Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do ? I was hanging out with some friends at Alexander Platz near Berlin when I got separated from my buddies and decided to go home, suddenly 3-4 immigrants come jump on me and one of them pulls a fucking butterfly knife(they are illegal here) and tells me in broken english/german " Gib uns Geld oder wir fick dich deustcher", I then give him my wallet and runned as fast as I could and I couldn't even fucking fight them, they all seemed to have knifes. I am fucking terrified, should I call the police ?
Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do...
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Seen this thread 100 times.
Well you are in their country
No point. It is thier country now Hans
Tfw robbed by a one armed men at Berlin Alexanderplatz
Haha, no. Merckel invited them, you must treat them nicely. Really enjoymg watching you krauts get ass raped though, keep these threads coming!
>No point. It is thier country now Hans
What do you mean ?
Serves you right for living in their country, whitey.
>a one armed men
It wasn't a one armed man, it was 3 to 4 masculine tall men with butterfly knives
>in their country
You can't own a country
Look at me, eh look at me. I am the German now.
>getting robbed by a one arm man outside of a flower shop
Ohhh no how could this happen? Those knives are illegal how could the get their hands on something dangerous like that?
You deserve it cuck.
Not politics btw.
Tell that to the Muslims.
Of course you should call the police you dick head. Why would you get robbed and think "Oh I guess ill tell Sup Forums i pussied out and leave it at that." Just call the police because it will work in your favor when they show a "people harassed by migrants graph"
Fuck off ahmet
Fuck off muhammad
If you live in Berlin you should always carry a second wallet with a few bucks in them that you can hand over.
Actually you should just move.
>Of course you should call the police you dick head. Why would you get robbed and think "Oh I guess ill tell Sup Forums i pussied out and leave it at that." Just call the police because it will work in your favor when they show a "people harassed by migrants graph"
It's 6.5 hours since the robbery happened, will the police still take the case ?
>If you live in Berlin you should always carry a second wallet with a few bucks in them that you can hand over.
>Actually you should just move.
I can't afford to move out
kek you sound mad.
Have getting mugged and then beaten up by Antifa while they burn your car because you are a Kartoffel.
Kill yourself.
Who cares if they don't!? The worst that can happen is they say no. And even then, its still keeping police on there toes against the somalis
>Who cares if they don't!? The worst that can happen is they say no. And even then, its still keeping police on there toes against the somalis
Nah mate, I think that they well get pissed and tell me to fuck off
Sit there and be a pussy then. I'm sure the police think you're a fag anyway.
"Dah ziz iz polize"
"I got robbed family"
"nien im pized, fuck offz"
quit acting like a fucking woman
Like OP is going to admit he let a one armed man with an eyepatch take his wallet
Chancellor didn't mention that shit when you gave her the vote, huh?
I hope you didn't insult them or you would be a criminal too.
Spotted the sandnigger.
Fuck off, Achmed.
delicous copypasta
>at Alexander Platz near Berlin
everyone can stop reading right there. stay away from shitholes, don't get robed, profit?!
>Chancellor didn't mention that shit when you gave her the vote, huh?
She actually did
>quit acting like a fucking woman
Dude, I just don't want to get fucked by the police
Germany!! You ready to have your kids raped and brainwashed?! HECK YES.
>Germany!! You ready to have your kids raped and brainwashed?! HECK YES.
WTF is wrong with you ?
carry a bowie knife.
i carry one in the city everyday, i'm an odinist so i'm allowed because of muh religous reasons. even if you aren't a European Pagan carry it anyway and say you are. Dirty immigrants like that will get scared of anything larger than a penknife.
no point in calling the police because they'll just call it an "isolated incident" and nothing will ever get done about it.
Me? Nothing wrong with me, whats wrong with you? You can't even tell the police what happend because you're a big fat stinking pussy.
>carry a bowie knife.
>i carry one in the city everyday, i'm an odinist so i'm allowed because of muh religous reasons. even if you aren't a European Pagan carry it anyway and say you are. Dirty immigrants like that will get scared of anything larger than a penknife.
Carrying knives in Germany is illegal m8
For what I've read from other germanbros here, Berlin is basically gone and done. It's full of niggers, sandniggers and leftists.
If it's true, in a city like this be robbed is the least you should expect. The average should be to get stabbed (or shoot if you're in U.S.).
Pussy/shill confirmed
Shoulda fucked them up like jason bourne
>no point in calling the police because they'll just call it an "isolated incident" and nothing will ever get done about it.
fuck off paddie
and? would you rather be stabbed and/or lose your money or just carry a knife and scare some dirty shitskins away?
>Carrying knives in Germany is illegal m8
>immigrants carry knives
>rob Germans
>Germans afraid to carry knives
>don't want to break the law
You're now a race of fucking pussies which is why you're being replaced.
did they took your virginity too user?
>and? would you rather be stabbed and/or lose your money or just carry a knife and scare some dirty shitskins away?
Even if I had a knife with me, there were 3 to 4 masculine tall men with butterfly knives, how am I supposed to defend myself with only a knife ?
>did they took your virginity too user?
Unfortunately no
Try shouting rape next time instead.
get a LARGE fucking knife. something almost like a machete that you can put in your coat.
>stay away from shitholes, don't get robed, profit?!
this, op you should stay away from germany
>Try shouting rape next time instead.
How would that help ?
>stay away from shitholes
I am already far away from Poland
>should I call the police ?
Sure, but literally nothing will happen.
Just like in Germany, Sweden has seen a 2000% increase in street robberies in the past 10 years and the police has no fucking clue how to deal with it.
Not only is the police force trained and have a size adjusted for 8 million white Swedes. Now we are 10 million of which 2.5 million are non-white and extremely aggressive.
The 'solve rate' of robberies, theft and so on is below 10% in Sweden.
The rule of law is gone in most big cities.
Lol enjoy your enrichment.
that's why you got robbed by some random muslim niggers
Might put you above Somalians for one. It would also bring people towards you to help out. Y' never know? They might record it and everything! Pussy.
>get a LARGE fucking knife. something almost like a machete that you can put in your coat.
How do I even buy one of those knives ? Does Aldi or Lidl sell them ?
>get a LARGE fucking knife. something almost like a machete that you can put in your coat.
How do I even buy one of those knives ? Does Lidl or Aldi sell them ?
>Might put you above Somalians for one. It would also bring people towards you to help out. Y' never know? They might record it and everything! Pussy.
I don't think they were somalian, they looked more like middle eastern perhaps turks
Order them off the internet. Surely you have military surplus shops in Germany? Have some common sense. Also, wear a thors hammer. If the police try to put you in prison, say your religion is being persecuted and it's your right.
A shitskin is a shitskin, I suggest you get your shit together and prepare for it to happen again. Sorry user. But you must do your bit for Germany and the white race.
In Europe you cant carry guns but you are allowed to carry pork. Next time mudslimes try to rob you just rub your wallet with some tasty bacon in front of them.
>Carrying knives in Germany is illegal m8
Not true
>Order them off the internet
So I get on a watchlist ? No thanks britbong
>A shitskin is a shitskin, I suggest you get your shit together and prepare for it to happen again.
How do you know that it will happen again ?
Old copy pasta. Nice try
you cant get on a watchlist for ordering knives. They're not just for killing, almost everyone in the world uses knives for working and chopping and hunting. Idiot. You won't be on a watchlist for ordering a military knife.
Don't play dumb with me Hanz
kick the leader/largest guy in the balls and go after the next one. Aim for balls, knees, kidney and throat. Carry a tactical pen or whatever is legal.
>Carry a tactical pen
The fuck is a "tactical pen" ?
This thread is sus
I thought I saw this one weeks ago
Just remember this next time:
Who dies for folk and fatherland, lives forever with the ancestors.
The Reich has always been built on the blood of brave souls, ready to give their life for something that is greater than them.
Next time, fight them, knowing that there is only victory.
Either you beat them, or you die, and from your blood, a new Reich blossoms.
They're made of aluminium so they wont break.
you should report it
>Just remember this next time:
>Who dies for folk and fatherland, lives forever with the ancestors.
>The Reich has always been built on the blood of brave souls, ready to give their life for something that is greater than them.
>Next time, fight them, knowing that there is only victory.
>Either you beat them, or you die, and from your blood, a new Reich blossoms.
Jesus christ you schnitzelniggers are so cringe worthy
>sacrifice yourself, goyim!
Thanx """Austria"""
Get fucked. About ten years ago a young dindu pulled a knife on me at my apt mailbox. What this dindu had not calculated was the 1911 on my hip which he quickly found himself staring down the barrel of.
That's just your inner cuck speaking.
Don't you have Ahmed to fluff?
>tactical pen
Americans must be fucking laughing at us
>I then give him my wallet and runned as fast as I could and I couldn't even fucking fight them, they all seemed to have knifes.
Don't listen to Sup Forums, you did the right thing.
Getting into a knife fight is the stupidest idea.
The only solution is to retreat and not be a murder statistic.
In the future you must not walk alone, only in groups.
>Don't you have Ahmed to fluff?
>to fluff
What ? Speak english you schnitzcelnigger
>He doesn't carry guns
>admitting you're short
>admitting you have no muscle
dont hang out at night you dumb fuck
>Don't listen to Sup Forums, you did the right thing.
>Getting into a knife fight is the stupidest idea.
>The only solution is to retreat and not be a murder statistic.
>In the future you must not walk alone, only in groups.
In the future I will go out with my sisters
more people = less likely of assault
A "fluffer" is a person who diddles a male pornstar to get him hard before a shot.
>A "fluffer" is a person who diddles a male pornstar to get him hard before a shot.
How do you know about these things ? U got experience ?
I was expecting this
>In the future I will go out with my sisters
>In the future I will go out with my sisters
now this is bait or what.
you find other men and make your own Maennerbund for mutual protection, just like the damn shitskins have done.
p.s. I would start wearing a fucking hatchet in my backpack.
>In the future I will go out with my sisters
kek women as protection
how weak are you OP?
>Germans getting robs and can't own guns for defense
>Meanwhile I'm contemplating buying a WWII German Lugar as a range toy
What a time to be alive.
I had a friend in college who was obsessed with porn. He would talk about porn constantly, stunt dicks, fluffers, all kinds of shit.
>now this is bait or what.
>you find other men and make your own Maennerbund for mutual protection, just like the damn shitskins have done.
Most men from my work are all /fit/ faggs that work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours and party 8 hours long. I will be safer if I go out with my sisters though
>I had a friend in college who was obsessed with porn. He would talk about porn constantly, stunt dicks, fluffers, all kinds of shit.
Sure thing mate