Adolph was terrible

Adolph was terrible.
This is what a führer should look like.

Other urls found in this thread:

He had a retarded son.

>A chicken farmer.

>gimped loser
>leader of a nation

not thanks

They call it "being german" here on the continent.

he was sickly and prone to headaches.

he DID force him through everything that the SS was to do in their training, but he did it off camera because he was a weak little klutz.

Himmler always looked a bit like the autistic/psychopathic outsider to me that was bullied in school. I could imagine him actually designing the death camp infrastructure if it were true.

looks like a chink

there's no one more alpha than hitler. himmler was the ultimate beta. i bet he didn't touch pussy until he was in the SS

wtf is this picture real ???


sure, pretty impressive physique if you would ask me.


Literally a mongol


In the original speech, he used the word "vernichten". While hollywood wants you to believe that this means killing everybody, it is well though out propaganda.

"nicht" means "not", so "vernichten" in a literal sense means to negate, it can also mean "demolish" or "wreck" or "damn" or "defeat". Saying "vernichten" means to completely remove their influence, it doesn´t automatically imply extermination.

They did the same with the "final solution". The german document says "gesamtlösung", which is close to "total solution" or "overall solution". During the nuremberg trials, "Gesamtlösung" was just wrongly translated to "final solution", and then back to german to "endlösung". Complete propaganda.

did himmler actually kill himself while all his buds including hitler fled to south america? guy was a dumbass yes-man, probably could've gotten any other dedicated psychopath to run the death camps without looking like some sickly elliot rodgers-looking motherfucker

>did himmler actually kill himself while all his buds including hitler fled to south america?

Himmler was captured by some US soldiers. They beat him into a pulp, falsified documents and then claimed he killed himself with cyanide. They also stripped him completely naked and a doctor previously searched his body for cyanide, also his teeth.

They still claimed he killed himself despite having a broken nose and other injuries.

>guy was a dumbass yes-man, probably could've gotten any other dedicated psychopath to run the death camps

You sure know your stuff burger huh?

Sure man, he had a pretty good routine by rippetoe. Look it up

>people still believe in death camps
>people still believe Hitler would free rather than stay with his people


He fought the Jews and for that I admire him and all the Nation Socialists. However, as I understand it, he gave secrets to the Allies and was thus considered a traitor.

meant to quote

>In the original speech, he used the word "vernichten"

>"himmler dindu nuffin!"

bullshit, he says "die ausrottung des judischen volkes"


Still, "ausrotten" dies not mean extermination. The word comes from "root out" useless plants in your garden and removing them. I know the english language is rather simplistic in that regard but ask lunguistic scientists in the german language. It does not automatically imply total extermination and the likes.

Of course they killed lots of em in the end, though not through an well planned genocidal industry.

>moving the goalpost

>coming up with this lame ass excuse

lol fucking denier fag. continue to worship some failed 13 year long dictaroship as your country goes to shit asshole

sure, its pretty well known he liked to work out

Yeah man zyzz inspired him

no its a soviet fake to scare americans

"Hey we´ll give your family a few 100k so can you testify in court about the gas chambers please?"

Kek, this is already debunked, Schlomo.

>one and half million

a new estimate, interesting

>b-but muh 6 gorrilian

what happened with that? did they kill him?

This is actually pretty interesting, I never heard of that

sounds like a weakling who got his just desserts

>"Hey we´ll give your family a few 100k so can you testify in court about the gas chambers please?"

[citation needed]

>Kek, this is already debunked, Schlomo.

>lose argument

>call em a jew

not an argument.

ALSO, he didnt say that in court. He said it in an interview on his own specifically to shut up denierfags

Did he actually do the whole training?

no. Even his dad had to pull some strings to get him into the military.

The enire nazi government is pretty amazing. Almost everyone was a giant autist

such a silly jew, you little scamp


>czechs getting cucked
more like masturbation than anything desu

nice doubles

>believed in edgy occult faggotry
>designed the SS uniforms with a literal spooky skull on the hat
>orders his units to mass execute pows but can't actually handle the sight and pukes himself like a faggot
>obsessively quotes mein kampf like a retarded child without any context incessantly, making any attempt at conversation with him immediately awkward.

Autistic manchild /r9k/ tier faggot, would fit right in here.

this. an absolute manchild without backbone

Based Himmler was the inspiration for Clarence Boddicker.

now just give me my fuckin phone call

>"nicht" means "not", so "vernichten" in a literal sense means to negate.

don't fucking shit up this board like you did last time. the second it becomes /stormfront/ again i'm axing it. ABIDE BY GLOBAL RULE #3 thanks~

this post finally settles it once and for all

the holocaust is a lie

at last i truly see

Himmler was captured by British soldiers you muppet.



No just nazi propaganda


>According to British war cabinet minutes released in 2006, Winston Churchill advocated Himmler's assassination. In response to Himmler's attempts to open peace overtures with the Allies in 1945 through Count Bernadotte, Churchill inquired if they should negotiate with Himmler and "bump him off later". "Quite entitled to do so", said Churchill. This suggestion met with some support from the British Home Office.[233]


Adolf Hitler and the German People Fought Jewish Tyranny


AIPAC - This is What Treason Looks Like


Rabbi Jews: Non-Jews are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves

That doesn't disprove anything I said.

>The duty officer, Captain Thomas Selvester, began a routine interrogation. Himmler admitted who he was, and Selvester had the prisoner searched. Himmler was taken to the headquarters of the Second British Army in Lüneburg, where Doctor Wells conducted a medical exam on him. The doctor attempted to examine the inside of Himmler's mouth, but the prisoner was reluctant to open it and jerked his head away. Himmler then bit into a hidden cyanide pill and collapsed onto the floor. He was dead within 15 minutes.[188][189]

>The duty officer, Captain Thomas Selvester, began a routine interrogation. Himmler admitted who he was, and Selvester had the prisoner searched. Himmler was taken to the headquarters of the Second British Army in Lüneburg, where Doctor Wells conducted a medical exam on him. The doctor attempted to examine the inside of Himmler's mouth, but the prisoner was reluctant to open it and jerked his head away. Himmler then bit into a hidden cyanide pill and collapsed onto the floor. He was dead within 15 minutes.[188][189] Shortly afterward, Himmler's body was buried in an unmarked grave near Lüneburg. The grave's location remains unknown.[190]


"Stay back you filthy Jew rats or I'll kill us all!"


"I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you! AHAHAHHHAHHA!" [bites into cyanide capsule]

Sigh. There was nothing we could do. All that remains now is to falsify an autopsy report and drag his inexplicably bruised corpse into an unmarked grave. RIP in peace sweet prince and Remember the British did nothing wrong.

Churchill was a globalist Rothschild slave

nothing based about that fat fuck, he ruined his country and the entire European continent.

>I could imagine him actually designing the death camp infrastructure if it were true.

[Himmler at a lit desk late at night]

"And over here.... here is where we put the coasters.... yes, that's right..... the flaming death coasters.... just next to the third cinema and jacuzzi extension.... we want to make sure the coaster passengers get a good look at the bear and eagle cage before they are flung into the flaming inferno...."

Himmler was a disgusting oppurtunist with no vision. If he'd be redpilled he would realize not only germans are aryans but he was like.
>b-but muh oktoberfest

top kek

Rommel probably would've been the best führer, he was himself an exceptional Aryan, and one of the best leaders/strategists ever to live.

>After the trial received worldwide media attention, survivor accounts of her actions resulted in other authors describing her abuse of prisoners as sadistic, and the image of her as "the concentration camp murderess" was current in post-war German society.[1] She was accused of taking souvenirs from the skin of murdered inmates with distinctive tattoos. She was known as "The Witch of Buchenwald" (Die Hexe von Buchenwald) by the inmates because of her cruelty and lasciviousness toward prisoners. She is also called in English "The Beast of Buchenwald",[2] "Queen of Buchenwald",[3][4] "Red Witch of Buchenwald",[5][6] "Butcher Widow"[7] and, more commonly, "The Bitch of Buchenwald".[8]

I know a lot about urban legends and apocrypha from having read shitloads of grisly serial killer shit and a good 60% of the stuff I read about the Holocaust is exactly like this. Total and pure tabloid horseshit designed to titillate the public.

This faggot sold Out all Of us

Read this trial transcript of Irene Haschke:

It's fucking brilliant. EXCERPT:

>Do you remember the witness Stein giving evidence in Court? -


>She says that when you were working in a cookhouse whenever a prisoner got a few drops of soup you used to knock it over and pour it out on the ground. -

It is not true; on the contrary, I gave them more soup.

>She also says that you used to hit her and others with a rubber tube or hose; is that true? -

I never had one.

>Did you ever kick the prisoners? -


>She also says - on page 24 - that there was usually quite a crowd of people round the cookhouse; is that true?

- Yes.

>What was that crowd as a rule doing? -

They were stealing.

>We have heard from Frieda Walter that there was usually a policeman to prevent this; is that so? -

The guard at the gate.

>I want to get on to yourself. Have you ever hit any prisoners? -


>First of all, I want to know for what reason you used to hit them. -

Because they took the food of others away.

>Secondly, with what used you to hit them? -

With my hand, and sometimes I used a stick that I got off the guard.

>Now let us hear a little more about this stick. What sort of stick was it? -

Just an ordinary wooden stick.

>How long was it? Just show us with your hands.

(The witness indicates about 18 inches)

>About how thick? -

(The witness indicates about 3/4 inch diameter)

>How often used you to find it necessary to beat prisoners with this stick or with your hand? -

It was only necessary when they were stealing.

>And when you hit anybody how many times did you hit them? -

Once or twice; they did not stay there.

>What was the object of your beating the prisoners in this way? -

I beat them or hit them to prevent that hundreds of other prisoners should get no food.

>Where did you have your meals? -

In the SS Canteen.

>You never talked to eat other? -

Never about our duties.

>Did you never discuss in the Mess the fact that the prisoners were starving? -


>Did you not care about it? -

What could we do about it?

>That is not quite what I am asking you. These people were dying all round you, were they not? -

I do not know.

>Were you terribly shocked at what was happening? -

I did not know that before.

>You did not know what? -

That so many bodies were lying about; we did not know that before.

>Never mind about the bodies for the moment. Just think about the live people. You must have seen these wretched people; you saw these women starving? -

I distributed quite often food without the knowledge of the SS man in charge, but after all I could not distribute the whole food; I could not give it away.

>That is not what I am asking you. I am not asking you what you did. What I am asking you at this moment is this: Were you not absolutely horribly shocked by the conditions? -


>Well, was not that the whole topic of conversation in the Mess, what you could do for them? -


>Was it never mentioned? -

We had our meals and went on duty.

she just BTFOs them and comes across as a nice moral woman. they still gave her 10 years for this shit too.

No, he was an mongoloid retard.
