Which country (or corporation) will be the first to put men on the surface of Mars?

Which country (or corporation) will be the first to put men on the surface of Mars?

America, obviously.
Britain I quess MIGHT be next.
But that's nothing, we're making the space elevator, remember.

North Korea


PRC for first on the Moon.

India ofcourse. Super power by 2020. Remember?


I want you to guess, it'll probably start with U and end with SA.

A future independent BC after Canada is dissolved

ISIS or Somalia

NASA has a planned man mission to Mars in 2020.

Why can't other countries get into space compared to the US?

only if Trump is elected

if Hillary is elected.... we'll be calling you the former USA

Red Planet, Red Destiny.

United Human Society

Why the fuck do people even care about Mars? Our own planet is far more beautiful and bountiful than that dusty shithole. Why not focus on fixing what we've allready got instead of spending millions of dollars sending some nerd up to collect dirt?

Trump-Putin 2024 mission to Mars

SpaceX with massive US subsidies/funding.

To secure the existence of our people and a future for Human children.

But we already have a base on Mars
>Who is Gary McKinnon

Spearhead a mission to Africa. The technical challenges are just as ornery.

>Our own planet is far more beautiful

Jewmerica will be the first to fake it.


Either US corporation or Chinese government.

lel no they don't

We're sending another rover to Mars in 2020
SLS's first crewed mission will be 2021-2023 and it will be a lunar orbit.

SpaceX is sending a Dragon V2 to Mars in 2018, but it will be a one-way trip with no crew.

A manned Mars landing won't happen until the mid to late 30's at best.

Britain can't be next.
Morality man says the trains are too shitty.
I was actually surprised that he is against space travel and exploration


By the time that happenes we won´t have countries anymore, either because of the nuclear holocaust or full blown communism.

Monsanto's manned Martian mission


>not going for asteroid mining
>not dropping payloads of pure platinum in a ceramic case to earth from space and making massive profits

Its like you want to have to sift through huge amounts of dirt to find highly reactive elements that are spread out and bound to other elements because liquid water is one of the best mediums for carrying chemical reactions to completion.

Asteroid mining has a high setup cost but the rewards will be beyond worth it.

To terraform another planet and have the human race be a interplanetary to inter-solar-system to intergalactic to inter-dimensional to omnipotent race of people you dumb fuck.

Humanity needs more room than Earth and Earth has only 3-4 billions years before its kill, the sun 5 billion years, the Milky Way galaxy is merging with the Andromeda Galaxy in 3-4 billion years, and the universe is suppose to meet its end in time I'm not going to type out.

Its a race against time and survival.

kek cool pic

Imagine I'm a mega rich guy, I land first on Mars, what could prevent me to declare the planet as my property?

Bongs are working on SABRE/Skylon. That might shake things up, but it's going to be a good while.

USA probably. Ideally, the US, the EU (+Britain), Russia, China and Japan should pool all their resources together for a Mars mission.

That's a representation of society, something I said we need to fix. I'm talking about the landscape and geography, no photograph I've seen of mars convinces me that it's anything but some space version of a shithole desert in chile.

If we do build a marsbase it's citizens will become the de facto 'gods' as we have been conditioned for thousands of years to believe that the gods live above. Who's going to be financing the 'gods'? Do you think they will be politically impartial? No, every message from them will be taken as sage wisdom because they will be seen as advanced humans, conquering the stars. If they disagree with the message their financiers want to push, funding would just be cut and they'd all die in a tragic 'accident'.

The mission to mars is just an effort to keep captive support literally thousands of miles away from outside influence.

>terraform another planet

Bad idea. Why spend all that energy escaping a gravity well just to jump down another one.

Space habitats is where its at.

usa with nasa
yurop with esa
the russians with whatever space org they have because im completely ignorant

god bless russia

Do you think that if humanity doesn't curb it's mindless expansionism and progressiveness on earth it will somehow stop once we inhabit space? Fucking off to another planet is such a faggot ass low-test solution to the worlds problems. It's essentially giving up on our own planet and trading it for something uncertain, hostile and barren. No thankyou.

RFSA or Roscosmos is the Russian agency.

There's also JAXA (Japan), CNSA (China), and ISRO (India)


In near future? None of them. Though it might happen in our lifetimes if new cold war breaks out.

You're just a momma's boy, afraid to let go of her skirt.

The UAC of course.

NASA using some of space-x's shit to save face from being beaten by some non government agency.

I don't think you understand.

We are not fucking off to another planet, humans will still live on Earth. We are simply growing the human race and getting rid of X-millions by sending them to a barren planet you're turning into a place of life and also get some resources and other shit from it.

We are still advancing our technology (It's been only 16 fucking years since 2000) and getting good on Earth, but we are also getting good on another planet. Besides if something fucks up Earth like an accidental nuclear war, the human progress made on x planet is still fine and dandy, and can come back to Earth to give it a boost/recover.

The second guy to land on mars and his gun.

All authority derives from force. A claim is hollow without the guns and bombs to back it up.

It would HAVE to be America.
quite simply.
If you have a presence on 2 planets, nuking anywhere on the earth suddenly became a lot more survivable.

>planned man mission to Mars in 2020.
Off the books they could already be there.

Your resources. Unless you somehow gotten around the "no nuclear stuff in space", and brought one along, your energy problems will take a while to solve.

Food will be a main import for mars, unless we really get it terraformed. Possible, but work for several centuries, even with technological advances.

International Laws on Earth and the fact you need to come back to Earth eventually since Mars currently lacks a bunch of shit, and you'll die up there and everything you said becomes null and void.

A joint Chinese/Russian venture most likely.

My concern is that once we, as a species are focused on interplanetary travel then it will take over from trying to fix the problems on earth because humans have a terrible propensity to take the path of least resistance. In this instance, the path is asking all the genius scientists to fix all of humanities problems by occupying more of space.

Obviously there still will be people dedicated to fixing the planet on earth but they will have less motivation and agency because what's the point? If we fuck up we can just sent the overflow to our space colonies.

I think that inevitably 'grass is always greener' will become the defining descriptive adage for humanity and we will let our own planet fall into ruin because of a widespread assertion that we can just up sticks if things get too bad.

I'd see it as a world-wide slipstream into ecological laziness and that's my problem. In an ideal world, colonizing the stars would be a fantastic proposition but we live far far from an ideal world.

There will always be problems on Earth. There will always be people starving, Africans and Syrians today, someone else tomorrow. We shouldn't let that stand in the way of mankind's advancement. Progress made in aerospace could greatly benefit the population left on Earth in a number of ways.

Does the concept of scientific spillover mean nothing to you? You don't need scientists "dedicated to fixing Earth". Let them fix Mars, and some Martian solutions will be of use on Earth.

You think the internet was made to fix anything on Earth? Fuck no, it was a communication protocol to coordinate the war effort in case of WW3. Yet, here we are: even 3rd world shitholes have smartphones with internet.

Stop with the short-sighted muh Earth, muh poor & hungry.

In a nutshell, your point is that humans will be too self-centered, as to care for the rest of their race.

Not trying to argue any of your points, but, well, does that really surprise you? Man, will be man, even in space.

If anything, being in space, with limited resources, may have its inhabitants more aware of them. You won't ever get a full-on wellfare state in space, at least not in the next few centuries. That deadbeat who made himself five kids? Back to earth with them, resource-wasting leeches they are!

Even if we focus on interplanetary travel we will always have problems on whatever planet we settle on, and we will focus on problems facing those planets and several issues like we always have.

Humanity will not simply forget Earth and what we done on it, and will continue to live, work, and do things on it since it was our Planet of Origin.

Also See:
Our biggest fear with interplanetary travel should be: Will humanity go full retarded after colonization/terraforming process of planet is done? Will, Mars go multiple warring states, or will it be single government and will Mars continue working with the Humans on Earth to continue expansion in Space or will they go retarded and "I wasn't born on Earth fuck off Earthniggers" and set us back for a few decades.


>tolerant FEMA camps on mars


The thing is that man has not always been selfish, at least not to the point of harming society as a whole. There have existed societies where the state, nation, people are valued above the individual so it is a possibility for this to make a resurgence.

My point is essentially that space colonization does have a lot of potential to benefit the human race but we must unify in a genuine sense as individual nations in order for it to succeed. If we were to send a group of seemingly elite human beings up into pseudo-heaven without the discord present in civilized nations, I believe that it would create a schism between those living on earth and those living in space.

I believe that space would be seen as 'the next level' and all worldly pursuits would dramatically lose their value, if we were to pursue space colonization in our current state.

However, if we were to see a widespread return to nationalism in the west, space travel would be beneficial, as those inhabiting space would be seen as intrepid adventurers who have taken the hard step of leaving their nations in order to enrich them with resources. They would not be envied but they would be treated with the necessary respect for their sacrifice for their country.

*with the discord

Well if one manage to go there, we can assume that there will be some kind "automatic-farm" installed to supply food, air and water.
Then you just need a pair of Stingers to prevent any other landing...

Of course it's a one-way ticket to Mars since basically you'd declare war to Earth, but imagine the satisfaction when you become the first founder of an exo-civilisation.

Oh of course don't forget to bring a bunch of qts with you...

>Our biggest fear with interplanetary travel should be: Will humanity go full retarded after colonization/terraforming process of planet is done? Will, Mars go multiple warring states, or will it be single government and will Mars continue working with the Humans on Earth to continue expansion in Space or will they go retarded and "I wasn't born on Earth fuck off Earthniggers" and set us back for a few decades.

That's the point I'm trying to make. It's too risky to send human beings up to live on a different planet because humanity is so divided at the moment.


>asteroid mining
Nigger it costs several thousand dollars to launch a kilogram of shit into orbit.Do you know how much mining equipment weighs, much less mining equipment that operates at near absolute zero? And if something goes wrong you'd have to wait for the asteroid to swing close by earth and send a crew up there to fix it. And all the asteroids that have hit earth are made of common substances like iron.

What will end up happening is that a sense of Martian nationalism will most likely take hold and either devolve into warring states on the Martian surface or the entire planet unifies and secedes from Earth. In either case the colonists wouldn't be considered elite. Mars is a dead planet, a barren wasteland. It will turn into a mining planet for sure and last time I checked, miners have never been part of the aristocracy.


None. Humans will never visit Mars during this period of civilization. Space exploration is nowhere near that point. At best AI robots will do some level of exploration or maybe modified humans that can better survive space travel made into slaves for that purpose and space mining.

You don't need a united world government to send humanity into space.

Planet Colonies would most likely start out as individually owned and managed by nation-states, but have a joint-council with other colonies to help run their survival together.

You would have:
(United States Mars Colony, European Union Joint Colony, etc, and etc.)
They would form a Mars Colony Council which runs the interactions between them on Mars, but each would report to their own home nation about what's going on.

Or you would have a Human Space Organization or something along that lines that handles the affairs of Humanity in space and tells the Council what's up.

After colonization was finished and a planet in completely inhabitable, the colonies would probably want more autonomy and don't want to be directly managed by Earth, but still has Earth connections and influence forming an inter-plantery union.

Which is good as Earth needs Mars as much Mars needs Earth. Nation-states will lose control of their colonies, but that's fine for the long run as Earth and Mars can create more colonies to control and so-on, plus its better than starting Planet War I between Earth and Mars which would fuck up both parties, not mention technology would advance a lot by this point.

Basically from human expansion you'll get a inter-plantery human union, which will allows protect human rights between planets and help regulate trade and advance human technology, planets will regulate their own nation-states, nation-states will regulate shit in their border, and so on and so forth till it reaches the individual level.


Actually I think focusing on interplanetary travel will fix a lot of the problems earth has. Not only does it unite the planet under a common endeavour but provides a goal and direction for everyone to focus on.

A lot of the west's problems with apathy and entropy will be eliminated if we have a bright exciting future to look forwards to and a lot of the 3rd worlds problems will be solved by the technological advances that will inevitably accompany such a project.

If you can grow food in space then feeding some hungry niggers won't be a problem.

Let's hope I can get a transfer to Walmart's Mars location.

I bet he will be a nigger.

You have no idea what the space race did for western society and the world. How much confidence and pride was again instilled in technology and the American people. How many children were inspired by science. So go fuck yourself.

That's a good point, however I think that long-term it would end in disaster if we don't build upon the stars with a solid foundation on earth.


>Sup Forums is literally this stupid.

No one, not for a long ass time at least, long after we're all dead. The ionizing radiation in space will kill anyone long before they get to Mars, that's why the mission has been indefinitely postponed.

>Not first man or animal to come back
That part always highlights differences in priorities.

>3 result