Should the US accept Syrian refugee lolis who are too young to have been indoctrinated in Islam and raise them in the...

Should the US accept Syrian refugee lolis who are too young to have been indoctrinated in Islam and raise them in the Christian faith?

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No. Mud is mud

Blow her brains out then stick your dick in her desu



We'd be stupid not to take the cute girls but leave the men and boys behind. That's what any proper conqueror would do.

No it'll probably be Roman heresy

Is it bad I still feel bad for the children in Syria? I hate Islam and want nothing to do with it, but I can't shake off the last bit of white altruism in me.

Only if young single men are given priority on adopting them.
>raise them in the Christian faith?
Also, fuck this noise.

The chilluns dindu nuffin. We can't save the boys though because they will grow up and want revenge.

they wont come alone and 45 year old men have pretended to be 14 year olds. besides if your a pedo your probably a muslim

>too young to have been indoctrinated in Islam
Embryos cannot apply for Asylum.

I want with my wife to adopt the second girl, for real

The call for refugees is pretty much driven by middle aged women.

You can guarantee that if it was the case that we decided just to take supple lolis and teen cunny then these women's support would instantly drop.

A cute syrian loli for every single, white NEET!

>if your a pedo your probably a muslim

yeah 1 superstition is better then the other

Only if they waive the age of consent.

That's right if you judge by number of terrorist attacks.

how bout judging by scale

It's not pedophilia, it's an investment silly. If I'm 18 and I kidnap a 5 year old, and then I raise her and then when I'm 35 and she's 23, is that pedophilia?

>You can guarantee that if it was the case that we decided just to take supple lolis and teen cunny then these women's support would instantly drop.
All the more reason to do it. This is just a nice thought though, it would never happen because democrats are losers and would bring the men over because we wouldn't want to be unfair would we? We wouldn't want to do something that benefits ourselves but does nothing for our enemies, would we?

No, that's kidnapping.

It's also still super fucked. That's like fucking your own daughter.

>implying it's bac to raise a girl to be a perfect wife for you
>A cute syrian loli for every single, white NEET!
Well, yhis is a refugee policy I can support.
>then when I'm 35 and she's 23
Why would you wait so late?
>That's like fucking your own daughter.
What's wrong with that? What's the good of having a daughter if you don't have some fun with her?

Do you have to ask?

>no communism

Into the trash it goes.

No. Kill all brown

raise them in the anime faith

It worked for woody allen

anime is a jewish invention
you can't prove me wrong

>those teeths
Tooths like that are so great, I wants to lick them.

Platonically, right?

Never heard about a teeth fetish

No, very sexually.
It's not a fetish. It's just little girls teeths so small and kinda gappy like that are so cute. Little girls with missing teeth are really cute too.

>No, very sexually.

Only if they can be plausibly said to be "white" (some would be).

Syrians are Caucasian. America needs more Caucasians

Wasn't her eye shopped so that it looks slightly bigger? Why are you goyim falling for this?

Not if they're older than 4.

True that. But I think the girls/women ought to be screened racial characteristics nevertheless.

Don't be ridiculous!

Why would someone just go online... to lie?

>people don't support this