doing it all - it's literally their fault for begging them to come here
This picture would be better if it was a .gif and he was clapping really fast like a madman
>"macedonian" origin
confirmed Serb or some other turk kind
why Sup Forums care about muslims country killed each other?
it seems to be over
>tfw neet
>tfw no special skills to offer Poland
Os it hard to learn Polish?
look here what happened
They keep saying how much society progressed. Sure we have more crime, but now fags can marry and they are pushing tranny shit onto kids, it's totally better now.
I... I don't know what to do when there is an incident in Europe that I can't blame on Islam.
this was updated 30 minutes ago focus.de
> exceptional psychological situation
oh another Einzelfall
I'm an EMT/Sanitäter here in Krautland. Can you guys use one?
dubs = right wing lunatic
No happening lads
According to our local news shooters do not hold hostages. I think there is no religion of peace involved because of that.
May be, that shooter protects himself from religion of peace...
Hope truth will get out.
Hah, you're going to get enriched.
there is only one true mummy burger bro
wer ist diese samendämon?
can u post some of the other funny ones please(days,seconds,plank units)?
Apparently this is supposed to be the new normal in our 'liberal' 'muh freeduhm' societies, a SWAT tactical team + locking down the entire city everytime someone acts weird in public.
Freedom is slavery
Expel all muslim shitters now, this is the only way we will get to keep even a remnant of our civil rights and liberties.
Why do you act like this never happened years ago?
German Mummy Frauke Petry leader of the Right Wing Party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).
you must be new here burger friendo.
>not a muslim
>not even weapons were involved
>confused dude was found sleeping in the restaurant's basement
>entire city locked down
>militarized SWAT teams storming buildings
Muslim expulsion edict NOW
Well I wish to drink from her breasts.
but aren't you lactose intolerant, user :^)
I'll bring my famous guac
she looks like this guy