While Sup Forums, Bleeding Cool, CBR and Outhouse drown in their own rage after Civil War II spoilers

While Sup Forums, Bleeding Cool, CBR and Outhouse drown in their own rage after Civil War II spoilers

Bendis is celebrating all his Iron Man issues have sold out and getting second and third printings.

Must be tiring to win and stay winning all the time.

I'd love to shit-talk Bendis on Twitter, but he has me blocked.

>marvel will always win

He never blocked me on tumblr, and I sent him some incredibly racist messages.
Then again, I was using the internet from a college I work next tom

>Bendis is celebrating all his Iron Man issues have sold out and getting second and third printings.

But that's cause nobody thought about increasing orders on #7. It only got about 50,000 copies the first time around.

Keep in mind, stores buy all these issues doesn't mean people are buying them.

I'm not sure why I'm blocked, either, because I've only very rarely @'d him.

It may have something to do with the time I profanely tweeted at Meridith Finch over her first issue of Wonder Woman.

One day in the future, the issue with the first appearance of fan favorite Riri will be worth MILLIONNNNSSSSSSSSS!

Sometimes. If it goes into third printing then it means there's definitely people out there buying it. The real question is how many of them are readers and how many of them are speculators?

Jesus, like the first appearance of Riri is actually something people are going to care about in the future.

Who could possibly speculate on comics any more? Nobody fucking buys comics. The market, top to bottom, is dead, largely thanks to Marvel. What value does any modern comic have?

When that Captain America Hydra revealed happened there was one store owner who reported on Bleeding Cool that a customer he hadn't seen since the ASM 9/11 issue came in to buy just that. It wouldn't surprise me if there were other people like that.

Remember when Joker's Daughter was selling high on ebay, and preceded to show up Batman Eternal and RH/A and that was that?

I don't know why you think that's relevant at all. Iron Man books aren't returnable, meaning Marvel already has the money on their accounts. Meaning Bendis already sold those books and got his money as well. Mission Accomplished. Marvel won.

It's as if you still believed Marvel cares about the health of the industry.

t. Marvel damage control

>reality is damage control
okay whatever

Don't cry, intern, we understand.

>Captain America HYDRA
>ASM 9/11
Is there a list of scandalous issues I could read? I'm not huge on comics but I think a lot of these might be unintentionally hilarious, or potentially quite good.

Amazing Spider-Man vol 2 #36 is the 9/11 tribute issue that his Doom crying. Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 is the issue out this year where Rogers goes "Hail Hydra" at the end.

Buyfags, and particularly speculator fags are a subhuman race.

didn't that book bled almost 3/4 of sales between issues 1 and 2 and keep going down?